CNN: “.. in Gaines County, .. nearly 1 in 5 incoming kindergartners in the 2023-24 school year did not get the vaccine. The 18% vaccine exemption rate for the county is one of the highest in the state ..”
Does Texas care about that, me wonders?
If the mother gets measles and the fetus dies, they need to be able to find her and charge her with murder.
18% vaccination rate....holy shit.
It gave all the right wing media fodder for months and years to tell their ignorant listeners to.
Get real and self educate on this issue.
Vaccine must be worse?
But then… I remember (unlike RFK jr I *can* remember b/c I don’t have a brain worm) that the kids are the ones who are going to suffer.
Mild cases of measles are bearable… but there *will* be small coffins in Gaines Cty 😔
“My county made it to 2025 but all I got was this lousy my kid died from a disease that’s been preventable since the 50s.”
What remember most about measles is that a pregnant woman’s child has the greatest risk. Did I just bury the lead?
— (literally) no one
Vaccine fear is FINE - but fear of MEASLES should be MUCH HIGHER.
Nervous system complications are less frequent, but in older children and adults, measles can be complicated by development of encephalomyelitis, an autoimmune demyelinating disease that often results in permanent neurologic damage.
Dummies put infants at risk at home who have not yet completed MMR immunization