ASHLEIGH: we’re going to the ralleigh
ANDRE: is it todae
THOM: no it’s thomorrow
STEPHEN: at sephen o’clock
MICHAEL: how much were the tichaets
PHOEBE: they were phroe
MARGOT: oh man i wish i could got
GEOFF: me too i’m geolous
ANDRE: is it todae
THOM: no it’s thomorrow
STEPHEN: at sephen o’clock
MICHAEL: how much were the tichaets
PHOEBE: they were phroe
MARGOT: oh man i wish i could got
GEOFF: me too i’m geolous
HERMIONE: I don't like where this thread is going
SAOIRSE: I'm saoirtain you won't set up about it
UNCLE SEAN: and bring a blanket to sit on the lean