Some 26.1% of Ukrainians said they completely approve Zelensky, while another 36.9% said they tend to approve him. The overall figure is higher than in polls conducted years before Russia's full-scale invasion, as well as in the spring of 2024. Mr.VZelensky,Pres.of Ukr. Please do NOT lower your standards for yourself,your people,fellow Ukrainians & Democracy loving peoples of US Americans. Be smart & DO
2. NOT ever back down from speaking Truth.Pound those who wish to eliminate & destroy your love for ea.other & your nation. The Truth will always prevail,use it w/other Democratic loving Nations.Continue to be strong to stay strong! Once
3. you give in & lower your std,the enemy will use in their goal at the demise of Ukraine’s Identity. Never, Never,Never Ever give up or give in to evil, you know it when you hear it,see it,do not fall for its illusions in any person or gov. And Never put all (most) of your eggs in one basket.
4. dTrump47 & his inept Admn. are pretty дурний. Have adaptive plans B,C,D,E know precise goal & target.WIN to Be,lose at the detriment of all Democratic loving peoples. As,those who took the easy path when they in their passions & laziness to be critical thinkers, aided
5. -abetted a dTrump47,they are learning & feeling the effects of their decision.
Ukraine’s History will not let you compromise,Democracy is non-negotiable,everything depends on it! Ukraine’s economy,community,
livelihood,family,friends &loved ones.
Ukraine please know we Americans are horrified that Trump is not supporting you and telling unbelievable lies!!! Zelenskyy is a hero and your strength and resilience will prevail.
As an American, I approve of him, too. Fuck Trump. Slava Ukraini!
And I'm glad a comedian became president. Comedians are the ultimate response to corrupt authority, and always have been. They're the ones that highlight tyranny, all while entertaining the masses.
humm 🤔 ... interesting, about the same % of americans hate the felon dicktraitor in office... and ❤️ love Zelensky for his courage to stand up to an ☆sshole
I don’t lump Republicans and Democrats together because Republicans are orders of magnitude more corrupt! And pretending otherwise is not at all helpful.
Everyone knows this except Trump, who repeats Putin propaganda.
The only president in history who trusts the Russian president more than his own intelligence experts
Trump knows the truth but lies all the time. Some would say he gaslights people all the time. Let us just say Trump is working for Russia and is going to destroy the United States.
James Carville just handed Hannity his ASS while making the best point EVER that Dems need to start pushing. MAGA & DOGE TALK LIKE A BILLION IS A SAVINGS WHEN THE BUDGET IS 6 TRILLION! Eliminating USAID only saved .041%. TRUMP RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST FEDERAL DEBT IN HISTORY!
who funds the poll? Oh, USAID. When did the poll come out, oh exactly one day after trump called Zelensky out for being a dictator. Nothing suss at all
The bully and the "quid pro quo" genius wants appreciation from a duly elected president of a democratic nation who he called a dictator who started a war with ruϟϟia, while kissing the ass of real dictator that started the war with Ukraine - this is the definition of a deranged Mother f*ucker!
Zelensky, Please do not sign that rare earth metal demand. I am an American, so please do not sign. They want 50%...Fk that! I am currently busy fighting fascists in America. But that is my plea...DO. Not. Sign. !!!!!
I hope Zelensky doesn't fall for Trump's offer to continue helping Ukraine if they hand over half of their gold & precious minerals. Trump is a liar & won't keep his side of any deal that doesn't help Putin or enrich himself. If he agrees, I hope he only gives up enough to pay the US back, no more.
Far too many. Online astroturfing aside, out in the real world there are plenty of people unapologetically thrilled with him right now. All about crushing their perceived enemies (libs, brown people, poor freeloaders)
The thing is, they know that too. Does not matter as long as the enemy is crushed. The enemy to them is the “deep state” that took their dreams away. It’s nihilism, with the only winners being oligarchs somewhere.
Think about the latest push to convince people they will get paid to support Putin's Puppet President and his doggie with $$'s distributed based on the fake numbers doggie is generating. Yes, some support him.. blind, ignorant or just plain stupid.
Wonder why FOTUS is so keen for Ukraine to hold elections? Could it be he knows that Elon can steal this one for Russia as easily as he did the American one? 🤷♀️
Trump says 4% approve for Zelensky.
The truth is 63%. Reality is so pesky.
Will rightwing media report what’s true?
No way! Their sheeple can’t have a clue.
The so-called ‘minerals deal’ IS nothing less than attempted EXTORTION, a hurried strong arm mob boss SHAKEDOWN of ‘our democratic friend’!
