random thought: i've expressed my distaste for the egg prime directive and for the term "valid" before, but part of it is that there are a lot of trans people struggling with their gender who need a little nudge instead of either wallowing in solitude or having their cope validated, so it angers me.
* do not try a crush emasculator.
In my case it came from getting accidentally linked to a trans subreddit and seeing that, oh yeah, you can just be trans! Nobody can actually stop you!
"I think trans women are soooo amazing, but I just couldn't, I missed the boat, too old, too used to being a man, etc."
I kinda wish someone had kicked me into the lake earlier 😑
I do barely put in effort compared to other people. I'm not exercising and voice training. Or being social.
"and you didn't tell me?"
"oh well. i mean i thought you'd figure it out"
"you thought i would just magically figure it out one day"
"well it's self discovery, isn't it? i wouldn't want to rob that from you"
"so you willfully let me suffer instead"
"it's uh. well. i mean. well uh"
"You don't say."
"What if you could wake up tomorrow as a lesbian."
A little nudge is fine, you don't have to go full basement mode on someone you think *might* be trans but suggesting that they could and providing information and resources should be the norm imho.
By slapping them with direct toughlove "oof Egg" responses including faceApp genSwaps when they had themselves as their pfp
Hell, even Melissa (2010s) was like well, if only I had know that before
I’m sure this is still the case for many
Then Mr Garrison happened and that fucked me up for a long time
Oddly enough Two and a half men had oddly good Transmasc representation ( though I believe the actor was still cis)
instead I read that fucking "I'm probably trans, but I'll never coming out, and that's OK, so we should all be nicer to men bc you never know" article lmao
I want to be a woman, yes, but I really believed you HAD to have dysphoria to be trans for the LONGEST time
When it was bad I used to think “It doesn’t matter if I accomplish anything because I’m still me”
Which now I think was a big sign, but, like, I also don’t do well with vague 😅
“I mean, I’d probably change into a woman first for a while easily. Who wouldn’t?”
Somehow…I didn’t connect the dots…
Couldn't tell it was there until it (mostly) went away.
I've dealt with crippling depression since puberty and then spent most of my 20s working myself to near death to the point I just couldn't think straight most of the time lol
I knew what I was when I was 5 but didn’t have the words for it. The words would have helped!
I came out at 15, and then convinced myself that I was fine how I was, that I didn't need HRT
If I'd been pushed, I know I would've done what I needed to do, for myself
and I regret that everything took as long, it feels so slow and things aren't where I want them
I'm not angry or upset with people for it
just, some of us need a boost of confidence that we are just burying our feelings because it's easy or safe, when it's not what we want
and offered some support, pointed me at a psych or lived experience worker, or anything
things would've changed, I would've done the rest
Conversations around gender in general need a massive change because THAT is what kept me from living my life until my thirties. 2/?
It feels like something that is genuinely out of reach for me and it's why I can't shake the thought that... 3/?
Idk what else to say here, sorry if my take adds nothing to the convo
Bec I can see the argument. People really do latch onto 'i just exist. So I'm a guy." But it's missing the next step, how to walk them into trying or looking at that & be accepted if they b=A girl
They showed me the secret help forums they help mod. Just thought it was cool that they helped and wished I could do that.
It goes on Ect. Ect. Just tell us.
Unfortunately that led me to the internet where at the time there was an absurd amount of mis/dis-information
It took over 10 years for a friend to disregard the egg directive and keep poking at what was obviously there
dont regret starting
But i do envy people who got to start when i could have
>in early stages where theyre unsure: divulge information when asked and maybe even introduce them to trans groups/info
>The more obvious the egg, i feel the more they need that serious nudge
Certainly worked for me
There was something that was funny at first but grew to bother me immensely
When i came out publicly
I had a bunch of friends who said "wow its about time"
It was funny at first but then it just became "IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SOONER IF YOU HELPED"
Calling it the prime directive is hilarious because Starfleet officers in Star Trek broke that shit all the time.
you're trans -because- you dare to say huh might be right
I too wish I'd been given the nudge earlier >.>
Fuck off
but the idea that I shouldn't sit a friend down and have a chat about how a lot of their behavior ticks a lot of trans boxes is ludicrous.
The posthumous label helped me see something I could never see before.
~Amanda, Spock’s Mom
it's a parody of my own comic
and that comic on one layer of abstraction
I do think some folks get real weird with it like when the discourse was around some celebrity being trans and it's because they wore fish nets once.
I understood the pressure of the shell n force needed to break thru, as reflective of the volition, our will, to persist through opposition n struggle
but probably made that up in my head bcz it felt right
Valid or not, one of them is lazy and too afraid to pick up the phone, and the other is in Iraq.
Part of it is that she wants to bank some sperm and get a therapist first, but is dragging feet.
Like ill never tell anyone how they should believe themselves to be, but if I like you and you want me to, I will share my opinion on what I believe.