Which makes their commitment to industry donors over the public all the more galling. Opportunity after opportunity missed because of the money muzzle.
I think my biggest fear with this idea is that the Dems will ROYALLY fuck up the messaging about it. Like, they have to communicate successfully that it will lead to lowered medical care prices while not bankrupting government + keeping care level up, when Americans are regularly told else for years
It should be pretty clear by now that publicly expressing support for policies doesn't actually win anything for Democrats. People don't vote on policy. And those who do care about M4A would just attack them for only supporting it too late.
I beg to differ. I think it's way too far left for way too many in this country. I'm sorry, I support that/nationwide healthcare, but it will not sit well with the fear mongered, easily-led, cretins who think we're on some "slippery slope" into socialism, which is ridiculous, as we know.
The thing I could never get was why so many politicians would be like “you can keep your insurance if you like it” like who likes their insurance company?!?
Because people are scared they’ll get substandard care or be put in a queue forever. I might only be alive today because I paid for a private scan instead of waiting for nine months in a queue for a public MRI (albeit for hilariously less than an American would pay doing that.)
This is using logic. Something we can’t do anymore. It is obvious that the American people want better healthcare, we have for years. The problem is republicans have done a great job at making their base think Medicare for all is worse than the current healthcare we have.
We can show facts and numbers to the republican voters and they will say it’s fake. Democrats essentially fix the aftermath of a republican administration and even improve a lot of things while doing so. The problem is democrats want to play by the rules and try to be bipartisan. Republicans…
Don’t care about bipartisanship. When they have control they push their legislation and fill courts with their judges. They overload so that we are distracted and as we try to stop one crazy bill they push three more. If we ever want to see real change for the better we will do logical things…
Within the new game the republicans have created. When we have control, especially if we control house, senate, and presidency, we need to push legislation to fix things. All the while we call out republican senators and representatives that are voting against things like healthcare. We have strayed
Into being to elitist. We speak about these things that should improve the lives of average Americans at collegiate levels. Americans average reading level is 7th-8th grade. We need to simplify our speaking and spell it out of why the bills we have will improve their lives.
You’d think. But Americans don’t have a coherent vision of what they want from healthcare. They want it to be cheap, good and private. The insurance companies and Republicans spend a great deal of money making people hate the idea of Medicare for all.
Besides the massive need for all the people, quit burning out our family caregivers and medical essential workers with burdensome paperwork that is just fancy rationing.
ACA. Medicare sucks. But you only find that out after you’ve had 100% coverage till you turn 65 and you lose your therapists. And your optometrist. And your dentist.
All low income seniors should get their medicare premiums absorbed by the government. My mom barely gets by after the premiums are taken from her social security. Guess old people needing health care and enough money to get by is not a concern for our government.
A plurality of Americans think that Medicare is part of a deep state socialist plan that is keeping the price of eggs above free and that only trump knows how to get rid of Obamacare and rid the world of illness and disease because god chose him. Tell me this isn’t true for MAGA.
Yet a plurality of Americans voted for Trump who is going to dismantle public healthcare because it’s named after someone who he knows he will never be loved as much as
A little bit of animosity towards rich people from more than, like, two of them who the rest are constantly telling to shut up might also be received well.
I understand what you're saying, but given how terrible the Dems are at a.) being on the same page, and b.) basic communication, it's an incredibly easy loss. All too easy to paint it as callous, "anti-capitalist" opportunism.
I really don’t think anything is an easy win for D’s. They can shout viable aspects that affects people, but fear and hate overpowers all of that. Hence, D’s having to tote at a higher standard than R’s.
Sadly, their corporate Donors don't want that and I'm willing to bet Pelosi herself has stocks in medical companies and probably was one of the people who got a bit richer when news broke that the CEO was murdered. The few that will advocate for MFA will just be treated like communist.
How are you still accepting the premise that they want to win? They wrote "WE'RE JUST CONTROLLED OPPOSITION" on a snow shovel and have been beating your face in with it since 2016.
it’s been VERY telling to see which people subconsciously relate more to the healthcare CEO than the thousands of victims he psychologically tortured while forcing them to die a preventable death in extreme pain
No one is relating to a murdered CEO. Those people don’t want an assassination based oligarchy like Russia’s, and it’s gross to see anyone who thinks this was a good thing.
It’s a Trial Balloon to see how well the Left will accept high profile murder, and so far public sentiment is into it.
They are all complicit in our misery as they enjoy world-class healthcare.
Besides the massive need for all the people, quit burning out our family caregivers and medical essential workers with burdensome paperwork that is just fancy rationing.
1. Keep donors happy
2. Win elections
Which means they won’t do it.
It’s a Trial Balloon to see how well the Left will accept high profile murder, and so far public sentiment is into it.