We were cutting out pictures from magazines at playgroup and I cut out a picture of the droids. I remember the mums falling about laughing trying to remember the names of them. Then I watched it on tv with my dad. I was very little. Jedi wasn’t out yet. Empire might have been recent.
My brother was born in early '78 and was in the hospital for months. Only saw my parents for a few hours on the weekends. One Saturday, my dad takes me to Children's Palace. I see this weird gold robot toy. I buy it and love it. He gets me more toys and takes me to the movie. Never looked back
Age 7, going to see STAR WARS first premiering in Paramus, NJ(one of the lucky 10 theaters that was first showing it back in 1977) at the Paramus Triplex located on Rt. 17(been long gone). NEVER WOULD FORGET the big "AWE WOW!" moment seeing that big Star Destroyer flying over my head firing lasers!
Being a five year old and seeing the movie on the big screen in the 70s. I only remember the trench run from back then, but that was enough to get it into my blood 😊
It was the first thing we rented when my dad got a new VCR in the early 80s. We rented it so much, he ended up buying a copy, which was insanely expensive, but totally worth it.
I was 2 in 1980 watching the battle of Hoth, standing on a seat in a matinee in awe. It is one of my oldest memories. I'm sure it's been embellished by my mom telling me about it.
Shortly before the special editions came out in the 90s, I was about 10 and my Mom showed me A New Hope. She saw it multiple times in the theatre originally and loved it but never saw the other 2 for some reason. So I had to discover those on my own lol
I actually don't remember when I saw my first Star Wars. I do know however that my first memory of Star Wars is seeing Elliot show off his Star Wars toys to ET, and the Dewback my uncle bought me as my first SW toy.
I have had this before and don't mind telling it again. I was 3 when Star Wars came out not just Theaters but also Drive-in theater in 77. Our next door neighbors went with us. I love story, characters, score, everything that's involved in Star Wars.
A feeling of awe as Luke and Leia swung across the hallway with the missing bridge in the Death Star. Watching that scene at home during a snow storm in the early 80's is my earliest vivid memory.
Finding a VHS in my parents closet that had written in Spanish guerra de Las galaxias which is how my parents called star wars in Spanish, they had recorded empire strikes back on the vhs and thus 7 year old me started on a journey I've never looked back on.
Born in ‘75, so I didn’t get to see Ep IV in the theater. When ESB finally came out, I was fully ready for the Star Wars experience and I came out of that theater ready to take on the Empire, myself.
Being a child in 1977! I saw it at Peckham Odeon (SE London) and the screen was so full, my brother and I sat on the steps. I'd never seen anything so amazing.
I had a high fever and was sick with a bad flu that lasted a week - I was maybe 13 or 14. Remember groggily asking my brother the order of how I needed to watch the original trilogy and being very confused. Fell in love with them immediately.
Summer of 1977 my 4 siblings and I rode our bikes into town to see Star Wars in a small town, one screen theater. Hooked. I've been to 6 SW Celebrations, I collect way too much, and I wear SW shirts to work every day!
Star Trek.
It was the first SF I watched as a kid. One of my first memories is seeing a D7 battle cruiser on screen.
From there I consumed as much SF as I could which naturally included Star Wars.
Seeing Star Wars on tv and actually enjoying it.
Seeing Obi Wan chop off Ponda Baba's arm was an odd sight and Han shooting Greebo, very smoky.
The world building was a lot of fun.
First viewing was at a free summer rec program in between 2nd and 3rd grade. I wasn't into it until they got to the Death Star, but I was locked in after that. Next memory is buying the version of NH with the Leonard Maltin interview at the start and watching that until it damn near fell apart.
My sister always had toys around so it was always part of my life as far back as I can remember.
But, the real love and obsession came Easter 1988 at 5yrs old, watching it on broadcast tv, eating too much chocolate jumping around excitedly. Then projectile vomiting on my mum. Love at first spew.
There was a centre-page splash in The Sun newspaper depicting a Flash Gordon- type rocket ship and a blurb about the film. Then I saw the image of the stormtrooper on the dewback in a mag - and I knew this would be the rest of my life.
I was 10.
My Dad when I was 5 showed me the original trilogy in the 90’s when it aired on USA on the weekends and I just fell in love and when I was 10, he took me to the Special Editions and then he took me to see TPM in ‘99 when it came out. These movies and stories are so special to me
Star Wars has always been a part of my life in some way, so it's hard to tell when it all started for me. But when "The Phantom Menace" came out, it was what really ignited my passion.
My younger brother years ago. He was always into the video games and action figures but I really became more obsessed during the Sequel era and start of the Mandalorian
Saw ROTJ in the theater at 3, got some toys, eventually taped the trilogy off TV and watched repeatedly. Heir to the Empire, comics and other books kept me interested.
My dad showed me the OT movies and took me to the prequels. Got more into the lore by finding a copy of Vector Prime and Heir to the Empire in his office
It started with the OT on TV. Then grew with the release of the prequels. Hit a crescendo with the Disney acquisition and finding TRB to have a discussion to follow every week. Got in to the books and animated series and now SW is my escape from reality. Thanks for being a part of the journey.
