I personally don’t celebrate gun wielding assassins in broad daylight under any circumstances.
That being said: United HealthCare absolutely did try to kill me by trying to cut my chemotherapy dosage and I had to get my senator to intervene and it was one of the most traumatic weeks of my life.
That being said: United HealthCare absolutely did try to kill me by trying to cut my chemotherapy dosage and I had to get my senator to intervene and it was one of the most traumatic weeks of my life.
I was essentially the fast agitated kind of zombie
I’m not a pure pacifist but I am a Quaker and I don’t play that way.
Replies & QTs turned off.
Many many blocks implemented.
Peace returned to the realm of my timeline.
The USA is the only developed nation WITHOUT universal single payer healthcare.
For me, they denied Entyvio my GI prescribed a few yrs ago.
Now they can’t fit me in by year end for a much needed colonoscopy/endoscopy… I’ve thoroughly explained how next year that’s unaffordable for me cuz my deductible goes to $11K on Jan 1. I have 2 just skip it. 😩
But violence = NO WAY.
Statistically speaking Brian Thompson killed thousands of people.
However, I'm all about murdering each and every one of their job positions.
I’m not mourning this man.
I just don’t support the death penalty in any form.
That said, I’m not yet sure a targeted attack is due to his job. It could just as easily be a personal issue.
huh. weird.
They will say this is business and this is the beginning of the problem. Healthcare should never be a business regarding profit and loss.
I'm currently fighting Genesis HCC to resume my restorative therapy. They would rather contort into pretzels than hire a replacement for the outgoing one, not with that productivity bonus within reach. What an obscenity is US health care.
Unregulated capitalism is torture.
We are the 99%.
(And I’m glad they didn’t get their way ❤️)
The nation's largest health insurance company pressured its medical staff to cut off payments for seriously ill patients in lockstep with a computer algorithm's calculations, denying rehabilitation care for older and disabled Americans as profits soared, a STAT investigation has found. 1/