The Hatch Act has been six feet under since Kellyanne Conway's antics during the first Trump regime. And it's been rolling in its grave since January 20.
Kellyanne Conway was selling stuff from the White House, and here’s the thing…nobody held her accountable. Trump the same. They can break a million laws (they already have), have ethics violations out the wazoo, and get no punishment. OF COURSE they’re going to do more!
There are all codes, acts, protocols, etc but they have no teeth or enforcement so trump just runs roughshod over them. Why were they written in the first place? Collectively they may as well be known as the “Please don’t”suggestions. Efforts need to focus on things that can make a difference.
No shame or morols hares our country wants to control you,
wants all your money. Don't question ever those who
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
if we get out of this mess, we need an improved system where criminal charges can still be brought against administration officials even if the President’s prosecutors refuse to act.
Nothing was done when Goya beans were being hawked from the WH and nothing is going happen with junk stock being hawked either. Depressing but likely true.
The law protects, but does not bind, the criminals and traitors who have overthrown the Republic of the United States of America, and who are busy everyday entrenching a competitive authoritarian state in its place.
Kamala told u repeatedly! They wrote it all out for us. NO 1SHOULD B UNPREPARED( vs 1st 2 mos of Biden: GOT USA HEALTHY! Opened all schools & jobs! Gave U 2 CHECKS!In 2years HE GOT USA MANUFACTURING & INFRASTRUCTURE! Expanded NATL PARKS! No recession! Ungrateful MFers!)
Once we all realize that none of them give one single shit about actual laws any longer, then maybe the half the country that isn't aware ...oh, never mind. I'm trying to use logic about people who no longer use their brains.
Need to work harder to get people to sell there Tesla Stock. More protests are needes but outside banks and investment places. They hold the most stock.
Rich ppl and Fox News wants you avg ppl to BUY Tesla stocks so it can increase the value, THEN they will be able to sell/pull more money, while you go broke. Musk brother and many rich ppl sold their TESLA stocks. What makes you avg person think you’re going to make money.
We are going to continue losing, and lose our democratic republic...
unless we EFFECTIVELY counter what has become highly sophisticated AI driven propaganda, pushed by $billionaires who control the most influential media outlets.
Maybe we should find a marshal willing to arrest Lutnick for his Hatch Act violation. We could put him in a holding cell in El Salvador until his trial.
“I didn’t fly over 5000 mile o’ water and jump out of a fucking aeroplane to teach the Nazis lessons in humanity”.
I watched that movie at least once a week. At this point, it’s a comfort movie.
Instead of protesting at government buildings or at capitals maybe we should be protesting at journalists houses and places of work? They are literally half the problem.
It is taking some of us longer to realize that our country has been taken over and our laws are no longer the guardrails we thought they were. Even MAGA might start noticing that Project2025 spells the end to so much they depended on. Elon has already infiltrated the institutions. No going back?
Those guardrails depended upon honest and moral people following the law and when not, were caught, prosecuted and punished if guilty.
When Republicans do not support a lawful government... we fail
Oh, you mean the hatch act that Merrick Garland completely failed to enforce or literally bring any prosecutions for the flagrant four years of violations proceeding his tenure!??
Biden‘s own DOJ led us exactly here by letting the criminals run rampant and free.
They have no money left they spent it on flags sneakers, gold commutative coins, his base also only buys giant trucks they can’t afford, his Tesla buyers were liberals.
From what I can see,. the Hatch Act,. the Logan Act,.. none of these so-called 'acts' have any teeth behind them! Why even have them if there are no consequences to violating them!
Which amazes me because all of the MAGAs I've ever known rail against electric vehicles and claim they would never own one. So around here that only leaves us parasites who can't afford them. They bit the hand that fed them.
A year ago I was looking seriously into getting a used Nissan Leaf because I'm sick and tired of being advertised at, at the gas pump. A MOMENTS PEACE PLEASE!
He’s not even investing in Tesla. Google says he has shares in GE, Walt Disney and musical Kimberly akimbo. He can go invest in Tesla but it’s still dropping.
