For people asking for non-meta options I’ll be posting clips tomorrow
Reposted from
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Just went live to talk about what is happening, what we can do, and what to expect this week:
Damn the consequences.
Or maybe, I dunno, go make real friends.
What’s your governance model. Who takes the lead in what from within in what issue?
We never know who’s going to put their head up next with you lot. IT is not good enough.
The British were right in their WW2 military motto:
"Who dares wins"
I dare to #challenge the #system #oppressing us
We need a head of the minority party, Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries, aren't being aggressive, actively blocking everything the republican do, bringing congress to halt
50 States, 50 Marches
To PEACEFULLY protest:
If you can't be there, call off work! If you can't call off work, wear blue! EVERYBODY post about it all at one. Meta can't block us all!!
We are angry and talking to other adults...and even the most polite people swear when injured or angry, it's healthy
Gosh. I'm sorry. And I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.
I forgot that there are two f words. I will try my best to make sure there isn't this kind of confusion again.
Thanks for the insight
Musk and his lap dogs of foreign nationalist, private citizen and hackers.
Need to be charged with everything under the sun
Then Revoke all gov. Contracts form all of his companies.
US citizens cannot be exiled, stripped of their citizenship & moved away from lawyers & families! Now we know Trumps plans for his political enemies!
Gum up Congress
We are being hacked and our treasure is highjacked. We went screaming by bipartisanship into hostile take over.
Dems need to act like it.
I encourage everyone to step away from EVERY Dem who votes for any republican/policy. We need reps that support the Constitution and citizens.
Those billionaire assholes are half the reason we’re in this mess.
A) the virus originated in NC (despite epicentering from WuHan outward)
B) that Fauci is responsible for creating Covid
C) you’re saying Trump *doesn’t* want us to know that?
…Did I get this steaming pile of insanity straight?
A) The virus originated from research in NC
B) Fauci funded dangerous research (he may not have been aware of this specific research)
C) That test samples were sent to Wuhan
Trump didn't come clean with this info so no, I don't think he wants us to know.
And you think he would skip the opportunity to throw Fauci under the bus like this?
That doesn’t seem off to you?
You need to go outside & touch grass.
I also hope that your positive influence gets stronger. You are the best! Thank you for your work.
Democrats and any Republicans with a spine need to step in and stop this madness.
Call your rep now (202) 224-3121" Robert Reich
What was trumps secret?
Elon musk.
The election.
It was stolen, yes, but Elon musk being the god king of the gop? I didn’t see that coming.
This is a coup, but it doesn’t have to be bloodless ;)
It’s the quiet kids in the back.
And who is the quietest ones?
The heritage foundation, Elon musk, and 80% of the other mega billionaires quietly doing things we don’t see.
Fuck em up
And you wonder why you're getting your asses jumped!!!!! Why in the actual fuck do you still have accounts there?
I understabd what you're saying. It took awhile to " break free" but now should be a no brainer.
It's rather hypocritical to say " I hate Elon Musk"
" Elon Musk is a nazi" but I'll use his platform.
meta makes its revenue off ads.
We've all learned how to block ads and are only following and sharing the resistance. It's like giving zuck a wet willie. ✨
It’s a course on societal politics, loved the first few minutes.
In psychology we have psychoeducation, we need this politicoeducation as well.
You can live without it.
Here this should help everyone
You covered a lot, because there’s a lot going on.
Make sure you take care of yourself too. You are our tip of the spear.
Carry on dear lady! 💙💙💙
We need the Democratic leadership to do something meaningful and tangible
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Where are they stored?
Student loan records are considered highly sensitive and only a few people had access, till now.
The same system contains tax returns...
He has everyone's info. Even minors claimed on taxes.
Time to pull down.
Musk's behavior Very reminiscent of the movie plot Brazil
Please forgive copyright infringement
Brazil's satire of technocracy, bureaucracy, hyper-surveillance, corporate statism, and state capitalism is reminiscent of George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, and it has been called "Kafkaesque" as well as absurdist.
i’m deleting it now
So, which outlet can someone share a long video? shared a valuable live yesterday on IG that’s too long to share here. She plans to share on YouTube. Any suggestions we could send her?
it and for now
i use duckduckgo
Mastodon/Fediverse is already federated and can't be controlled by any one entity.
There was a time Mastodon closed off registrations to promote this.
As much as Mastodon is an 'alternative' I don't see any traction with people who don't care about tech on it.
What seemed hard?
“For people asking for non-meta options, which I know is close to 100% of you, I just want you to know that I will be deleting every Meta account I have in the very near future. I will be inviting my fellow Democrats to do the same.”
Jayden Marie, thank you for putting this up and sharing here.
they claim they plan to open it up, but so far they haven't.
I went off Meta after your alert and join Blue Sky. So please give us your info here as well.
Many of us have left x and meta and depend on BlueSky.
While you still can.
They are very response to everyone but definitely will be for you!
I was over on my county Dems FB page (South central TN) and let me tell you there’s nothing encouraging happening there. 😞 I was feeling very helpless. It was good to see and hear you.
Nute Gunray(Elon) : "My lord, is that... legal?"
Senator Palpatine(Trump): "I WILL MAKE IT LEGAL".
Hells no. Guaranteed drop.
Even if they do profit, if the case is solid, they can still be prosecuted afterwards.
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