And I love how when I post pictures people respond in pictures. Breaks up the wordy cerebral anxiety here. (Then yeah we can get back to addressing the state of the world, maybe refreshed or recharged.)
newly dug tomb for old magical cat w/ sprigs of manzanita in bloom in February; flower-embroidered thoub from Palestine bought on Telegraph Ave, Berkeley early 1970s; remnant patches of native toothwort (with new hatch of 100s of ladybugs); native fawn lilies—blooming now
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful images while you gather your thoughts about Newsom. I think his cynical platforming of Charlie effing Kirk was disqualifying by itself and his betrayal of people he pretended to champion reveals all.
Hi Katherine, we are the Imogen Cunningham Trust. We hold and manage all of Imogen’s work. For more information visit our website at
You probably know this but I was just amazed to find out magnolias evolved before bees. The reason they are so fleshy and thick is because they were originally adapted to be pollinated by beetles. 🪲 What an amazing world.
I have a large magnolia right outside of my front door. It's not blooming yet (still way too cold in northern Illinois) but I can't wait. It's the only one on my street so when you turn the corner it's the first thing you see. I just wish the tree would stay in bloom longer than 10 minutes. 😀.
Here in Humboldt they’ve been erratic the last few years - earliest bloom feb 7 latest march 7 , this year about feb 25 - i hope that later means not so many wild babies so soon in April. We could use the extra prep time
It is crazy how many people think everyone in California is wearing a bikini under a palm tree. I liked boasting about the 80+ feet of snow piled up in Mammoth a winter or two ago. We're a state and also a dozen or so different environments/ climates.
I have been genetically reengineered to never leave the house without a warm layer just in case. Which is hard to shake in, say, August in the Southwest.
Our neighbour made Magnolia Gin last year - she marinated some petals in Gin for a few days, with some sugar to balance the bitterness. It was a bit trial and error - she did several batches - hoping that she'll try again this year.
They won't be out here until early May (central belt Scotland).
Among the oldest of flowering plants. They close at night, trapping their principal pollinators, beetles, which are released, with the pollen, in the morning.
My magnolias have buds but no blooms yet. I have 5 that bloom early spring (Star, Rustica Rubra, and 3 others), one late spring (Elisabeth), and one that blooms in the summer. Salem OR. I’m thinking about 2 more weeks until the first five start opening. Previous year in photo.
They won't be out here until early May (central belt Scotland).
Me: Crap - now what? It's been 6 minutes since the last.. *sees magnolias - bursts into tears of relief*