“.. this [DOGE] narrative should end very soon,” the official said. “Probably the best way for that to happen is no more town halls.”
This is why Maga had to make their movement about hate. If it was just the economy they'd be FUCKED
Demand truthful answers. Do they stand by the constitution or Trump? Have they been promised no elections in future
And putting electric tape on your dashboard so you don't have to see the warning light....
Feckless cowards only want to observe “strength” and participate in flock.
Don’t these peasants know their place!?!
Headline writers need to stop coddling them.
Get busy; tick tock !!
They’re all “big balls” til someone comes yelling that “TRUTH” stuff to them. And… and…. holding them accountable. 🙄
Shouldn’t these congressmen celebrate their federal government small enough to drown in a bathtub?
One could kick & Dick is out of commition for hours, maybe days.
Repubs aren't Pussies, they're Dicks.
Whimpy scared Dicks
https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/11/politics/republican-congress-town-halls/index.html #cspan #cspanwj
Some advise to swarm the homes… maybe
Want to make your message loud and clear? Swarm the media. Show the nation what a p.o.s. Your Congressperson is.
It ought to get you in AND have the additional benefit of torquing pickled brains with some real live cognitive dissonance.
First he says have the town halls without them if they don’t want them. He even said eventually soon. He might go to some.
Get your democrat congressman there. And call everything out.
And record it to show everyone
Yes, I'm nitpicking. But "democrat" is a GOP/MAGAt contrivance intentionally used to diminish and demean members of the Democratic Party (Wikipedia calls it an epithet). So why would any of us use the slur against our own?
We can do this.
Asking for a friend.
Remember the tsunami of furious women after Dobbs? Same thing here.
Then the Russians will nuke us and Trump can rule over a radioactive wasteland.
If they don't want to do a town hall, give them a call & let them know how you feel:
Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121
Whit House switchboard: (202) 456-1414
The government has a loooong history of ignoring citizens needs in favor of supporting their corporate donors wants and when most of the population is at-will employees one paycheck away from homelessness...
What do you expect to have happen?
CNBC posting unchecked lies and propaganda ✅
Watching the USA die in real time is a hoot!
RealityTV Nation
Go to their offices, call them. Don't let Republicans hide!
If we stop listening to furious constituents right now, we’d have very few angry constituents, if any. — #GOP in 2025
"Oh, easy solution. Just don't talk to them"
"Great idea!"
American Democratic Republic isn't working anymore
Bring the FIGHT to a Republican near you, find them wherever they're hiding, you have 2 weeks before the vote.
That's how the system works, MAKE them hear YOU!
Just sayin'
But yes- I whole heartily agree. Take it to them... We are real people, not numbers on a bill in DC. There are FAR MORE of us then there are their wealthy donors. Let their neighbors and families see the reality of their actions. No pity from me!
Plug in your zip here and pull a list of your elected officials, with contact info!!
We need an account tracking their travel out of the Capital.
Somebody knows where he lives.
Be sure to stay on public property, not rep’s property.
I don't think going to their homes would be my first move. They have DC and district offices. They should see us in the halls of Congress.
monsters, all of them
"... government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"
Broadcast the number of people fired due to their policies.
You should be holding Town Halls in Republican districts if you want to take back the House in 2026.
We are blessed they are this deep into their own rectal cavities …