Taking shots at Syrian refugees for cheap "laughs", saying it's stupid to discuss defending oneself against targeted aggression that threatens our sovereignty, implying people are stupid when they question you... this is really a mix of awful.
Elbows up isn’t always about physical fights! It’s about doing the work! Why would you twist it? Far too much privilege I’m assuming to care to understand. Tariq & his family have far more invested into “being Canadian” than most of us will ever get! They know all about “elbows up” work & fights!
Their shop is just down the street here in town. It’s a bit of a departure for their brand but they’ve always been keen to support movements that bring Canadians together.
they dont seem to like it when we start using the word racism to protect ourselves from racism but will manufacture bullshit stunts like this to act like they were global compassion superheroes who were just waiting for the day to take the huge bully usa down. it is pathetic, vapid and vacuous.
i find far too many shitty white canadians skeeting drivel on here and far too few non-white people who reside on this stolen land. surely we don't all think that this place is so amazing and are so satisfied and content with life that we dont get any sense of necessity to reach out and connect.
Nice try Lora. Anyone that pushes back you pretend it’s a joke. Anyone that agrees with you, you make quite clear the post was sincere. It’s gaslighting worthy of a Trump supporter.
You're right. I am dead serious in this very obvious joke post. You are the one true oracle. No one else understands. Not even me. Also, my name isnt Lora.
This is a joke. Don't tell me about the Avalanche.
Works for me anyway, but I'm not a pacifist.