Make bold empty gestures before backing down, letting yourself become a captive of their philosophies?
At least you'll get a good place to watch their own choices cause their demise as they grasp for power, just as long as you remember to close your eyes just as the final death gasps hit.
This, historically speaking, had been the most effective at scrubbing far right fascism/authoritarian from world cultures.
All other methods don't have nearly the same change over time rate in removing harmful ideologies.
We tried tolerance/education, but both those were actively rejected by them.
Threatening violence but then not following through when talking possibly collateral damage into account, and then standing back as the fascists/authoritarians finish the job for you?
That actually does sound about right. No need to destroy the very thing which they will use to destroy themselves.
You ever notice that tends to happen to alt-righters? They eventually get destroyed by their own hubris and learn nothing? They're so arrogant they skim over all final checks in their plan, and that becomes the thing that brings them down.
Marketplaces usually have standards that sellers need to follow, or else they get yeeted. The guy selling dog-turd sandwiches is going to get lobbed for stinking the place out.
At least you'll get a good place to watch their own choices cause their demise as they grasp for power, just as long as you remember to close your eyes just as the final death gasps hit.
"April Fool's! Hahaha!"
All other methods don't have nearly the same change over time rate in removing harmful ideologies.
We tried tolerance/education, but both those were actively rejected by them.
That actually does sound about right. No need to destroy the very thing which they will use to destroy themselves.
I've got a bad feeling about this...
DAMN! Wrong movie.
But also, sometimes movies have the bad guys like, defeat themselves by their own hubris to keep up the brand of the main character
But irl, caving isn’t necessary, like the ark won’t melt faces of nazis irl, so like, beat them with bats and shit lol
"Marketplace of ideas" chuds forget this.
Like, my dude, have you ever visited an actual market?
(Yes, i know it's a saying, but markets have never been a free for all. Owner of the space & other traders/customers aren't bystanders)