It's like watching a dilapidated house or car far apart piece by piece in every single pick and it would be funny if the potential outcome was not so damn bleak.
Aye, it's like a parody already so you can even make jokes about it.
"What's he gonna do next? Appoint a pedo sex trafficking drug fueled.... Oh.... Wait.... Dang, lol maybe he'll appoint a science and vaccine denier to minister of.... Damn, beat me too it again"
The way to seek out the criminal sex rings that the wealthy and powerful roam in is to send one of their own after them. This is the plot of the next Daily Wire Movie “Predator-Predator”
I guess one good thing about a malignant narcissist is that it would appear that obsequiousness seems to trump competence as a quality to look for when putting together a staff.
As a non-American its kinda fascinating seeing how big a shitshow the whole administration is gonna be.
You know all these assholes love infighting with each other too
"Where the rules are made up and the facts don't matter" 💀
"What's he gonna do next? Appoint a pedo sex trafficking drug fueled.... Oh.... Wait.... Dang, lol maybe he'll appoint a science and vaccine denier to minister of.... Damn, beat me too it again"
You know all these assholes love infighting with each other too