Idaho just demanded SCOTUS overturn marriage equality.
Here's my legal breakdown of this dangerous move and what it means for civil rights nationwide ⚖️
Watch the full analysis:
Here's my legal breakdown of this dangerous move and what it means for civil rights nationwide ⚖️
Watch the full analysis:
Just saying
Idaho....famous potatoes
Marriage is a religious term which is ordained by various religions.
For legal purposes redefine marriage to “Domestic Partnership” affording legal rights.
I’m happy to trade my marriage license for a domestic partnership license.
Everyone has the right to a Domestic partnership. That would be for legal rights.
Marriage per se would be a religious activity. Some religious organizations can deny to marry certain people.
2 people could create a legal domestic partnership.
Separate Church from state.
Half or more of the right wing nut jobs would believe they won. When in reality Obergefell stands.
In my eyes I’d still be married as would all my gay friends.
Thank you for weighing in, all good points.
Guys. You HAVE noticed, right?
(footnotes in Dobbs)
p.s.: After being blown off Instagram for, I suppose, Insufficient Loyalty To The Fuhrer, it's great to see you on the ol' Bluesky!
One critique: that's a shitload of info there! Slow it down by 10% for us doddering oldsters!😥
How many justices have to agree to hear a case? FOUR.
When they said were going to make AMERIKA great
They meant it.
Problem is NONE of them every answered the question.
Strap on your 6 guns. Because if we go back to those good old days i got some scores to settle
A felon telling us how to live n who to be 😔
Sad 😫
Thank God I have faith.
They don't even have functional prenatal care because all the OB/GYN's left over their stupid restrictions.
The American Principle of Equality defined by Our Constitution, Our Civil Rights Law, and the Equal Rights Amendment means there can be no discrimination based on ANY human attribute.
Just that simple. Anything against that is UNAmerican.
Yet, here we are.
Gilead/ Hunger Games theme park!!
Why would any freedom-loving citizen allow themselves to be enslaved into their white nationalist theology under a faith guise. God is not hate. Ever.
You Phuckin bigots are PATHETIC
What happened to the price of eggs???
What about drug prices??
It's quite hypocritical yet very double-standards, when someone is for the ban of something after they themselves have done it and no longer need it.
Look at his contaminated family; All spoiled and rotten!
Democracy is ending and what do we hear from Democrats... CRICKETS.
Just let I expected.
Idaho wasn’t a state.
Totally crazy.
But it was still a FEDERAL doc.
The Constitution should be an evolving document, but we have a crap SCOTUS.
In full swing.
Thou shalt not commit adultery is a Commandment from their GOD.
But 47 is THEIR GOD.
Secular laws are the best laws.
Maybe that's his thinking.
(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.
And since we ALL start as female, that means female is now the only legal gender.
Guy is literally mentally handicapped.
Full statement here:
Focus on real stuff please while, yes, keeping an eye on these ass-hats too.
This is all in project 2025 and unfortunately it’s only beginning. I read project 2025. Republicans were never okay with marriage equality. They lie. Have lots of personal experience with this! Here’s the link.
Giving to ACLU is a good idea. Panic, no so much.
(Sorry if there was any confusion)
and it's being pushed by the "Pro-life" people. 😡
Orange County, California 3,121,138. I’m tried of shit states driving the bus.
I warned about this reaching for marriage. No one listened. Enjoy going back in the closet.
But yes, any non-traditional bonding will invite hateful contempt from the traditionalists if called a marriage, so don't.
I don't understand why they feel like LGBT can't get married, but straight devil worshippers can. I mean... why do they let ANY non-religious people or those of another faith get married if it's only supposed to be about their christian god?
I hate these people.
Basically they are closer to excitable chimps than human beings.
They need to be in a clique, and they see marriage as part of their clique identity. You can't try and share it. Its a threat to those apes.
F OFF! Is about us law abiding citizen have the right to live n let live.
They knew better from last failed governing. Now we have to fix their mess. Every time n about sick n tired of keep cleaning what was already clean 🙄
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