Fondly remembering when my 9th grade English teacher wrote “a lot is two words” on the board and refused to elaborate as we all tried to figure me out a context in which two words would, in fact, be a lot
I whole heartily agree, but grammer is a doggy dog world, and for all intensive purposes I could care less. Irregardless, it's a mute point and this is all tongue and cheek.
To Too
And "prolly". haha
That's the whole enchilada in a nutshell.
(Sorry... that's my Numero Uno pet peeve. I just don't comprehend why this appears to be universally unlearnable)
Well, for all intensive purposes, anyway.
“Glad to be apart of”
AND “your” for “you’re”.
It's the southern in me coming out. 😄
Should a
Would a
Ment a