Democrat who is tired of "fighting" without offering solutions!! Rich are the problem, we need to make people realize that!!
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And yet half the country loves him. Why? Because he is able to fool them into thinking he is on their side. Democrats need to be out every day not saying how much he sucks but how we need to do things the opposite of how he is: Don't pick on the weak, pick on the strong (aka, the RICH). Tax them
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We need to see you out in those fields with those farmers. Farmers should be staunch Democrats but we don't connect with them because we don't talk to them enough. This is the time to make them realize that Republicans are not on their side!
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I simply can't explain how even these morons can get behind anti-climate garbage. I can't believe they don't know it is all real but are they really so hubristic they think it doesn't apply to them? Are they actually planning on following Elon to Mars? Greed and power can truly blind you.
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I really don't know that it matters all that much because once you get up into that range, most people are being paid in stock. We need to hit those capital gains for the rich and those making over $1 million in capital gains need to pay much more than they do now. 30-40%? Would be double current
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Maybe some good ones get caught up in the mix but better them than millions of poor folks. Plus all I want is to tax the bejesus out of them. They will still end up with billions and connections.
But, if you have multi billions of dollars and see all the poverty in the world, how good are u?
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I have zero problem separating out 1% of the population based on their greed and deception. I do have a big problem and never would separate people based on race/religion/gender etc
You need an enemy to be fighting against in politics. It just so happens the super rich have earned it
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We need you back in government! We need our elected Dems speaking every day about how concentrated wealth simply does not work and to point out that wealth will be concentrated all the more if government fails.
All the moves Mump is making have one end point-more money for them!
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What could you do Elon's $300 billion? $1 million to:
all homeless vets (32,000)
Every family with member killed by Tesla (674)
Families of firefighters killed last 20 years (2,000)
Tesla employees laid off 2024 (14,000)
The rest to 251,000 working poor families
What would be on your list?
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What could you do Elon's $300 billion? $1 million to:
all homeless vets (32,000)
Every family with member killed by Tesla (674)
Families of firefighters killed last 20 years (2,000)
Tesla employees laid off 2024 (14,000)
The rest to 251,000 working poor families
What would be on your list?
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What could you do Elon's $300 billion? $1 million to:
all homeless vets (32,000)
Every family with member killed by Tesla (674)
Families of firefighters killed last 20 years (2,000)
Tesla employees laid off 2024 (14,000)
The rest to 251,000 working poor families
What would be on your list?
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What could you do Elon's $300 billion? $1 million to:
all homeless vets (32,000)
Every family with member killed by Tesla (674)
Families of firefighters killed last 20 years (2,000)
Tesla employees laid off 2024 (14,000)
The rest to 251,000 working poor families
What would be on your list?
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What could you do Elon's $300 billion? $1 million to:
all homeless vets (32,000)
Every family with member killed by Tesla (674)
Families of firefighters killed last 20 years (2,000)
Tesla employees laid off 2024 (14,000)
The rest to 251,000 working poor families
What would be on your list?
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Unfortunately I am doubting whether Dems as constructed would do any of this. Too scared of losing billionaire donors which leaves them caught between a party that will serve billionaires better and the rest of us who get screwed daily by billionaires. Prove me wrong Dems!
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Yup so at least 86% of US has no financial benefit from what is being pushed on them. And I know there are plenty of those over the $200,000 mark who have a moral objection.
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Dems need to get on Rogan. He is dumb but persuadable like Trump. We need to get on there and start asking how it is fair that RICH only pay social security tax on 1% of their earnings while we pay on 100%. How was our economy so successful in 50s when rich paid 90% tax? Why not try again?
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Walz is definitely on the right track. We can't fight fire and brimstone with small change. We need big change and laser focus and we need to talk consistently about the big changes needed and how they are 180 degrees from the changes under way and how the RICH not the weak are the problem.
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The call is truly coming from inside the house. You add up all the bs they are talking about (govt waste/foreign aid) and you can just get the same amount from one guy who happens to sleep on the floor of the WH.
Our Dem representatives must do a better job of making people understand this.
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Those are definitely good groups to focus on but the truth is 75% of the country is available to hear this message because 75% (or 90%) of the country will not benefit from what Republicans are proposing. They will loose government services so that people richer than them can get even more money.
