What was your Christmas screw-up? Mine was knocking over a drink on the almost-completed 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. The wet pieces expanded like popcorn. #joinin
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My inlaws (first time dog owners) didn't dog-proof house before going out. The dog ate some chocolate covered raisins. Emergency vet & $1700 later, he's perfectly fine. The jigsaw puzzle was safe & still intact.
When I was a kid I dropped the stylus on my Christmas present (Wombles LP).
Thought I'd scratched it and was SO upset.
30 odd years later I streamed it for my son only to find the 'scratch' was actually part of how the track itself was produced.
Slipped whilst putting the bins out in the dark, fell flat on my backside and ended up with a hurt back, fox crap on my trousers and the bin contents all over the ground. Wasn’t even drunk at the time.
Me & my mate did this years ago at Hogmanay. Had quite a few beverages & when we got back to her parents we saw a great looking steak pie in the kitchen. We ate it all, turns out it was the NY day dinner for all 6 of her family🤣🙈
I still cringe thinking of us sitting on the kitchen floor eating it 😂
Hi Trish - happy Christmas. Mine was getting locked in the garage when I went to fetch turkey - was rescued by neighbour hearing me shouting and ringing the house phone &.. this morning bashing my eyeball on the corner of a drawer - nicely bloodshot but I can still see!! Hey Ho.
Not mine but my dad's. For some unknown reason he decided to fix my bathroom fan on Xmas am. Shorted out the circuit board then killed the oven and the circuit board. No roast, had to hop over to my sister's who was not impressed at all. He's a qualified electrician
An update on the oven saga. A new oven was delivered about 20 mins ago but it couldn't be fitted! The gas pipe needs to be altered. I had to laugh, what a shitshow!
Christmas drinks at work. I knocked over and broke a flute spilling a nice New Zealand bubbly 🍾 the boss had brought in all over the table, only had one sip. #Criminal
That’s a bad one. In any work situation involving higher ups a boss once told me to go in but always beware. “The best you can do is break even”. Best advice I ever got.
I've done similar. Laptop paper weighted herself with no warning. Mum comes home from work and I'm hysterical, to the point my mum thinks someone's died.
I'm sat there going "I don't want a new laptop, I want that one, but working!"
I was tossing the football while we opened gifts. As is tradition, being the cool uncle, I said “think fast” to my nephew and tossed him the ball. He did not think fast enough.
Many years ago my sister aged 2 1/2 reached out to the tree on Christmas Day, plucked a glass bauble off it, and bit down. Loads of blood.(Most baubles were very thin glass then)
We spent most of the day in A&E, and amazingly she was almost unscathed…
She doesn’t remember it at all.
Couple of Christmases back, went for a quick pre-Christmas lunch run at the in-laws.
An hour later, am lost and in reply to several missed calls, I have to send out a distress flare to sis-in-law to rescue me.
I’m no longer allowed to run after 11am on 24/25/26 December if outside my own postcode.
This was my teenager this summer at my parents house. We had just called the cops when someone from the other end of the neighborhood showed up with him.
Not taking the dog out when he woke me up at 3 in the morning. He pooped all over the rug in the den at my daughter's house. Spent a good part of the early morning cleaning it up.
I booked us a room at a hotel in Baja. The hotel itself is OK but I imagined a nice Christmas dinner. It was a disaster. Chicken jerky no dessert and I wanted a hot tub and the hot tub was cold and full of kids
I kind of nailed it this time. Which surprised the living daylights out of me. My ADHD brain never nails these sort of things. I always forget something. For some reason not this time. Strange days indeed.
Fell down the stairs with arms full of presents on Christmas Eve night. Presents were ok but I had a nasty bump on the head and woke up the kids who thought it was Santa.
Putting red cabbage in the slow cooker all night as packets of ready prepared all sold out. Put them at the bottom of the oven when turkey was cooked to heat up. Potatoes weren’t crispy, so oven was whacked up to 200C. Result, lovely potatoes and burnt red cabbage.
My daughter ordered the Christmas shopping to be delivered the night before Christmas Eve and when she checked to see why it hadn’t turned up she found it was booked to go to the flat in London she sold five months ago. I thought I ordered a turkey from M&S but it was a turkey crown.
A visiting family member accidentally left a tap on in the bathroom. Our sink drains slowly so overflowed. We discovered it when the flooding came through the living room ceiling below and it started raining onto the piano 🫣
I'm never appreciated. It's me, my fiancee, and my animals. No else cares. For the record, I completely disagree with your name. If that's the kind of shit you want to spread, go back to X or Facebook. God is NOT benevolent. The 5:30 show completely different from the 1:30 show. Stay tuned.
Many years ago, my wife was expecting our first Child, and had to go into hospital. She had made a proper Christmas cake, but not had chance to ice it. Me and Dad decided to have a go. The resulting icing was plastered all over the kitchen for years, some still there when we moved out.
In my case, catching a horrible cold virus from my wife. Spent Christmas Day sneezing pretty much constantly, have coughed my way through Boxing Day and today. Managed to keep my lungs down so far ...