The original trilogy on VHS 📼 😁 watched them at a neighbors house and fell in love. This was in the early 90’s before the special editions were released in theaters. In 1998 I joined the https://force.net forum in anticipation of Episode 1 🤓
My dad went to see it opening weekend and loved it so much he took me to see it the next day. I saw it in the cinema 26 more times that summer with my best friend, Cindy. We memorised the entire dialogue and would act it out together when we weren't seeing it.
My father was absolutely obsessed with star wars! When I was four, he popped a new hope into the VCR and my life changed. I knew I wanted to be a good guy. I knew that everyone deserved redemption. I knew I wanted a lightsaber even if I would bisect myself.
had grew up with the original trilogy, and thought they were ok, but it was the special editions that really make me take an interest, and the prequel films solidified me as a fan.
Some themed collectibles in snack packets in UK. I had no idea what they were of but a school friend lent me his VHS tapes of original trilogy. Dug it. Also watched episode 1 and dug it too. I was 10 or 11.
My first foray into STAR WARS is when my dad bought these action figures and this comic book for me and my brother. Soon after, saw the movie, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Still have the action figures in a box somewhere. And the comic book is pictured with my hand.
I remember seeing the laser discs of the original trilogy at my uncles house and wanted to watch it. Hooked ever since. We wouldn’t let anyone else watch anything on the tv when we were over (probably saw return of the Jedi at least 50 times before I was 10).
The Empire Strikes Back was the first movie I saw in the theater. I was 4 1/2 (the 1/2 is important at that age). I was mesmerized and hooked ever since.
I had the original trilogy on VHS as a kid but really what cemented my love of star wars was seeing the prequel trilogy in theaters. I am a prequel kid forever!
Same. Its difficult to overstate how revolutionary the experience was. It looks corny today but at the time it was genre defining, in addition to being a great, well-acted story.
I weep for the lost toys. Remember the early bird set you got through the mail?
That’s really nice!
We rewatched the whole series of movies, within the last year. I still love the original, even though it does seem a little corny now. That’s part of charm it holds for me. 🥰
1999. A combination of watching the OT on a small TV at my godparents house, and seeing this guy all over the ads/marketing for Episode I...and he met this 6-year-old boy's expectations.
Watching Star Wars A New Hope when I was a kid, can’t recall how old I was, but it was before Empire Strikes Back came out.
Lucas films got this spot on as they hooked you with the film and the toys.
Every Christmas/birthday gift from age 5 was Star Wars.
In 7th grade, I took an English class focused on SF books. Our teacher told us about a movie he'd heard about that was coming out in May. A few of us went together on Opening Day. And I haven't missed one since.
I remember standing in a really long line. We finally made it in to a seat, then it started. Dolby Sound was brand new and this was the 1st movie to use it. It was exhilarating and I was hooked as the Imperial Class Star Ship soared over us.
definitely lego star wars: the complete saga 😂 and I just remember thinking how cool mace was with his purple lightsaber but I but i really got into Star Wars when The Force Awakens came out!
My wife got me back into Star Wars. I was huge into it as a kid and up into my twenties and then just kind of fell out of it mostly because the majority of the expanded universe just was not for me. Met Katie, and her family were all into it, and then I fell back down that rabbit hole even harder...
Peer pressure. All the other kids I knew loved Star Wars. kind of rubbed off. I remember getting all six of the og movies from my library and just binge watching the lot of them. Good times
7th grade, in the back of my dad’s pickup, at the Bama Drive-In, with brother and 3 friends, two large paper grocery bags full of homemade popcorn and a cooler fulla cokes, and Luke talking with old Ben Kenobi, switching on his dad’s lightsaber. It was over right then. No idea there would be sequels
I was 5 in 1977 when my Dad took the family to see A New Hope and I have been in love with the franchise since. It inspired me to explore my imagination and ignited a passion for writing. Now, I'm sharing that love with the younger generation in my family. 🙂
An action figure commercial. I really wanted those action figures and to see that movie. Incidentally, there was only one movie when I saw it. Empire Strikes Back was still at least a year away, probably 2.
9 years old, 1977, in the toy department Im staring up at a big rack of action figures from some new movie that wasn't out yet. I was allowed to choose just one so I picked Darth Vader, I had no idea if he was a good guy or bad guy but he looked so cool! 50 years later Im still collecting figures
Sounds to good to be true but the first film I was ever taken to by my dear Mum, as a four year old, back in 1977, was Star Wars. Sadly set up some high expectations for subsequent film going that were rarely met.
My mom! She was watching Return of the Jedi on tv when I was 10, and I wandered in and thought “woah this is cool”, then she bought me the VHS set of the original trilogy with the characters’ heads on the boxes for Christmas that year and I’ve been hooked ever since!
I know I had seen them before that point, but what really got me into Star Wars was seeing the Special Editions in theaters in 1997 when I was 9 years old, and then Phantom Menace two years later. I've been hooked ever since.
I’m old enough that it’s just Star Wars, the original movie. Which I think I must have seen on TV. But I also had a read along cassette and book. Had one for Empire Strikes Back too, but that I got to see in the theater. That excitement probably is what really pulled me in.
