I'm glad you're paying attention, and speaking out. I hope that you can lead Senate Democrats to oppose the rest of Trump's agenda, including his cabinet nominees. In addition, there are tens of millions of Americans who oppose Trump, and ready to be active if given some organizational direction.
Just stop posting this. We know. What we don't know is what you're planning to do about it. Gads. How hard is this to understand? If you can't post about action you're engaged in, don't post at all.
So bring articles of impeachment now. Stop all Dems from supporting a single one of his nominees. Resist. Send a message Dems aren’t going to cooperate with #trumptreason. The world is watching Senator.
Can you please look into what has allowed one man to wreak such absolute chaos? Whatever law or right gave him this ability needs to be changed so this can never happen again. Checks and balances is absolutely gone. He is a full-blown dictator now.
Schumer, why are senate democrats voting yes on any of these positions? Repubs have the numbers to pass on their own & every democrat that votes YES, will go down in history as being complicit in an administration hell bent on burning democracy to the ground. Stop handing them gasoline! Vote NO!
*Correction: they are now in trouble because you and your centrist conservatives cosplaying as liberals are doing nothing but crossing the line and confirming their fascist agenda. These post blaming trump are as useless as you and the dems voting to assist the fascist.
OK, so when are you and all the other Democratic members of Congress flying down to Florida and banging on their doors to get them to get back to work? They are down there parting on taxpayer money while they’ve cut off funding for half of the country do your job, Chuck
Why do you keep voting for his unqualified nominees, sometimes dangerous? Is the strategy you are using to wear him down by complying with everything he wants?
Need to create accessible sources of health information. Dems lead in this (because I am sure GOP won't).. Creating alternative to the CDC site with up-to-date relevant health information, especially re potential pandemic agents. Info directly from hospitals /health agencies etc. Source UK NHS etc.
"Convicted felon Donald Trump has stolen money from hospitals that provide life-saving care so he can give it to his Nazi loving billionaire cronies. Senate Dems will refuse ANY and ALL support for Trump nominees and legislation moving forward" is what you should have said
You do realize that you, Congress & the military are the ones that have to stop this, right? Filling up phone lines will not stop oligarch authoritarian traitors who are actively desecrating the constitution.
I want the democrats to fight like the republican nazi fascists: go low, go lower than them, and then head stomp them on the curb. That is what patriotic Americans want; be vicious and play dirty to save our democracy. I don’t want a nice polite democratic leader I want a blood thirsty one.
So what are you going to do about it Chuck. I’ve always had faith in you but not this time around. We the people want to see you fight for us because we are feeling like we are on our own 😞💙💙💙
Some rural grandma is going to be thrown out of her nursing home and have her hospital shuttered. Republicans were proud to call themselves grandma killers during the pandemic and they want to make sure you don't forget.
Why can’t Dem leaders hold their own televised news conferences and take questions?We just can’t let that lying little mouthpiece speak to Americans.We are begging for a response from our leaders.
Do your job and get the others we elected to stand up and speak out!!! Social media, billboards.., go on Fox!!! We need to grab the attention and make sure Americans see this!!!
For f sake!!!!!
So why do you keep supporting his nominees? What are the dems doing to fight back? Grow a pair chuck or step aside and let the younger generation take over. You are playing by a different set of rules then the R’s
And when you get done voting yes to the facist cab picks, regurgitating news, fondling your stock portfolio and having cocktails with our oppressors perhaps you could GO ON THE OFFENSIVE!
Financial programs are granted by Congress. How is it that he can stop the funding and everyone says “ok”. Hello? Is anyone else in Washington? What do we do now?
Did you know that MEDICAID comprises about 14% of US hospital revenues and that the profit margin for US hospitals varies widely, and many hospitals operate at a small loss. In 2023, the average hospital operating margin was 5.2%? Do the math. Hospitals will be closing everywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I do think talking can be a powerful resistance tool. Particularly for Senators and other leaders. But if that's all you're going to do, pick some better words and phrases.
Like "traitors, insurrectionists, felons, clear and present dangers to our country, jackwagons
We get it "thanks to Donald Trump." I promise we all took him off of our Christmas card list. Now that we got that out of the way, could you stop bleating and do you fucking job?
And you either don't really care or don't have the energy to do anything more than whine on social media.
WHY are you our party's leader? Give it up for someone who isn't feckless
Do something.
Your passivity and meek compliance are achieving nothing. Meet the moment or get out of the way.
Stop with strongly worded nonsense. You are NOT helping!
For f sake!!!!!
Stop posting, start doing.
No dictators!
Like "traitors, insurrectionists, felons, clear and present dangers to our country, jackwagons