I heard the same, but a friend of mine said ME2 is probably the best game she's ever played and she plays for a living. So i bought the trilogy for under £5 recently and finished ME1 over Xmas. It was so good 😀 ME2 here I come...
Any friend opinion on whether ME3 is worth playing or just the first two. I played Dead Space 1 and 2 recently and did not want to waste my time on 3. Similar situation?
spirit of justice is SO good! i love the entire apollo justice trilogy, it introduced so many great characters and mechanics! im a bit biased towards the phoenix wright trilogy since it started everything and edgeworth is my favorite character lol! but strong arguments can be made for either one!
I would have to say the original Tomb Raider I II III, but Mass Effect trilogy is one of the best rpg shooters of all time IMO. Mass Effect is like putting an excellent sci fi TV show into a game. I love Halo first 3 to death, but Mass Effect is something else.
When I think "trilogy" I think a confined story. Halo goes beyond a trilogy. There is an argument for Resident Evil, but I see that as a story, and then a story told twice?
In the pure sense of a trilogy, I just can't think of anything that tops Mass Effect.
Mass Effect or Bioshock. Bioshock 1 for me is the best game of all 6, but Mass Effect 2 and 3 beat the other Bioshocks. All 6 are top notch games though.
Also, not really a trilogy but Yakuza 0 - Kiwami 2 is an amazing run of 3 games.
I've got 3 answers for 3 different generations.
Resident Evil 1,2 & 3
Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City & San Andreas
Halo: CE, 2 & 3
Every game could be considered a GOAT game. Each series continued beyond them but still had a distinct trilogy. And each laid the groundwork to revolutionize their genre.
The impossible question haha. Max Payne, The Witcher, Crysis, Dishonored... That's just off the top of my head.
However, an interesting extension to the question would be - is there a *perfect* trilogy? Where each installment flawlessly builds upon what came before? In such case none of my picks fit
Absolutely! I will give credit to Nintendo though they are never afraid to always try and reinvent or try and push a series forward. They are never happy with just making a different version of the same game over and over.
Yup it's called Silent Hill 4: The Room! A flawed but overall enjoyable experience filled with a bunch of really cool ideas (and some not so great ones) I think it's still a solid entry though and deserves recognition.
Feels weird leaving out 1 to make it a trilogy for the other games in the series, especially for how much it's a bridge of the lore between 3 and 4, which flows almost directly into 5.
Mass Effect. Despite people not liking the end of the third game, that doesn't negate the rest of the content of the games, at least in my opinion. Legendary franchise.
Halo 1,2,3. Goated. Laid the ground work for all modern day FPS games. A gaming cultural phenomenon that still lives because of this trilogy INSPITE of it's more recent and disasterous entries to the franchise.
Eh, I think the first game was heavily carried by its characters rather than plot or gameplay (mostly the complete lack of stealth). Granted, the characters are fantastic, but the other two far outclass it.
Gotta be Halo 1-3 for me! Gears 1-3 was amazing as well! I did like Uncharted 1-3, but felt 2 was a little overrated (played this series way after the released). Mario 1-3 deserves a strong mention. Mass Effect face-planted it’s ending so bad that I just can’t do it. 😭😭😭
Dark Souls Trilogy. It's a Reverse Mass Effect. None of your choices matter between games, the 2nd game is the worst, but the 3rd game brings it back in legendary fashion.
Yes! That Sly Cooper series and Percy Jackson books were like 70 percent of my childhood. The remasters are almost as good as I remember (first area in Sly 2 was honestly not great, but everything else roughly met my high expectations).
People saying Mass Effect have rose colored glasses on, three was a near GoT level drop in quality of writing and engagement. It does not deserve GOAT status.
For me it has to the Sabreman Trilogy. Sabre Wulf, Underwurlde and Knight Lore. All released in the same year, 1984, all different genre of game, and pretty much invented modern gaming as we know it.
Plenty of people have already (correctly) said Mass Effect, aside from that it'll probably be the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy assuming they stick the landing. The first 2 are both in my top favorite games
Its hard for me to pick 1, but i tend to us a pool with a loose "Trilogy" definition. The console releases of Elder Scrolls has to be in that conversation. The first 3 Halo games. The OG Super Mario trilogy. The console Fallout lineup. Metal Gear. So many.
Arkham slaps. To this day, Arkham Knight, despite a few flaws, is a great game and is incredibly visually impressive for being a nearly 10-year old game
3 times in a row
Especially Dream Land 3. 🔥🙏
I'd honestly say it's a valid contender as one of the best Ace Attorney games.
I mean porta..-
In the pure sense of a trilogy, I just can't think of anything that tops Mass Effect.
YouTube com/@twopennygames
Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy
F-zero x
F zero gx
With Wipeout close behind
(anti grav racer guy bias)
Phantasy Star 1, 2, 4 is definitely my fave pick; it did a lot to challenge FF. Women in gaming moment, too.
Wizardry 6-8 is a good contender, especially development wise.
Ultima 4-6 vs. satanic panic
Chrono is hard to ignore
Wii Group 2 trilogy (sports, sports resort, play)?
We're slightly biased.
Also, not really a trilogy but Yakuza 0 - Kiwami 2 is an amazing run of 3 games.
Xenoblade chronicles
Mother is good
Remake series is going great
XIII is solid
The original 3 Halo games or the Dark Souls trilogy
are these games for masochists or did I miss anything?
Uncharted 1-3
Gears of War 1-3
God of War 1-3
MGS 1-3
Resident Evil 1-3
Resident Evil 1,2 & 3
Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City & San Andreas
Halo: CE, 2 & 3
Every game could be considered a GOAT game. Each series continued beyond them but still had a distinct trilogy. And each laid the groundwork to revolutionize their genre.
Snake: Nokia 3310
Snake: Nokia 105
However, an interesting extension to the question would be - is there a *perfect* trilogy? Where each installment flawlessly builds upon what came before? In such case none of my picks fit
I kind of like the risks they take.
Dark Souls it is.
Ranking would probably be:
1.) Dark Souls
2.) Metal Gear Solid
3.) Bioshock
4.) God of War
5.) Mass Effect.
2 was fine but 1 and 3 are so good they carry.
Thief trilogy literally invented stealth action.
Batman Arkham
The Witcher
Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
Killer Instinct
That would be my top 5. Not sure about the order
Even the most humongous bastard player always lets garrus win that shooting contest in the citadel.
I did liked how ME3 wrapped up all the conflicts in a satisfied way.
Stronghold Crusader
Stronghold Crusader Extreme
Metroid Prime
Donkey Kong Country
Mass Effect (would rank higher if they stuck the landing better)
Crash Bandicoot
Trio as part of wider collection: Halo 1-3.
Halo 1-3
Arkham trilogy
Splinter Cell 1-3
Tomb Raider reboot 1-3
So it's The Witcher despite how wonky the first game is.