I adore Pete Buttigieg. I think he is a true leader, honest, strong, and works well with people he doesn't agree with. However, America, do you honestly believe enough people are willing to put a gay man in the WH? I wish it wasn't true, but I have serious doubts. A woman was too hard.
Please no. The USA needs a real alternative to Trump. People are fed up with Milktose middle of the road politics, Buttigieg is smart and capable, but his politics are not inspiring nor bold. He is another consultant stablishment democrat
you know, he was good in transportation. knowledgeable, well verse in government policies & down to earth. he may be a good candidate, but I can see Jasmine Crockett giving him a run for that position.
Trump -2.0 could be what women needs to take them over stupid line of men only for president view.
I absolutely love Pete. But the third of the country that can't accept anyone different from their narrow minded view will make life hell on earth for him and his family. May God watch over them, and give him the strength and lack of prejudice to deal with them.
Let’s be honest. Pete is great (smart, articulate, a veteran, heart in the right place) but, sadly, homophobic/mysogenistic America is not liberal enough to elect him. But a great VP choice.
They’re begging to lose. Pete is too moderate. I believe those who were apathetic the past election will vote in the next election. They’re going to suffer under these changing policies & realize their misogynoir bit them in the bum. As for Pete-hard pass. Dems don’t want some1 who plays nice w/ GOP
There's some good talent lining up. I'm content to let Newsom stand in the light where he can outplay his resources and welcome.
Walz is quietly keeping himself relevant, and I would love to see Mark Kelly in the mix, along with Jasmine Crockett and AOC, Amy Klobuchar, Whittmer. And, Pete, too.
If we have the right strategy, messaging and tools (digital being a huuge piece) & a COMPLETELY diff approach, then we can stop the mistake of putting our values on the shoulders of one person to appeal to everyone. Too Easy to villainize a person, & then it all falls. Have we learned nothing.
This is something many of us could get behind @petebuttigieg.bsky.social Would be such a welcome change to have an intelligent, sane POTUS. Also, immediate reversal of the English of the official language nonsense, and a multilingual SOTU, to kick off the healing.
Well, he is abundantly qualified in that he's a white dude. But do you think the country that hates women, minorities and anyone who isn't a white dude is going to put a gay man in office? I'd vote for him in a heartbeat (if we are allowed to vote in free elections ever again).
Exactly. HRC loses & people claim she lost because she's a woman. Harris loses & people claim she lost because she's a black woman. If Buttigieg loses supporters will clam he lost because he's gay. If he is not positive a gay man can be elected, then don't run. Sick of Dems making history. Just win.
Pete would be a great President; are the Democrats prepared to "bet" on a gay male having twice lost with female candidates? Could Pete win a marginal Senate seat on '26 to prove himself for a Presidental run in '28? A Brit ponders 🤔
We can’t give up on a woman president. Pete is still a white man. If we are to move forward, we need a woman in office. Kamala lost by less than 2% of the popular vote and she had 100 days to run her campaign. If she had an entire election cycle, I believe she would have won. She should run again.
Omg. The White Christian Nationalists would lose their minds and put the full force of their insanity against Pete. He's wonderful, but he'll not be POTUS for awhile!! We need a straight, white male. Awful to say. This fking country...
America is not in the place to elect an openly gay man. You’re never winning over “moderate” MAGA cultists with “woke DEI” in the political climate right now, regardless of whether he’d do a good job (I think he probably wouldj
I would vote for him in a second but we still have too many bigoted people in this country who would never vote for a gay man. He should start in the senate and work his way up.
If there are "too many bigoted people," how would Pete being in the Senate change that? In any case, when Dems start making decisions designed to appease "bigoted people," we've already lost. And not just because we're abandoning principle but because we're abandoning our own judgment. ...
...The candidate in the general should be the one who starts with real support from the party, NOT "he sucks, but he's got the best chance." No Dem supported Obama because they thought he had the best chance. They actually liked him. There's no substitute for actual belief in a candidate.
This! I'm tired of the no women, no gay, no black when all have actually won. It's a tired regirgitated 'phrase' that is false & harmful. Stop speaking false narratives for people you don't know.
Agree wholeheartedly! Gay candidates and women have won across America. Serving in military and government throughout. I'm not buying this "they can't win." If the US Navy can make him an officer, the American electorate can make him POTUS. He's not RuPaul, ffs!
