A Florida appeals court held that when a judge denies a pregnant minor's request for judicial bypass to get an abortion without her parents' consent, she cannot appeal unless her parents intervene as the adverse party. Which defeats the point of bypass. 1dca.flcourts.gov/content/do
That's great, isn't it? The school kids will finally be able to buy guns and besides shooting teachers they dislike they can defend agains shooters in the school.
And people run stop signs, so why have them? People drink and drive, so why make it illegal? People murder other people so why is that a crime? Clearly making all these things crimes doesn't stop them.
The same story you see online, in a physical newspaper, comes with a 0% chance of having to catch some rando's ignorant, reactionary glurge about it or spam about how someone makes $3,000 per month with This Simple Trick.
Imagine thinking you're witty and smart for making fun of the existence of physical newspapers by complaining about ink on your fingers.
Do us a favor, go to your local welfare office and apply for your crazy check; it's clear you need one.
Making judgment calls about things that are not yours to control that is an anachronism. It's out of date it's out of time it's out of step. There are plenty of places that still have newspapers I could walk right down the street here where I live in a big city and get a newspaper
Its the paper doing some implicit editorializing and trusting the readers to grasp the juxtaposition or does it just have a layout editor who can't read?
If they buy all the guns, it would make everywhere else safer.
Then you build a big wall, turn the whole state into a vast prison, and get Disney to run it, to make up for no one being able to visit Disney World.
I always imagine some desk jockey letting out a long tired sigh and wearily going over - cursing and swearing under their breath the entire way - to the sign that reads "It Has Been [1] Days Since We Ran THAT Article" and resetting it to 0...
Shame on us for allowing it to happen.
"17-year-old opens fire on Iowa school."
Two headlines, one paper.
Why does Florida govt want to tell parents what is legal?
Do us a favor, go to your local welfare office and apply for your crazy check; it's clear you need one.
My hometown newspaper is still independent but much lesser, in size and quality.
Things just aren’t what they used to be.
lower the drinking age first so their aim will be worse.
Then you build a big wall, turn the whole state into a vast prison, and get Disney to run it, to make up for no one being able to visit Disney World.
Send the MAGA to Bikini Atoll!
It’s nice this time of year
2. ☹️
“The United States of America!”
. . . I wish I hadn't.
WTF ?!? 😳
I propose we lower the voting age requirement to 12. And Give school shooting survivors a voice at the ballot box.
We need more guns in younger people's hands.
Because that's the solution.
They really DO have a death wish in that state.
For 'A Closer Look', check out Japan's gun ownership laws. The [Evidence] is in the numbers.
Absolute madness.
See, this is how a school shooting should be, with only the shooter dying.
That's very sad.
They didn't report other fatalities at the scene.
Their motto is:
America??? Let it rip!