It's gonna be interesting seeing European fascists learn what American fascists think of Europe. It seems to be doing nothing but undermining the whole Eurosceptic base of their political movement. A silver lining of the rise of American fascism may be the decline of resurgent European fascism 🤞
We already saw the AfD underwhelm slightly, despite the chillingly high proportion of the German electorate vote for it. We are seeing Canadian fascism lose ground in the face of Trumpism (analogous situation, despite being North American) Hopefully that's a canary in the coalmine.
Nope, he stopped a billion dollars with of aid dead. Nothing has entered Ukraine since he entered office. It’s a flat out lie that the US has been aiding Ukraine under Trump.
It’s an easily verifiable fact. Trump has been withholding aid that Congress already approved. It should be made public. He did it before and he’s done it again.
My best guess is European leaders didn’t want to kick up a fuss and make things worse. Trump had no intention of aiding Ukraine, he wants to leave them defenceless and under Russian control. He always has. If you want to see what a peace deal under Trump looks like, look up the Doha accords.
The British right wing rag The Daily Mail has turned against Trump. Two weeks ago that was as likely as me playing for Celtic. Trump has managed to unite pretty much the rest of the world in support of Ukraine.
I cannot wait for the judgement in her embezzlement case to come march 31st, along with hopefully the ban on her and her co-conspirators running for public office for the next 5 years.
Marine Le Pen is trying to sure up her own political skin in France. I hope no one is fooled by this fascist. She’d do exactly the same if she ever got to be president. Heaven help us.
Marine Le Pen ? My god. At this point I think if this was 1938 Hitler would have made a phone call and said 'hey Don mate, this is too much, come on give it a break'
"A six-month inquiry found that the RN party had served as a 'communication channel' for Russian power, notably supporting Moscow’s illegal annexation of Crimea."
Europe really is changing in the face of the Trump/Putin axis.
Once you’re in striking distance of power you have massive incentives, like Meloni, to converge on a more mainstream path, rather than be a puppet/proxy. Ultimately it’s a question of whether you really want political power or pay offs.
The far right will benefit from disassociating themselves from Russia. Plenty of people would consider supporting them for issues like immigration but are turned off by coziness to crazy countries like Russia.
I think right wing politicians across the world are starting to realise that “Everything Trump touches dies!” is one of the greatest truism in history!
Ugh, he was like a nodding dog in parliament today while Starmer was slating Putin. As if people don't already know how much he's sucked up to Trump and Putin!
She is saying this to remove this "pro-Russian" tag that has been following her and is getting increasingly problematic for her.
So are you saying all of this was paused a while ago but the reporting hadn’t revealed the full scope till today?
Every pro Ukraine voice is a win
Even this vile human realises she can’t buck against this stronger public opinion without backlash
Hungarian and Slovak people: Are you listening!!!??
Her head is still up Putin's's just not a vote winner.
well that really says something in of itself, doesn't it
Don't fall for her witchcraft!
Europe really is changing in the face of the Trump/Putin axis.
Her party is Pro Putin and was founded by Nazis.
Please do not confuse them with resistance.
Far right fools!
this is all about domestic politics, and like all far right politicians funded by Russia, she'd flip-flop in a heart beat