My grandma's worst one: entirely by accident, kicked my glass of cherryade across the dining room carpet on boxing day. This was back when it had E numbers and all the good stuff in it.
As you might expect, that stained like heck - ended up with a new carpet.
Bought 8 cans of chestnuts to make homemade crème de marron for a Yule log which cost me about $100 and I now have 6 cans leftover… and what was I even thinking?
Mine was deciding to break down all the shipping boxes on Christmas night to get them out for the next day’s recycling, then slip on the pile of boxes & nearly break my kneecap & spend Boxing Day in pain & icing & elevating.
My sister and I offered to do dishes at a wealthy friend’s parents house. While chatting with hostess I was drying a wine glass I heard it snap, I looked to my sister who was drying a hand made pottery mug and the handle snapped off…both standing there w broken dishes staring at the hostess, we left
Put a pint glass full water on a sideboard and accidentally pressed the eject button on the CD player. Could only watch as the glass was slowly pushed over the edge.
Yeah. It's one unit stacked on top of another giving the drawer the advantage of some leverage. Just made it push over a full bottle of whisky (with the lid on and I caught it).
I lit a candle in the downstairs loo. A red one. Thought it looked lovely with the festive towels. Mother in law knocked it over all along the radiator cover, up the wall, the pedestal basin and the opposite wall looks like the Texas Chainsaw massacre.
I did this at my in-laws a few years ago. I had been drinking as well at the time and had zero coping skills when the water started overflowing. So embarrassing!
Mine was forgetting to pick up the lamb chops for dinner. Had to bake a chicken instead. I'm glad I had one, or it would have been hot dogs for Christmas din-din. Which would have been fine. Just sayin'. I don't want to sound ungrateful for what we did have. Just had my chops ready for chops. 😉🥰
I wore a black and white knitted top to dinner. There were 3 dogs and 5 cats running around the house with significantly long nails and of course I had to pick them up (especially because one of the cats was mine.) Needless to say that top was not as cute by the end of the night.
Spent most of Boxing Day in A&E with a nasty chest/lung infection that presented as a heart-attack (brilliant staff told me very quickly that my heart is fine, chest x-ray clear, but pain and high temp.) I'm now in my own bed on strong antibiotics while the party continues up the road without me
I'm not bothered about missing the party - I was supposed to be hosting 😄
So although I'm feeling ropey, I'm also thankful for the peace and quiet and quality time with my bed!
This was many years ago but involved cooking a fairly complex Christmas accompaniment in a pyrex casserole over an electric element. I learned one shouldn't do that when the casserole dish exploded into hundreds of glass fragments.
Helping my SIL with Xmas dinner, I didn’t know she was pulling a tourtiere from the oven over my head. I stood up whacking the hot pie from her hands. It landed face down on the floor. Not batting an eye, she scooped it up and served it to our unsuspecting family. We now fondly call it “floortiere”.
My disabled brother upended a bowl of icing sugar on the day before Christmas Eve and upended the entire Christmas cake just after I'd finished decorating it on Christmas Eve.
Setting the entire family up for a group photo (with an actual tripod) and not being able to figure out how to shoot with the self timer. It was a good 10 minutes of everyone standing and waiting as I fumbled through menu settings. Note: Sony digital cameras disable the self timer in HDR mode.
I was irritating my lot for a minute or so, but my Pentax has the ability to shoot from an app which meant I was fiddling with my phone at the dinner table
I forgot to take the turkey out of the freezer... until I went to put it in the oven, and it wasn't where I expected it to be. It fit in my OG single-setting microwave but, of course, defrosted unevenly. We had dinner "fashionably late."
Brought my precious haul of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries into the kitchen in a shopping bag and... forgot them in a corner during all the food prep. Only found them today, mouldy af 😭
In comparison to others mine is fairly innocuous. It was forgetting that the Christmas gin is a bit stronger than the usual gin. Apparently blaming the last mince pie I ate last night doesn't cut it as an excuse for feeling ropey this morning
Mine was Spectacular Passport Failure discovered at the airport en route to my bucket list holiday - Christmas in Iceland; <3 months left before the expiry date. Boarding denied. Holiday Abandoned. Do I win? #ChristmasScrewUp
I forgot about the side effects of having a glass of wine 🍷 with my psych meds and wound up in the ER after having several seizure-type reactions and scaring the be jeebus out of my family.
A CAT scan and bloodwork assuaged all fears of a “toomah!” 😆
We made tamales & I told my father to take them from fridge & put them in oven. He also put 1lb of frozen corn husks in the oven but I caught it before the oven was turned on. A guest showed up 1hr early while my father was still in pjs, she left & came back at the right time & he was still in pjs.
Last year I made nigella’s chocolate Yule log on Christmas Eve, left it on the kitchen table and the dog got it. Emergency trip to the vets, £400 bill and a lot of chocolate vomit was my Christmas Eve…
Oh no! Mine wasn’t too bad: I trusted my husband to read the instructions on how to defrost the turkey crown properly. He hadn’t, and Christmas lunch was served four hours late. He was appropriately repentant and we kept ourselves going with Christmas cake instead.
