His only worth comes with attention. If he gets no attention, he is worth nothing. It's why tesla is overrated, spacex overrated etc.. It's just because people believe him, and listen to him. We gift him the reach he needs to win.
Whats your plan? Crying on the web until he stops?
You can not win this battle in the internet. We all need to stop sharing his shit. Stop using his shit. Stop buying his shit. He doesnt care if some random people in the internet say bad things about him :D
No, poor yt people are the slaver class. To keep poor white folks in line, they have to sell them on the subjugation of black bodies. That’s been America since 1619. Stop with your communist fantasies.
It's just funny that you've accurately pegged how the wealthy have convinced poor whites that they need to subjugate black people, and then punctuate that thought with "communists bad" like you didn't get propagandized into thinking that
There's a shortage of first responders all over the country. It's not like yt guys are being rejected from jobs lol. 30% of California firefighters are incarcerated people. They should be supporting them but of course "conservatives" want to be divisive and degrading instead of being decentAmericans
They have the gall because of who they voted into office. They have the gall because they were given a platform and the white people who disagreed didn’t yell loud enough. Instead most white people thought it would never get this far. We are literally going backwards in time.
I also love how you as a black man completely negate the fact that you’re not the only minority in the country. Cry about racism and oppression but to you there’s only two races and the rest of us don’t exist, why is that?
Last I checked latino men voted for trump over 50% so I think it's latinos tryin so hard to consider themselves a different race not black folks. But please go on
Notice how your buddy says “it’s been that way since 1619”, completely ignoring that the whites were here a century before that and unlike yall, we not only suffered through slavery but TWO genocides in N and S America before blacks were even brought here?
What does that have to do with a person completly deleting entire ethnicities? How does that justify black supremacy? When did i even say anything about Trump?
You're 100% right. Still, those poor white people are, by far, the biggest portion of "that" party's voting base and getting even a small percentage of them to see that they're being duped to some degree as well would be a devastating blow to "that" party's continued success.
Communists love to pride themselves as saviors of the oppressed until said oppressed people disagree with them, or don't even materially align with their rhetoric
I would suggest the best way to move in the direction it seems we all want on this string is to thump republicans in 2026. That will only happen if we focus on the biggest lie. Trump promised lower cost of living for the working class to get their votes. We need to focus on that truth
I’m not fighting any war standing next to maga racist. Let’s be very clear about that. Yes it’s a class war using racist to win, it’s always been a class war using racist to win. Am I saying it’s not anything else, nope yet majority of it is the rich wanting all the money and power over everything
and everyone. They’re pissed they keep getting push back. They were pissed during the civil war(they lost that) they were pissed during the 1960’s and they lost that, they’re pissed now. See a pattern?
This is true...but the poor whites won't be murdered en masse by the police...we won't be denied jobs based on the color of our skin. The penultimate game was poor people. The endgame is poor black people.
Which is exactly why we need class unity. People need to stand up for each other regardless of race, and understand that race like in the past is being used to divide and conquer.
You can’t have class unity with people if you dismiss oppression that affects them uniquely. That isn’t how you build movements, community, or organize en masse. We have to listen and ask how we can help the folks we’re aligned with, not dismiss their oppression.
Yup. Black and trans activists are becoming irrelevant. The election seems to prove that. In fact, I think it's detrimental to the entire Communist movement. We will see.
Vaccines are great. You just don't need all the extra ingredients. The experimental covid jab isn't a vaccine. Thanks for participating in the greatest pharmaceutical experiment in history. With any luck, you ended up in the control group.
And furthermore, more generational wealth was stolen from Black Folks in this country. So they’re more likely to be impoverished. So not only do they have to fear violent racism for just existing, they also have to battle poverty. This is not how you build solidarity.
Hey, don’t do that. Yes it’s a class war, but who suffers the most because of it? Black and Brown folks. Don’t dismiss the experience of people whose reality is different than yours.
I guess they're pushing back against the attacks they've had for the last few years, largely since BLM/George Floyd, DEI hiring, positive discrimination for college admission, etc. All that seems to be what got Trump re-elected.
This person blocked me for saying that “well, actually”-ing racism is wrong. The people who lack introspection sometimes end up doing the most racist things lol. The fragility! You all should probably block and save yourselves the trouble.
Yes and clearly he spends all his time on mega yatchs with celebrities and shmoozing. Expensive houses, cars No that’s Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk spends his time building things that are to the betterment of humanity.
He's the richest person in the world and the de facto POTUS. Ignoring the effects and incitement he can have on his stochastic henchman would be extremely dangerous.
The German middle and upper class thought the same thing about Hitler in the 1920’s. Just ignore him, he’ll go away. What they should’ve been doing was throwing bricks at his head every time he opened his mouth at a rally. Monsters don’t go away when ignored. They grow.
I’m betting there are damn few people of color and women working at X or Tesla. But I’m sure Space X is full of Hindus or nothing would get off the ground. Not a lot of rocket scientists amongst whites anymore. They’re happy to pay a lower “immigrant salary” for someone to do “thinking” for them.
Based off of what proof. You’re ridiculous. CA governor mismanages forest and water departments for years, LA mayor and governor are more concerned with DEI than mitigating wildfires devastating our state every year.
Aw gee where’d ya go. Sucks when you’re wrong. It’s not your fault. You’ve just been lied to and should be more diligent about where and how you consume information.
Whats your plan? Crying on the web until he stops?
But after typing it, that's literally what people like Walsh *do* think.
How much am I bid for me?
Too old for cotton but nobody picks my nose better.
(ain’t got a nickel, ain’t got a lousy dime)
he's fucking everywhere at this point