I’m going to say something a bit delicate, so please stay with me, in Australia we casually throw the word
C u n t
into our sentences. A lot of us do this but not all. I’ve noticed some Americans actually get offended by the word. Please make allowances for cultural differences, and 1/
C u n t
into our sentences. A lot of us do this but not all. I’ve noticed some Americans actually get offended by the word. Please make allowances for cultural differences, and 1/
And Good Morning.
It’s fine to just must or block if you don’t like it
Just wait until you've been accused of "cussing". 😁
Hell, that's not even a real word. Fair fucking dinkum.
But youse Seppos (generally) seem to use it with gay abandon whenever a bloody blue breaks out and someone says "damn".
I created this meme to convey to non-Strayans how *context is king* when it comes to how we use words like "cunt"
scots / brits / kiwis get it; seppos not so much!
#Straya #Linguistics
Here's the triple goodness, where you can see him in the Haka, and his comment separate in another post...
but I had to fight my unrelenting perfectionism gene to *not* include
icymi: seppo originated in Australia in the 80s; "septic tank" is rhyming slang for "yank", and we #Strayans love *shortening all the words* so the diminutive "seppo" was inevitable!
if you google "seppo" you'll be told it's a slur, however as per the...
#Straya #Linguistics
it's like "motherfucker": it's not meant to be taken literally! and whilst typically utilised as an insult, it can also be used playfully, as a term of endearment 😁
#Straya #Linguistics
Now it's the end.
I think the other difference in Australia is that even though it's a gender neutral term, we're more likely to call a bloke a cunt than a woman, whereas I suspect seppos are the opposite.
fuckin awesome to have more Strayans here for these convos!
i also didn’t realise how much i said ‘fukn’ in my day to day communication until i heard myself on video… strewth!! 🫣
I'm a mum; hands down that word was the best way to get my kids engaged in grammar. Is the word a noun, a verb, or adjective? Hours of discussion.
They're all just words...
“How do you do, fellow cunts?” is actually very funny lol.
Hopefully that wasn't a fever dream
In other Anglophone countries swearing was just considered crude. Where in the US it is both crude and ungodly.
It's truly exhausting
Us poms: waheyyyyyyy!
Someone locks their keys in the house . . . stupid cunt
Someone wins lotto . . . rrrr you lucky cunt!
Noisey group . . . will you cunts shut the fuck up!
Seeing someone for the first time in years . . .how yer going you old cunt
A very usefull word
I also do not like slut
So, as an Aussie, I keep those words for high importance!