Yes!! Growing up adults used to say 'I don't have a problem with "mixed" couples but I feel sorry for what people will treat their children'. Well if YOU stop talking that way there will be no problem. YOU'RE the problem. You have the issue. Stop putting it on 'other' people who don't feel the same
He is one of the few Dems that consistently goes onto Reich Wing media and when he does he is articulate (which for these people means "simple and straightforward"). This is a skill particularly lacking in the average Democrat.
Seriously? He is one of the most intelligent folks out there. He is thoughtful, considerate and has vast knowledge of current events. You could put him in a debate against anyone and he would methodically kick their ass.
He’s also completely incompetent and doesn’t have any real government experience that was a success to point to. Other than a very small town mayoral ticket where he probably ran unopposed, he’s never won election to anything. Not even Congress. Even as mayor, he was widely criticized.
I won't vote for him because he is part of the monied class, he was shown to have racist policies in South Bend. Really we can do better, I personally hope @aoc.bsky.social runs
I didn't think everyone believes there will be elections in 2028, I don't however, if there is @petebuttigieg.bsky.social would absolutely get my vote.
Crocket is what we need. Not Pete. Pete removed his pronouns to pander to the right. (To be clear I think pronouns are weird. I have never even used “Mr.” In front of my name but people can do what they want.) We need some “fuck off, Elon” energy right now.
This will be a “after the GOP destroys things” election like the one that got Obama elected. Whoever the DNC puts on the ballot will win. We need Crocket or AOC or Sanders. We need far left to pull the train back on track. Pete and Walz are great and would do an Obama level job but it’s not enough.
Battleground Voters refused to elect a woman and they sure as hell would NEVER elect a gay man. If Pete has any common sense he should know this, which means it’s all about his ego.
I'd like to think you're wrong, but I have a great fear you're right.
The opposition would absolutely go to town on it & as with immigration, it'd be the dominating factor in the election. I can imagine the TV/Billboard adverts now
That’s what I’m talking about. Trump beat not one but two very successful and experienced women.
The LGBTQ issues really tweak swing voters - they hate it.
They have a positive hatred for “woke” and anything that remotely smells of gay or trans rights.
This man is extraordinary, but do you honestly believe that American society is ready to elect a homosexual to the presidency of this country? They elected a rapist and a criminal, but won't certainly not elect a gay man who is not a rapist and a criminal.
No which is why we won’t be our candidate he also represents the status quo a bit too much. As I said before the biggest mistake Democrats made was shunning Bernie in 2016 that helped get us to where we are today with Trump. The GOP embraced the radical movement, we shunned ours and said get in line
Anyone remember how he derailed his last run for President? I do. Maybe he learned from it, maybe he’s the same guy. I'd love to see Tim Walz in there somewhere.
He’s got my vote! If you know someone who still doesn’t look at this administration and understand the difference between Rulers and Leaders? Check out this original song https://youtu.be/rQj19L_-j5w?si=RuWg66JMZFEF-USZ, or got to You Tube, jerrygoebel1805.
We need a charismatic economic populist who will make it all about the working class v. billionaires. Pete's not that person but he would have made a great Senator.
I’m actually not opposed to this. His initial run in 2020 felt weak but I do think he has developed better positions on policy and is good public speaker. I’d like to see a primary between him, Walz, and Beshear! And yes it’s depressing it’s three white men.
That's insane.
I love @petebuttigieg.bsky.social
WHY would he waste his valuable time when he can be so useful elsewhere.
He's one of our few skilled debaters who's able to reach across the aisle.
It's beyond sad, but we're going to need a white male centrist to win 2028 *if we have an election
I don’t agree. Trump is so bad and people are going to suffer so much, I believe there will be a paradigm shift. We won’t be the same when he’s gone as we were when he started.
Pete as president would be the most joyous event since the
night Obama won. With so many repairs required, Buttigieg
is the man who can do them. Plus his election would mean that America has finally come of age.
Who knows what will even be left of the US by 2028. I always think people start talking about the next election way too soon, but this time it is actively a waste of energy, because much more important things have to be done now. Playing politics as usual is not smart.
I like him a lot. I voted for him in the presidential primary before he dropped out. If voters aren’t willing to get off their butts and vote for a black woman, I fear they won’t vote for a gay man.
Felon45 "won" because Musk used starlink to manipulate voting machines & repugs were successful at voter suppression through gerrymandering & the disappearing of many mail in ballots. This is absolutely true for PA. Trump bragged about it & muskrat, jr. spilled the beans.
