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I roam the galaxy leading a team of, well… it’s a team. Second Technician and master of Risk. Now get back to work.
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And you!
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Touché milladio!
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Why is it always about race with you people? There are aliens out there in space, and they don’t dwell on this nonsense. Get a starship, roam the galaxy and oh… smeg off!
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lol no this is funny as heck.
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You should smile more and stop being so uppity!
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Wow and people on the left pretend that cancel pigs don’t exist. You are one. Go smeg yourself you infant.
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Oh smeg off you cancel pig.
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I find it stunning that someone actually married you when I can’t even get a date with Kochanski.
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A non-meta option! Haha. What a hunch of babies.
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It’s better than democrat leaders who lie, cheat, never answer questions and treat the populous as “the poors” who they think they know better than. Change is good! Git! Cabin boy rules btw.
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Well some probably are. Unfortunately, I’m stuck with my old brain. But I’m still smarter than Lister and Cat put together. Smeghead!
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Well I mean they are lame, cringe and annoying. Have been for a bunch of years now. Just stop with the hyperbolic temper tantrums.
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Hyperbolic nonsense. I’m trying to help here! I even voted for Biden! This shit is turning people away. Ah well enjoy your future L’s.
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You just proved my point. Enjoy losing elections in the future.
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Oomla estah romino! Hooba shemma ploo.
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Streaming views of Black Hawk Down will shoot up this weekend. Smeghead!
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Maybe if liberals hadn’t been smug assholes for the past 8 years people would not have changed sides in droves. Think about it the next time you start screaming and calling other voters names.
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Enjoy your life, man. You can still be happy as a smug, hypocritical twat.
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Ok so for sure a hypocrite. Thanks for proving that out!
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And your “Trump is a cunt” profile picture isn’t mean. Hypocrite, as usual. So hurtful. DO BETTER!
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He doesn’t have two working brain cells to put together a thought as coherent as this. Ghost writer! Maybe it was Obama.
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I just wanted to stop by and say on behalf of the boys from the dwarf, we are still very excited you lost the election. But hey, who doesn’t love a yellow school bus!
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Better than a brain dead old man or a woman who can’t answer a question without lying or coming across as smug and clueless.
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Please stop being a gimboid and blaming everything on racism. We are all sick of the grift. A direct attack. Hyperbolic git!
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Taash was poorly written and super annoying. I knew we had trouble when the first things taash says are a lot of “you can’t tell me who to be” and being super whiny. The rest of the game was good though. BioWare has lost its way. Now “good” from them is best we get which is unfortunate.
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The democrats are too busy writing for a god of war game. Oh wait. They lie a lot.
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But if they don’t answer the door, how can they get their pre-paid trip back home?Terrible advice.
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Could it be you have finally smegged off and disappeared for good?? One can hope. Holly, prepare a celebration meal!
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Given all what’s happening on Earth and the political climate, I have an important question for you. How would an X-Wing fare against Starbug with Cat piloting and Listy manning the weapons?
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Hey Don! Where is the post of the footage when you learned Trump was responsible for the cease fire? You are what we on the dwarf would call a git faced smeghead! Grow a spine, I’m braver than you and that’s saying something.
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I imagine the post has figured out that in order to make money and stay in business they should stop appealing to only one side of the isle. Good for them!
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Biden was obviously not firing on all cylinders for at least the last two years. If you deny that you are either a blathering moron or willfully ignorant. Or just a smeghead.
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If this were the other way around, I believe you lot would be calling this a conspiracy theory. Pot. Meet kettle! Smeghead!
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Enjoy that super high dose of copium you seem to have found! I’m sure you’d rather not have that pesky stock from years and years ago. Give us a break. Goit!
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It’s not that we don’t believe you. Just dont care! In 3 million years it won’t matter anyway.
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Me and the boys from the Dwarf always suspected he was a groomer! Thanks for validating!
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Or they could have not done crimes that landed them in prison.
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Splendid! They should do like we do in the Space Corp. pick the best people and don’t shoehorn in diversity checkboxes. Of course, if they picked the best person for Captain I’d be running the whole ship. Hollister is a gimboid!
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If you put him in stasis now, you could have this in 3 million years!
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I have a theory for you is a smeghead, git, gimboid and wow can that guy come across as a phony elitist piece of smeg.
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It also makes you a smeghead.
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Well it IS virtue signaling. What would you call it? Your post here is also virtue signaling. Just smeg off and go back to Instagram.
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On Red Dwarf, we sometimes spend entire evenings talking about the benefits and cute factor of beetles.
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You seem to either be a liar, a stupid person or a fake account for some CA politics person. Why do you all keep trying to make excuses for the public servants who fail you over and over. Git!
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I could ask Holly to put you into stasis for the next four years if you’d like! Smeghead.
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Red Dwarf, I have heard, is better than both of those shows. Trust me, in 3 million years everyone has forgotten Star Trek. Well, they at least forgot Discovery.
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It’s shockingly good. I really enjoyed the game and hope other companies take note of how to properly do an older IP justice while making subtle “modern audience” stuff just part of the story.
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Oh calm down. Maybe wait until something actually happens before making pandering posts for that sweet like dopamine hit. Grow up you smeghead!
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Wow. Even with my stellar intelligence I never noticed that.
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They are in denial. The last few years of doctor who have been garbage. We asked Holly to dump all the vids of those seasons into the great abyss.