The Small Business Administration sent employees a letter saying that they had been fired.
Then it sent them an email saying that the email was a mistake.
Then it sent some of them another email saying actually they were fired
Then it sent them an email saying that the email was a mistake.
Then it sent some of them another email saying actually they were fired
1. They are incompetent
2. It's emotional abuse to make the ones that aren't fired quit.
Slave owning, church allied, law fixers......
Other times one wonders if Trump’s use of chaos is accidental
In living rooms across America, everyone—including the whole world—realize that Trump’s deliberate use of chaos was designed to purposefully hurt his fellow Americans
This is August 2024. No one was paying attention.
Is this getting greater?
Hope springs eternal!
Or your posts start to sound like fun & games "here's the latest spectacle LOL". Which is fun.
But costs you y/our democracy, and democratic capitalism with it.
Seems like a lawyer somewhere realized they’re supposed to have an actual reason to fire people, so now they just insult you at the end of the email to cover their ass.
Lawsuits !!
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Remember, it is a tool to help people to imagine what they would see.
Same goes for emoji, hashtags.
Just imagine describing a picture over phone, any joke would just irritate the receiver.
No, wait sorry, my bad
Oh wait, nvm you’re fired again
So he spent the money he claimed to "save us". Save our money to his bank account, more like.
Don't really think that is true; rather, this particular incident is notable and amusing precisely for that unique fact