I’m a father to a 17-year-old son. Literally his entire life, I have been saying “I’ve loved all of his ages… but this one is particularly fun.”
I’ve meant it every time.
I’ve truly loved all of his ages…
…but this one is particularly fun.
I’ve meant it every time.
I’ve truly loved all of his ages…
…but this one is particularly fun.
WHERE is the sauce????
You must have nerves of steel to say it when your kid starts driving…
But I can also remember that she's been a great fun part of my life the rest of her 31 years!
I've missed your posts!
As a mom of 4 now adult kids, trust me, it keeps getting better.
28, 22, 21, & a 19 yo daughter.
The questions are still there, we laugh A LOT, & they are my best friends.
I miss the little shoes though. 👣
The Best❤️
Lord, what better gift is there?
Such a great place to go mentally when the teenage angst torpedoes are coming at me :)
A gift that will keep on giving forever
My 20 yo gave me the best gift early in this new year, we were discussing the concert we attended December 10, had to stand for 4 hours. However, all 3 bands were AMAZING so I danced my ass off for most of it. 20 yo complimented me being middle-aged and yet sooo INTO the music😁
“Hey you’re not dead yet good for you !”
Get it all the time 😂
Teenage girl with ADHD can be challenging but this reminds me I did a pretty good job repairing some challenges from my childhood
Progress not perfection 👍
All the best
Funny how a complete stranger saying that means so much
I’m glad I shared here :)
Safe. I can only imagine how intense this stuff gets when they are truly your own.
Until 14. We were so close, but the teenage years have been hard, I am on anti-depressants, although aged 17, there are occasional flashes of civility and even pleasantness.
I miss him so much.
17yo turn into asshats at 18-19, and don't come back to reality until they are about 22yo.
To bear witness as they continuously unfold, is to observe the beauty (and brutality) of the artistry of life. An incredible and precious gift ❤️
Every age has its own challenges but you just meet them and grow together as a result!
this age is fun (and scary)
The man has arrived.
It's the time they know everything better than you and often they really do
I keep telling myself I must have done something right in another life to be so lucky.
He is an adult now. I tell him he has to pay rent now.
But he goes off to NJIT in September. Thats 3 kids done now, one to go.
And it's true. ❤️
I loved all his ages, except 2 where he developed an issue of not producing melatonin and slept only 1 hour a day, but he couldn't be left unattended for even a minute as he was destructive and so no one in the house slept for 6 months
But this one is particularly fun.
He told me many things, yet this always comes to mind and makes me smile. That is nice you see life this way too. Tell your son.. every year.. 💞
One stand out phase: 3-6 they say the most astounding things that keep you up at night pondering their thought processes and how their brains work better than yours. Well, I did.
I really wasn't cut out for motherhood, and didn't handle a little kid all that well. Loved him, but found it all terribly frustrating and foreign. The teen years were like a huge rainbow enveloping me. And it's lasted ever since.