I spent days in preparation for the perfect Xmas dinner which included: gravy from homemade stock, roast chicken, baked ham, sirloin of beef, glazed carrots, perfect crispy roasties, roast parsnips, made a tiramisu and yule log to die for...then only went & burnt the sprouts... (oh the ignomy!)
Not mine, my mom’s. One of my gifts didn’t arrive in time a couple years ago, so she went outside and found a very large rock, stuck in a box, wrapped it and put it under the tree.
Promised to make a chocolate cake. Planned to use a Betty Crocker cake mix, but I had bought brownie mix instead of cake mix. When I discovered my mistake on Xmas Eve, stores were already closed. Thus, no chocolate cake for dinner on Christmas Day.
You're right, of course, I should have, but I don't really care for brownies--not a fan of the texture. And even though I'm not really a "dessert person," I had been looking forward to a piece of chocolate cake topped with chocolate icing for days.
Miscalculated how many days we'd be staying at the vrbo and getting a message from the host about "so...cleaning crew came by and you're stuff's still here..."
Many years ago we inadvisedly followed a recipe for roast turkey that required overnight cooking at a low heat. We popped it into our ancient oven at gas mark 1 before heading off for an Xmas party. Arriving home in the small hours, we were greeted by the aroma of a well-roasted bird, 10 hrs early 😱
@trishgreenhalgh.bsky.social Oh dear. Tragic. I thought i was doing well until this very morning and spilt tea all over my capitalist surveillance device (Google home). I'm drying it out right now. Maybe I'm trying to tell me something?
The cauliflower cheese didn't cook in time, the parsnips did, but were forgotten about in the oven, and the Yorkshire puddings never made it into the oven at all.
Not checking the tea light that burnt out of wax, burst the holder it was in. Trying to clear up I dropped said tealight onto plastic window ledge. Permanent mark
At my step mom's, who had a small oven built into a brick hearth. We had chestnuts, figured we'd put them in and roast them. Turns out they explode! And if you open the door to get them out, they come out like bullets. Chestnuts exploding on an open fire.
It was on Boxing Day, so close enough: cast-iron skillet handles get Very Hot Indeed and there are Noticeable Consequences to Ceasing to Pay Sufficient Attention. My fingers had pretty much stopped hurting by bedtime and the blisters aren’t too bad…got off lightly, really.
A few years ago now but my brother-in-law was late for Christmas dinner because he was bitten by a squirrel (don’t ask!) and had to go to A&E for a tetanus jab. Brightened up the staff’s morning apparently.
Spilled a substantial amount of vegetable oil on the floor directly in front of the hob exactly as we hit the ‘everything finishes cooking at once’ stage of the big cook.
I parboiled the potatoes...then didn't roast for long enough. Everything else was done but the potatoes were anaemic ☹️. Reroasted the leftover ones day after, and omg best roasties EVER.
I hung two red & green solar lanterns from the roof of the carport. Cue eerie metallic creaking - like the gates of hell swinging on their hinges after unleashing the demon hounds - in the strong winds before Christmas. I had to go outside in my night clothes to take them down to get some sleep.
Yrs ago, I was “helping” BFs mom put food out on beautifully decorated Xmas table. Knocked bottle of red wine over. Never forget the vision of the red spreading thru the white tablecloth like blood seeping 😳
Thought I'd scratched it and was SO upset.
30 odd years later I streamed it for my son only to find the 'scratch' was actually part of how the track itself was produced.
I still cringe thinking of us sitting on the kitchen floor eating it 😂
She cried for two hours begging me not to take her original phone away.
Needless to say, I got a new phone for Christmas!
I'm sat there going "I don't want a new laptop, I want that one, but working!"
Each change with a technical device is a problem. The fear of fear of different handling.
I had no idea. You live and learn. 💙
We spent most of the day in A&E, and amazingly she was almost unscathed…
She doesn’t remember it at all.
An hour later, am lost and in reply to several missed calls, I have to send out a distress flare to sis-in-law to rescue me.
I’m no longer allowed to run after 11am on 24/25/26 December if outside my own postcode.
Nobody noticed.
For years the argument at the table was who had taken more than their fair share.
Might forget to buy all the other ingredients next year.
As you might expect, that stained like heck - ended up with a new carpet.
So although I'm feeling ropey, I'm also thankful for the peace and quiet and quality time with my bed!
Weirdly, the turkey itself was just fine. 🤷♂️
The thing was the size of a mini-fridge, had one power level and one of those twist-knob timers. Using it pretty much required a physics degree.
She liked his terrarium and he liked her antique carpet sweeper.
I have a saintly, forgiving husband
So I feel much worse!
A CAT scan and bloodwork assuaged all fears of a “toomah!” 😆
Good times!!!!
Your post reminded me of that story.
We had another desert, but it wasn't chocolate.
Managed to buy an extra day, thank goodness.
My first reaction is "Didn't you notice the kitchen didn’t get hot and you couldn't smell cooking?"
But then people admit they bung it in the oven and go to another room.
Where drink is taken.
Making it all sadly plausible.
The cauliflower cheese didn't cook in time, the parsnips did, but were forgotten about in the oven, and the Yorkshire puddings never made it into the oven at all.
Life changing injuries, or...?