Yes!!!! @petebuttigieg.bsky.social I hope we can get through this four years and be able to have fair elections. The Republicans have rigged the system with all their restrictive voting laws. I’ve wanted you to be resident for a while; something to hope for!!
I don't know if even the Great Pete Buttigieg can overcome the gay political stigma, but that would be fantastic. If the Repubs don't promise more fake stimis , maybe, just maybe he can win.
The disastrous 8 Bush years gave us Obama; this disastrous Trump term will give us Pete. Young people love him; don't care about hit sexual preference and will come out in droves to save their future.
Damned straight!!! I’ve been saying this for years- @petebuttigieg.bsky.social is the smartest person to ever grace Washington. He rips everyone apart with a scalpel, not a chainsaw. We need him back- in a higher role! #PresidentPete
I love Pete as much as the next person, but I feel as though he represents discipline, order and business as usual, which is what the Dems have been unsuccessfully trying to push for a while now.
Our democracies and economies are at a breaking point. Same old and incremental progress won’t suffice.
Holy Shit! Could you imagine, A gay man running for President? The homophobes will have a field day with that one. Not to mention the pearl clutchig christians. Wanna talk about something fun to watch, it'll be hilarious watching all the closet gay republicans meltdon over that one.
It's sad to say but need him more in the senate right now. Don't doubt he would be great but maga is predominantly an angry old man's party as long as that generation is voting it won't happen. I'm not saying everyone in that generation is a hater but you can't deny that they are epicenter of this.
But I do admire all those boomers heading to town halls, and Tesla protests. Volunteering, activism and kind advice. Some of the most impressive people in my life are these boomers. When I drop off food at my local food pantry it's always a boomer who is there to accept it. Love them!
Let's be real here. two strong women lost to trump twice. Not because trump is better, NO! Is because they are women. Too many misogynistic man. I love Pete B. But if they won't vote for a woman, they won't vote for a gay man. I don't see any bigots voting for Pete, sadly!
We did vote for a strong woman, and she didn’t lose by much . But there is proof the votes were manipulated in swing states, Trump mentioned it 4 time now, he is trying to take down everything, so he won’t have to go to jail! Musk did espionage several times
I actually don't agree. The amount of blatant disrespect, threats of violence, and glee for women's rights disappearing by MAGA is so much larger online (at least what I see) than hatred towards gay males, but again, could be my bubble. I say at least let us vote in DNC primaries to see how he fairs
And this is why they need to start having these conversations now. I like Josh Shapiro but his voice mimics Obama and it’s kind of cringy. People in PA may be used to it.
And to you disgusting garbage people saying "but we can't have a gay man running for office when a third of the country opposes this!" - you ARE that third. We're gonna cater to any lowlife felon rapist crowd now, and change nothing? Fuck off.
I just don't buy in to the "US is too homophonic for Pete." Is this your feeling, or your own (important) social group, or data sources you can share? I'm NOT being contrarian here--I'm alarmed seeing anti-fascist engaged voters tearing things apart/infighting--which *guarantees* a loss to criminals
Was that aimed for me? I don't care if it's 1 or 99% - you do what is you and what you believe in. Catering to the enemy in order to get their approval is catering to the enemy in order to get their approval.
Disagree. If there even is a fair election in 2028, then Buttigieg has a very strong chance.
- He’s the opposite of Trump in as many ways as you can imagine
- He’s an outsider with a strong brand, and very high favorability among independents and moderates
- He’s an exceptional communicator
I hear this claim repeated but see no evidence of it. People trade on a vibe and go from there - but Pete is overwhelmingly a progressive and an outspoken advocate for the transformative power of government.
I don’t know a single neoliberal who ever says that and makes it their central message.
Clinton and Obama - they had several points in common, but most of all they were outsiders first, mavericks who had no chance and should have waited their turn, until they grabbed the prize for themselves and showed people they were exceptional and fundamentally of that moment.
Each one was very much suited for the moment when they ran. A Clinton wouldn’t win today, but he was just what 1992 was waiting for. Obama’s message was one for 2008, when Americans wanted to be re-inspired and seen differently on the world stage after the disaster of the Iraq War.
I’m concerned there will be no more free and fair elections, though, as outlined in Project 2025 with actions already taken in that direction and being fought. What if they succeed? A chilling thought
Voted for Hillary, Biden, and Kamala and I don’t want Pete Buttigieg. I’ve voted for every establishment pick and we don’t want that anymore. We want a progressive who supports Medicare for All, militant worker’s unions, and childcare for all!