I was five years old and had a really bad 3rd degree burn on my leg and stayed the night in hospital. This was in 2001. When I came home, Mum decided to cheer me up by letting me watch Star Wars for the first time. So she ordered Pizza Hut and rented The Phantom Menace from Blockbuster.
My parents introduced me to the original trilogy! ❤️😍 This was back when I still could not read fast enough to catch the subtitles on my own, so my mother read the swedish subtitles out loud throughout the entire movies! 😲 So impressed that she did! 🥰
In the UK in the 70's, a kids' quiz show called Screen Test, hosted by Michael Rod, showed a clip of the TIE fighters attacking the Falcon. I was about 10yo and it just blew my mind. The film hadn't released in the UK, I think, but I was obsessed immediately.
My dad and my grandad. My dad took me to see SW when I was 3 (don’t remember though), but later my grandad picked me up from school one day and gave me a Han Solo and an AT-AT driver action figure. 1980, I was 5, but I remember that like yesterday. Then my dad took me to a SW/ESB double bill. Done.
My grandparents had the original trilogy special editions and the phantom menace on VHS. Needless to say, I “borrowed” those and have been in love with that galaxy far, far away…
When I went to my frist foster family who ended up adopted me, me and mom watch OG 3 trilogy, she took to watch the prequels in cinema every since then I became a fan, we still goto cinema to watch them when they out
My Dad got me into Star Trek first, but when Star Wars came out in ‘77, he bought the soundtrack on cassette and we listened to that together in the car constantly. We couldn’t watch the movie again so we told each other the story through the music until Empire in ‘81.
My dad first got me to watch ANH when I was like 6 on VHS and I was hooked immediately! It’s one of the few things we can bond over as he’s slowly making his way through all the new films and shows
My mom worked in a bookstore and often brought books home before they were due to hit the shelves for me to preview. One of them was the novelization of Star Wars - with enticing photos inside - out a few weeks prior to the release of the movie. I was utterly facinated.
First ever movie I saw in a movie theatre at the tender age of 3 years old, I fell asleep by all accounts, but I remembered that start.
Jump forward 3 years, we see Empire, which has basically lived in my head rent free ever since.
It was the best, is the best, forever will be the best.
Looking at the pictures while my mum read me the story of The Empire Strikes Back when I was 5. I thought Dark Vader was a robot and couldn’t understand how he could be Luke’s father. Finally saw Star Wars about a year later when it came to video.
Long story short: My dad was watching Empire Strikes back in the living room and the lasers from the AT-ATs caught my attention and I ended up watching the rest of the movie with him. Ended up becoming a huge Darth Vader fan that day.
I think I was already kinda into Star Wars when the Special Editions came out, but they cemented it. I begged my dad to take me to see them. When the Star Destroyer thundered overhead, I was hooked.
We had the OT on VHS. I enjoyed them! But then being taken as a child to the re-releases at the cinema in the 90s kicked it into high gear. I spent a lot of time on late 90s/early 00s Star Wars games like Rebel Assault, Dark Forces, and Jedi Academy, and climbing trees pretending to be on Dagobah. 😄
It's had me ever since.
It was the first SF I watched as a kid. One of my first memories is seeing a D7 battle cruiser on screen.
From there I consumed as much SF as I could which naturally included Star Wars.
Then we watched the films. He made ships out of lego (before the stuff now).
He got legends books and let me read them.
I liked SW but never as much as him.
Seeing Obi Wan chop off Ponda Baba's arm was an odd sight and Han shooting Greebo, very smoky.
The world building was a lot of fun.
But, the real love and obsession came Easter 1988 at 5yrs old, watching it on broadcast tv, eating too much chocolate jumping around excitedly. Then projectile vomiting on my mum. Love at first spew.
I was 10.
I was a kid, I suddenly had the VHS' even tho my parents didn't like Star Wars, and I watched TCW weekly on Cartoon Network.
Star Wars sort of fell into my lap...
Never looked back
Was a casual fan til 2014 when Disney bought Lucas Film, and since then, we've gone all in. #starwars #starwarsfan
followed by the prequels
had grew up with the original trilogy, and thought they were ok, but it was the special editions that really make me take an interest, and the prequel films solidified me as a fan.
Still have the action figures in a box somewhere. And the comic book is pictured with my hand.
I weep for the lost toys. Remember the early bird set you got through the mail?
I have another collection stash that is older and more chaotic. Some are boxed up and need to be released from their shoe box prisons.
My mom gave all my toys to my cousin when we left Texas. I think I’m still trying to fill that hole. 🤣
This is my office, strategic camera angle hides the truth. 😂
We rewatched the whole series of movies, within the last year. I still love the original, even though it does seem a little corny now. That’s part of charm it holds for me. 🥰
Lucas films got this spot on as they hooked you with the film and the toys.
Every Christmas/birthday gift from age 5 was Star Wars.
As an adult: severe mental health struggles and a fundamental need for hope
Jump forward 3 years, we see Empire, which has basically lived in my head rent free ever since.
It was the best, is the best, forever will be the best.
And you?
My heart has belonged with it ever since.