We’re in the how-to-raise-your-own-chickens-on-page-one part of the egg price cycle. 🥚
Are you sure Trump isn’t trying to kill you all?
They started with, "Chickens? Sure!" and had to hustle to put in rules when the complaints started rolling in.
Shyt, now I kinda wanna re-examine the riders in my lease, with and eye toward the pets clauses. Could be fun!
also, this increases human exposure to bird flu etc. bird flu is endemic in wildfowl, so extra ($$! time!) precautions need to be taken to prevent contact (eg bird shit from overhead...)
The cons? You can spend a lot of money and end up with some happy foxes, dogs and raccoons but no chickens. Unfortunately, our mammals don’t lay eggs.
Think I'll get a reply??
It's as absurd as the average person raising their own chickens to get eggs
2. Find Juan Valdez
3. Hire him.
You understand. 🗞️📰
Imagining all of America living next to a rooster. You think we're an angry people now.
How about the cost of prescription drugs?
Social Security missing payments for the first time in history?
The housing crisis?
So many crises that are not being reported on.
And now gas is going up. So to get the eggs to the store? They're gonna go up even more.
The problem is the overwhelming majority of people who get into it have absolutely no idea what they are doing and the animals suffer as a result.
Eggs never have been and never will be a nutritional requirement.
Truly Dame Nellie Bonespurs is the most stable genius e-ver.
They all got degrees and jobs INSIDE. No farming.
I also know several people who grew up on farms and couldn't wait to get away from farming. Hot, dirty, tiring, nasty, unending, smelly, badly paid -- NOT their idea of fun.
Cons: Eggs may be $1 apiece by time you buy the chicks, incubate the chicks, build the coop, buy the food and the irrigation system.
Chicken poop everywhere. Dead grass. Hawks.
I’m a freaking vegetarian. It was carnage.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
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Seems very fitting that the moment Krasnov got his oily digits to the power, this type of news is suddenly appearing in US.
(In a way they're right? They won't have to worry once it kills them I guess 😑)
Second: I didn't expect to have nostalgia this morning. I used to live in the Tri-Cities, and haven't seen a Herald in so long!
Step 1. Create austerity - cripple FDA and NIH
Step 2. Declare false narrative of savings
Step 3. Cite individual responsibility - "just buy chickens"
Step 4. Transfer declared savings from poor to rich through tax breaks.
High egg prices not resolved
With those old empty styrofoam egg cartons. 🤔
But at least I never had to clean up their crap.
It's sad to see such cool animals end up that way.
FFS... That's what we should be reading AND DOING!
Too bad for people who can’t afford a coop and a pen, apartment dwellers, and people who live in the city, I guess. No eggs for you!
Oh, wait…
STOP fighting a #CultureWar and fight the #ClassWar!!!
Cons: not in an apartment; expensive to raise/keep; bird flu; roosters won't SHUT UP!; need a fox/coyote/wolf proif enclosure (there goes "free-range").
Just, no.
Yesterday, Trump “created” the same idea.
He’s echoing Hugo Chávez.
A tyrant is a tyrant, is a tyrant.
Q: "Where in a densely populated urban area do you think community gardens can be located?"
We’re not allowed to keep roosters where I live for that very reason.
There's nothing wrong with having an extensive garden, but chickens mean noise and smell and predators, which is inflicted on your neighbors.