AOC and Pete are so far apart on policies they would be a terrible fit. I would rather see AOC run than Pete and I think she was a better chance as she’s not seen as a corporate lawmaker.
He’s definitely been convincing me over the last couple weeks. He’s already separating himself from the Harris Biden team, he’s an excellent communicator and spokesperson for middle America.
You know what I'm gonna take it a step further: Pete isn't middle of the road he is potentially dangerous. One look at his top donors, his previous employment for McKinsey, and his policies he supports (or DOESN'T support) - he's a corpo politician that knows how to talk in front of a camera.
Wow, look at all the shit-spewing accounts I get to block. I'd vote for Pete in a heartbeat but I don't think it's his time yet. A Senate run would be a better next step.
I very much agree. But I also want to see a Dem presidential candidate who stops trying to lean right. Embrace fully being Democratic and go progressive.
The US Navy was. Imagine a US-scape manifesting as the #ManchurianCantaloupe is taking us. Maybe men will balk, but Moms won't.
Can you say more @ why you think this? I'm not being contrarian--your concern is common and I want to hear/understand why you hold this so confidently. Thx!
Pete needs to take smaller steps, not leaps and bounds! RUN FOR THE SENATE SEAT AND WIN! The American people will need time to recover from four years of Trump. I'm still looking for the right Democrat that will help us recover.
Younger voters could care less about your sexual orientation. I will vote for Pete and campaign for him as well. He is brilliant and kind. Two qualities our current administration is lacking.
I love Pete B. He's truly a man of the people... However, will there ever be a time in American time line that the stupid people of this country will vote for a gay man?
Walz may not be as smart as Pete, no offense, but Walz is electable and has the fight. Combine the ticket?
Probably a good idea. I’m still frustrated about America’s insistence that we listen to bigots though. I’m 50 and will not see American “greatness” for the rest of my life. It will take decades of fighting to reclaim what he stole and destroyed.
Remember the extreme right has been setting this very moment for decades. This the labor of their work. So yes, it will take decades of radical work to build back the America we want for everyone and earn the trust back from our allies around the world.
I'm being a realist. I vote blue always, definitely voted for Harris. However, the first thing I said was this country is too racist and sexist to vote for her. I wish I was wrong, but personal life experience told me otherwise.
Let's stop talking about him being a gay man and hype him up as the wonderfully intelligent leader he is. Buttigieg is amazing! He's a veteran, experienced, a family man. He's trustworthy and has integrity. He's a great communicator who could repair our international relationships.
And 77 million Americans chose a convicted felon and rapist over a highly qualified woman. I don’t care if the candidate is gay, but over half of the voting public will. Honestly, I prefer Kamala to Pete.
Yes of course the same people know this, but try convincing a Maga, and their hyper focus on wokeness, lgbtq+ , transgender people. Okay but at the same time I say this I realize we have to forget about Maga and focus on the 90 million that didn't show up to vote.
Iit's also far less about who we run than it is about what the party stands for. Obama was really the last Dem who could get traction with the party's usual kinder, gentler capitalism and "middle class values." And he got traction partly because many voters thought he was much further left. ...
...The biggest complaint I remember about him seemed to be that he turned out to be a "centrist" when people were hoping for a reformer. The party needs to strengthen the contrast and THEN find a standard bearer who can convince people they're serious. I'll vote for that guy.
The people that message could reach are already on board.
The people it would need to convert aren't reachable. America ain't deleting anyone other than straight white christian presenting men until the boomers die.
ingrained toxic masculinity is a big reason why large pockets of latin and black men broke for trump. They'd rather believe trump wasn't serious about his racism than see a women with power. That would go doubble for a gay man.
The idiot vote is the biggest block. Dems need some of it.
I like Pete and would vote for him in a second. But I do wonder about the size of his ego when he thought being mayor of a small town in Indiana qualified him for being president.
I think this might be doable. Pete has been one of the only ones that has been out here really talking to us. He has been talking too and having conversations on right leaning media for years.I also don’t think the gay thing is as much of a factor for conservatives.I could be wrong but maybe not idk
Loud and unapologetic Democrats get my vote. No more milquetoast centrists more interested in courting red votes than keeping and motivating the blue votes.
Yes! 👏
Yes! 👏
Yes! 👏
He is well suited to the position.
Another traditional slimy center-right Dem isn't what the party should want right now.