DON’T SIGN as it stands. As an American 🇺🇸🗽, and as a former Republican voter, I plead this 🙏🙏🙏🙏.
I am not Ukrainian. But I think Zelensky has done well as war president - he won't sell out Ukraine. When there is peace, it is up to the Ukrainians to decide. But one person certainly doesn't have a say - Trump.
Sadly, Putin's Puppet President is managing to bring a lot of pressure on President Zelinsky to cave to the demands that he turn over the wealth of his countries resources to rUSiA which is all Putin wanted anyway I suspect. Stay Strong Z
We'll see, it's Zelenskyy's leverage. What's going on here in Europe isn't nice either. Germany is restricting freedom of speech, says Vance, and that's only because we're doing our best to defend ourselves against the lies of the new Nazis. Lies still have no place here. But they are learning.
There are elections on Sunday. 80% of Germans will not vote for AfD. We are not the USA. We are doing our best, just as Ukraine is doing its best to defend itself against the Russians - even without the USA.
Russians without USA will be RSINS when we extract Putin's Puppet President from our government. Until then you must treat the US Government as rUSiAn assetts and protect yourselves. It breaks my heart but there it is....
It's just another strawman for Trump to justify denying help to Ukraine. To make it difficult for Ukraine. And because he thinks he can interfere in your elections just like in his own (via Russia or Musk, which isn't clear yet).
Why can’t a respected institution start a “GoFundMe” specifically for military aid directly to Zelensky and the Ukrainian people?
If our government won’t support you then maybe the American people will just do it ourselves.
President Zelensky please stand up to this bully, America's President. Please find the courage to resist and don't sign any mineral agreements. You won't save Ukraine this way, but will make the takeover that much easier. Resist!
Trump is trying to gas light Ukraine. His view is a minority one in the world. Even America’s allies are having to censor their criticism out of fear of retaliation from Trump.
I believe roughly the same number of normal Americans also support Zelensky as president.
Я вважаю, що приблизно така ж кількість нормальних американців підтримує Зеленського як президента.
I hope that aid package of £ 700 billion plan easly coverd by the oilguarts money and assets have to belong to Ukraine not usa the tarrifs unless trumpet lifts rushian tarrifs . very funny trumpet. land
obviously as the invitation of any sovren country shd be protected truth matters . not billions spent on your country's political from foreign influences thrs only 1 reason tht happens. SLAVA ukraine 🇺🇦 [email protected]
Ukraine’s History will not let you compromise,Democracy is non-negotiable,everything depends on it! Ukraine’s economy,community,
livelihood,family,friends &loved ones.
He is the opposite of a dictator. Just look how Trusk treat him? Clearly not a dictator.
Support you too Mr President .
"Scroll down" for traitors..
🇺🇸💩🍊🖕 Wankers
Why is that dictator Trump not in jail, where he belongs?!
What’s wrong with many, many Americans!
Shame on them.
Who would this man back
Putin -NEVER
Trump - NEVER
Musk - NEVER
And I'm glad a comedian became president. Comedians are the ultimate response to corrupt authority, and always have been. They're the ones that highlight tyranny, all while entertaining the masses.
Long live Zelensky!
#trump is a grifter, rapist, tax evader, criminal & cheater.
History will judge them accordingly.
The only president in history who trusts the Russian president more than his own intelligence experts
Seriously, he would kill people if he thought he could get those numbers.
Holy fuck, he *will* kill people to get those numbers!
Me think that the rest of the Free World should support Ukraine by increasing exponentially the "insults" directed at the Trump Administration.😆😅😂🤣
Trump was embarrassed on the world stage w/ the latest presidential approval polls.
Ukraine citizens:
Zelensky @ 63% (Kyiv Ind)
American citizens:
Trump @ 44% (Reuters)
Trump says 4% approve for Zelensky.
The truth is 63%. Reality is so pesky.
Will rightwing media report what’s true?
No way! Their sheeple can’t have a clue.
DON’T SIGN as it stands. As an American 🇺🇸🗽, and as a former Republican voter, I plead this 🙏🙏🙏🙏.
Zelenskyy don't Criminalizes opposition politicians to prevent them from running for elections.
(You're not)
President Zelenskyy is a hero and Ukraine will continue to fight for freedom.
If our government won’t support you then maybe the American people will just do it ourselves.
In the polls!
I 💙 Zelensky.
Slava 🇺🇦
Slava Ukraine.
Zelenskyy has the support of 63% of Ukrainians, whereas Trump only has 44% approval, one month after assuming office.
Я вважаю, що приблизно така ж кількість нормальних американців підтримує Зеленського як президента.