To repost here, but maybe in an slighly different way like what is called freigestellt in german, meaning just the bird or part of it without the surroundings.
I can't use a camera in the factory where I work by company policy, but we have quite a few grackels that have learned the location of all of our break areas and will steal food from the tables 500 feet in from the big bay doors they come and go through. Incredibly clever birds!
The factory has some very large robots that have motion sensors that will shut them down if they detect movement in their "cell" to prevent them from killing people. Every so often, they have to be restarted because a grackel decided to perch on one of them.
LOL. Not to the guys at work that forget to close their lunchboxes and lose a bag of chips. The factory grackels know now to open chip and ziplok bags! π
Adds a fun dynamic to the mundane drudgery of working in a factory. Might see a bird stealing your buddy's lunch. Or risk getting "grackled" near the bay doors. Little clever bastards have zoomed within inches of my head.
I will gladly yield to our Gracula overlord! They are such gorgeous birdies!!
How you been doing?? I'm in hiding, & not watching ANY news. Not having panic attacks multiple times a day now.
May I use the picture if I name you as creator?
We have feeders and also just scatter a bunch of seed on the ground.
Some days, our whole lawn is purple and sparkly.
(With big velvety brown patches from the ladies.)
How you been doing?? I'm in hiding, & not watching ANY news. Not having panic attacks multiple times a day now.