We need someone who will command respect, who will feel larger than life.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Trump -2.0 could be what women needs to take them over stupid line of men only for president view.
He would have my vote! 🙂
Walz is quietly keeping himself relevant, and I would love to see Mark Kelly in the mix, along with Jasmine Crockett and AOC, Amy Klobuchar, Whittmer. And, Pete, too.
Then fuck everyone else.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Will that change once we kill these nazis? probably not.
Pete would be a great President; are the Democrats prepared to "bet" on a gay male having twice lost with female candidates? Could Pete win a marginal Senate seat on '26 to prove himself for a Presidental run in '28? A Brit ponders 🤔
They are not interested in why.
And yes, fully 100% aware lol.
Definitely start in the senate.
Just that!
We're so happy!
-Love, #Europe. - #Norway
The opposition would absolutely go to town on it & as with immigration, it'd be the dominating factor in the election. I can imagine the TV/Billboard adverts now
The LGBTQ issues really tweak swing voters - they hate it.
They have a positive hatred for “woke” and anything that remotely smells of gay or trans rights.
I'd vote for either Harris (again) or Pete if they ran.
There was rigging and fraud to the upmost degree and he got away with it; just like being a felon and still got (illegally) re-elected.
Voters would NEVER elect a gay man.
I love @petebuttigieg.bsky.social
WHY would he waste his valuable time when he can be so useful elsewhere.
He's one of our few skilled debaters who's able to reach across the aisle.
It's beyond sad, but we're going to need a white male centrist to win 2028 *if we have an election
night Obama won. With so many repairs required, Buttigieg
is the man who can do them. Plus his election would mean that America has finally come of age.
Who knows what will even be left of the US by 2028. I always think people start talking about the next election way too soon, but this time it is actively a waste of energy, because much more important things have to be done now. Playing politics as usual is not smart.
It’s the patriarchy that couldn’t vote for a woman.
And when he runs for his second term:
Extremely intelligent and an amazing orator! @petebuttigieg.bsky.social reminds me of Obama♥️
With that said, we had a black man instead of a woman.
We have a convicted felon instead of a woman.
We might have a gay guy instead of a woman.
98% of mass shooters are male.
It’s the patriarchy that is the problem.
Our democracies and economies are at a breaking point. Same old and incremental progress won’t suffice.
I was hoping he would run for Michigan Senate.
Additionally, women, POC, and LGBTQ+ candidates on the same ballots as Harris outperformed her in 2024 by multiple points.
Saying “let’s be real” doesn’t make your excuses “real.”
Look forward to another 4 glorious years of Trump fascism.
- He’s the opposite of Trump in as many ways as you can imagine
- He’s an outsider with a strong brand, and very high favorability among independents and moderates
- He’s an exceptional communicator
One picked and approved by Democratic insiders.
I’m sorry, but the days when that would have been a sure thing have long passed.
I don’t know a single neoliberal who ever says that and makes it their central message.
If it looks like borscht and tastes like borscht and smells like borscht, geez Louise: it’s borscht.
You're in Pete! America won't vote for someone unless they have a penis.
Harris and Pete are great options for 28'😉
His time is NOT now. His time is when sanity is hopefully restored in the future.
MAGA will drive the 'gay' thing into the ground and it will work.
WHY do you think they spent MILLIONS on Trans ads? They worked!
"Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip." Winston Churchill
Not for the foreseeable, anyway.
You need to kick out the Fascists first.
Can you say more @ why you think this? I'm not being contrarian--your concern is common and I want to hear/understand why you hold this so confidently. Thx!
a former McKinsey consultant
sure, lets' LOSE AGAIN.
don't be so naive
Walz may not be as smart as Pete, no offense, but Walz is electable and has the fight. Combine the ticket?
just wow
please, please quit looking for the aesthetically pleasing and dig a bit deeper.
Don't invite another loss based on tepid centrism
Where were the morgue truck ads? Where was an economic plan that didn't scream - Centrist shit again!
MILLIONS they needed to appeal to, couldn't get a mortgage even with 25k 'tax credit'
The people it would need to convert aren't reachable. America ain't deleting anyone other than straight white christian presenting men until the boomers die.
The idiot vote is the biggest block. Dems need some of it.
Good people base their votes on their personal networks, notvon pundits or ads. Those tranches are for the addled and the foolish.
Elections are won by one-on-one trust rships. After the #ManchurianCantaloupe no one's orientation is going to matter to most voters.