That is not what the people saying cease fire have been asking for and not what Biden has thought they were asking for. He’s using the term pause because that’s very different from what the people asking for a cease fire are asking for
he's literally never done that, he doubled their fleet of aircraft, and has been providing them with the locations of refugees fleeing Gaza, which the IDF has bombed for a month consecutively
He’s trying to get MORE funding and MORE weapons for Israel. He has NOT called for a ceasefire. The latest was simply a “pause.” Why is it bad that we’re literally begging the DNC for another options besides an old white man who supports the genocide of Palestinians??
Right - because those in power don’t care what the majority of Americans want and need. They care only about power. So why should we vote for them? Why is it that we are the ones who have to compromise on life & death issues?
I do all the local organizing stuff - mutual aid, door to door political work, fighting for affordable housing. All of it. Nothing changes with Dems in charge lately. Everything is half measures and telling us to wait. In the meantime, wealth inequality is killing us. The Dems won’t do shit about it
Biden just asked the Senate to allow Israel unhindered access to American weapons. Does any of this sound like an attempt at establishing a cease fire to you?
Ok if Biden makes public comments supporting a ceasefire and then goes on to approve selling more weapons to Israel, that probably means he doesn’t actually support a ceasefire. Simple
He did approve those weapons in *squints* October, and now in November he's pushed for a ceasefire. Like, I'm not trying to convince anyone that Biden is good
You’re arguing on his behalf here. No one asked you to do that. The further selling of weapons to the Israelis continues the genocide, and Joe Biden is an unrepentant liar.
"ohhhhh poor little me I hope this lasts a while, now let me just turn the other way while I give you complete access to our entire arsenal" get the fuck out of here you genocidal freak
the ceasefire that isra*l already broke and doesnt actually call for isra*l to stop violence against palestinians? literally less than useless when hes giving them unlimited arms and billions
executive thoughts and prayers just hit different. mmmm picante.
"I sure hope they decide the genicide is just too much work to get back to. It's OND after all".
he's helping them
But it's still gonna be Biden v Trump in 2024
In the meantime, the only really functional use of voting is to block the GOP from getting power
the most functional use of voting is to stop the GOP, who will make things worse
But he has made public comments calling for halting the fighting and did have mediators on the ground for the current ceasefire
"I sure hope they decide the genicide is just too much work to get back to. It's OND after all".