Cars solved very pressing problems of their day, mostly related to the huge amounts of horse shit and corpses that once covered city streets. Solving those problems wasn't the mistake, assuming that technological progress is always positive and failing to anticipate the inevitable new problems was.
Reposted from
The War on Cars
If 100 years ago we knew that the automobile would decimate our city centers, melt the ice caps, and kill 40,000+ Americans annually, would we have still wanted the automobile? Episode 112 is about "Unintended Consequences with author Steven Johnson."
Alas, the analogy is rather less compelling in the US 😕
But I am confused about the corpses - do you mean horse corpses? I never realized that would be the case. (If other types of corpses, I am even more confused!)
(my great-gf was a horseshoer, and the invention of cars literally sent his family into poverty, so I know he at least wouldn't have wanted them)
"Today's problems are the result of yesterday's solutions."