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She had excellent ideas. However, I don't think she or we make a good enough case that the rich and privileged have intentionally rigged the system. We need to inspire emotion and anger at the CORRECT group. And we need to call out how blaming women/immigrants/etc is clear distraction.
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Yes and we need a simple and clear message to those red districts - you have been fooled for 50 years. Democrats know how the economy works, Republicans know how to fool you into giving money to rich morons like Trump/Musk. We need a message that gets people fired up/angry at the right people
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In addition to crashing the economy, Trump is ignoring climate change. IF Dems ever get power back, they need to tax the rich to pay for the conversion to green power.
Raise the maximum rate on capital gains for the rich to 40%/use to pay for new transmission lines/improved grid. Dems need a plan
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It is OUR job as Dems to educate. Do they know Elon is done paying SS taxes for the year (if he paid any) while we pay all year? Do they know that undocumented immigrants pump billions into social security while taking none out?
Nobody will know if WE don't tell them. The RICH (them) rip us off
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The last five recessions have all been under Republicans.
We must let people know that this narrative that Republicans are good for the economy is FALSE! Dem presidents have been better for job growth, GDP, the stock market and reducing inequality!
Republicans are good at tax breaks for rich.
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We must not focus just on what THEY are doing but how it would be different if Dems were in charge. We would welcome oversight because WE are not afraid to show the American people what we are doing.
THEY (the rich and repubs) are scared because they are ripping US off. The Rich are the problem.
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Just remember that there are thousands of employees at Tesla who have done nothing wrong other than working for one of the world's worst men. Elon is the enemy but he will be costing people their jobs with his buffoonery.
The rich ARE the problem! If we get power back, tax the crap out of them!
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Tired of hearing about us fighting. We need to be offering economic solutions and it all starts with making people understand the RICH are the enemy! Not all the boogie men created by the right.
We need to make people understand that. The right has used the weak as distraction for years!
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I think we need to go further than "fair share". We need people to understand how they have been ripped off since the Reagan era. Do they know that in the 1950s (the great era Trump talks about), the rich paid 90% income tax? Seemed to work well then.
Make them understand that they owe us!
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We just need the "1%" to pay their fair share of taxes.
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Spend more of time letting people know what Democrats would do if we ever got back power.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!
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Spend more of time letting people know what Democrats would do if we ever got back power.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!
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How many people know that the rich are done paying their SS taxes in minutes while we pay all year?
How many people know that the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains, not wages and get a lower rate?
How many people know how much more CEOs make than workers?
Talk about these non stop!
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How many people know that the rich are done paying their SS taxes in minutes while we pay all year?
How many people know that the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains, not wages and get a lower rate?
How many people know how much more CEOs make than workers?
Talk about these non stop!
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How many people know that the rich are done paying their SS taxes in minutes while we pay all year?
How many people know that the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains, not wages and get a lower rate?
How many people know how much more CEOs make than workers?
Talk about these non stop!
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How many people know that the rich are done paying their SS taxes in minutes while we pay all year?
How many people know that the rich pay most of their taxes on capital gains, not wages and get a lower rate?
How many people know how much more CEOs make than workers?
Talk about these non stop!
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To connect with voters, the right knows you need an enemy. They are great at creating villains from the powerless.
We all know the enemy is are not Trans, immigrants or any other minority.
It is the RICH! And now we have been given the perfect mascots: the least likeable men ever created!!
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To connect with voters, the right knows you need an enemy. They are great at creating villains from the powerless.
We all know the enemy is are not Trans, immigrants or any other minority.
It is the RICH! And now we have been given the perfect mascots: the least likeable men ever created!!
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To connect with voters, the right knows you need an enemy. They are great at creating villains from the powerless.
We all know the enemy is are not Trans, immigrants or any other minority.
It is the RICH! And now we have been given the perfect mascots: the least likeable men ever created!!
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To connect with voters, the right knows you need an enemy. They are great at creating villains from the powerless.
We all know the enemy is are not Trans, immigrants or any other minority.
It is the RICH! And now we have been given the perfect mascots: the least likeable men ever created!!
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To connect with voters, the right knows you need an enemy. They are great at creating villains from the powerless.
We all know the enemy is are not Trans, immigrants or any other minority.
It is the RICH! And now we have been given the perfect mascots: the least likeable men ever created!!
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Spend more of time letting people know what Democrats would do if we ever got back power.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!
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Spend more of time letting people know what Democrats would do if we ever got back power.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!