Violations of laws? Ignoring the courts? Ignoring the PEOPLE?! We are in UNCHARTED TERRITORY. The rules NO LONGER APPLY. It's "Rules for THEE, NOT FOR ME." They will do WHAT THEY WANT. While it will be the GULAG for anyone who dares to DISOBEY.🤬
What will really set you off is that after Biden took office the former chief of the Office of Government Ethics approached them with proposals to tighten it and take enforcement out of the White House and Biden's team dismissed it as "unnecessary." They really thought it would all go back to normal
We’ve underestimated the cruelty and criminality of the Trump administration. As you’ve said…ethics rules and boundaries should have been tightened up. Instead of being proactive, we are now trying to repair our democracy while it’s sinking. The “all hands on deck” should’ve been called much sooner.
Of course… I caution myself about going down the “should’ve…could’ve…would’ve…” road. We’re at a new point now and just need to find ways to prevent even more damage. We are in triage mode (and I hope that people will realize the urgency needed to handle issues that are far from “normal”).
Whenever someone in the administration obviously crosses the line to self-dealing the NYT and other "respectable" media outlets see "ethics questions raised". This a laughable and disgusting act of complicity. Corruption doesn't raise questions. It needs to be called by its name.
I would not recommend you ignore laws. In fact, there will soon be laws restricting our freedoms....just wait and see if I am right. I DO NOT WANT TO BE RIGHT ON THIS.
I don't remember how many times, but it was too many, that we heard during the first go-round, "It's a violation of the Hatch Act." From what we all see, this is only a thing in the Democratic sandbox.
The only people who would do this right now are the deplorables. I would not mind if they do buy stock. I am sure it hasn’t hit bottom yet. Mind you this does not invalidate the assessment that this is clearly wrong
Laws only mean something if they are enforced. Ask 'ol Chucky and Hakeem what they plan to do about it!
I assume it will be to get on some talk shows, write another book and schedule a vacation - while the US is dismantled.
What’s funny is that they are asking MAGA supporters to spend $223 in a stock when they live paycheck to paycheck and complained that groceries were too expensive. This is pure comedy.
It is, and yet Trump has never been held accountable for any of the many violations he has done going back to his first term. If the boss can do it, certainly the loyal subjects can as well, right?
Howard does have issues on clarity. He hasn't figured out yet he's the designated fall guy for the economic crash Donald's bizarre economic "policies" are in the process of causing. This time next month it'll be Howard Who?
It's cute though, that some folks can maintain enough naivete to think these folks have ethics or anything even approach for respect for the rule of law....
I don't think those companies that are being paid off by muxks and tramp are news organizations anymore. They're propaganda machines now which I'm sure will have a minister of propaganda boss before long. They'll be like Goebbels on steroids.
Cowards, sycophants, and morons. It’s all they’ve got.
wants all your money. Don't question ever those who
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
The law protects, but does not bind, the criminals and traitors who have overthrown the Republic of the United States of America, and who are busy everyday entrenching a competitive authoritarian state in its place.
There is now something very wrong with the law.
unless we EFFECTIVELY counter what has become highly sophisticated AI driven propaganda, pushed by $billionaires who control the most influential media outlets.
Zuckerberg, Musk, and Bezos
Make no mistake, we are under attack.
What and share Professor Chenoweth explain How and Why protests work.
The GOP is an ongoing criminal enterprise intent upon destruction of our democracy and the establishment of a fascist autocracy.
Fuck that and fuck them.
I watched that movie at least once a week. At this point, it’s a comfort movie.
It is indeed a comfort!
He was so damn good in that movie. He deserved an Oscar.
#Nutlick installed his own kids on the BGC board
When Republicans do not support a lawful government... we fail
Biden‘s own DOJ led us exactly here by letting the criminals run rampant and free.
The rule of law is DEAD.
What laws?
What FTC?
You must be thinking of the country that used to be here.
Q1 will be a big blowout or BLOWUP 🤢? not sure!
It’s a fucking violation of law.
Meanwhile, an audit is warranted for Tesla's house of cards.
They're stealing another election
We know damn well what there doing it wrong and illegal
On the other hand, Al Capone went down on lowly tax evasion charges, so maybe there is hope.
This doesn’t seem fair.
Hey other car manufacturers, how do you feel about this?
What needs to be done is the billionaires do not need to collect SS benefits. They can get SS if they have work and paid SS taxes during their career.
I assume it will be to get on some talk shows, write another book and schedule a vacation - while the US is dismantled.
Happens like this in EVERY Banana Republic Dictatorship.
Trump is implementing them well.
26 is coming vote them all out
Merrick garland belongs in prison