Teacher, nature lover, christian, liberal-conservative with a large interest for history. Active in forces of territorial defence.
Mainly Swede, a bit German and a little Lithuanian.
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I don't know what right the Americans have to Washington? Just because they came there some 200 years ago.
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Let me see now, UN, you mean your closest friends; North Korea, Russia and Hungary?
US did not accept or recognize the Ukrainian nation or borders last time US threw something up at UN. Neither that Russia attacked Ukraina- Disgusting!
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I think that if a majority of Canadians in an election would vote for EU, it would be a very nice friend in the union. The political system is similar to many in EU but EU needs to be less bureaucratic. A future union in trade, environment and health from the Black Sea to the Pacific.
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Think twice about NATO. In it's current shape, it is dying. Create a new alliance ( not Hungary) with European members, Turkey, Canada and Ukraina.
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And US claim that they are suitable to lead negotiations on peace?!
One original Kreml and one ridiculous Kreml-copy in Washington. Disgusting!
Remember, there is no neutrality in this. Russia is in a hybridwar against especially North and East Europe.
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Probably. This US-administration will do all it can to hold away European influence an Turkey. Ukraina has demanded both those to be a part but US will try to overrun both.
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When France and Germany lead the Minsk I and Minsk II in -14 and -15 parts of the Donbass would be given autonomy. Those agreements were shot to pieces by pro-Russians in Donbass. Kreml did not stop that.
No use for US- adm when USA agree so very well with Kreml. It's enough with one enemy.
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As a European I can’t interfere in US internal politics. Though I have US relatives that are concerned.
Fascism always need to create enemies to grow. Other countries, leaders or groups.
It also needs to make the own movement a victim.
Small lies don’t work, big lies do.
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The trade war which Trump started is idiotic. It will strike mainly the US.
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Sweden. The support here is really strong. I wish to thank the Ukrainian people and their military! The Ukrainians pay the highest price anyone can pay for freedom. We owe them our support, money and defense materials !
Heroiam slava!
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Russia will always be insulted by other excisting nations which they believe are enemies. That is why they have no other way than threats and violence.
Can you see that Trump uses that attitude as well?
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Your comparison is mainly correct. The difference is that the Russian army is exhausted and has no large offensive power. Their losses are enormous.
Unfortunately this war will spread to large parts of Europe.
We prepare our homes for this.
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Remember, O. Syrsky and other militarys in UA were educated at Moscow military Academy. The served in the Sovjet army before. Zelenskij is born russian speaking. They KNOW their enemy.
Sorry, but only military strength can brake Russia. ”Guarantees” are useless.
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Yes, and it is really sad. I am not sure Americans can endure the WH circus for four years. The 150 billion euro budget is to be used for only European and Canadian defense industry.
Not just talk, a lot of European material reaches Ukraina now. Follow it closely.
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No, Russia must first implode ( in a year or two) and their post-sovjet mentality disappear. It will take another 200 years.
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Around 45% of the Danes see USA as a threat to their country. This position is spreading rapidly through Europe. It's sad. If USA violates Greenland, the break with US would be total. Canada would then rise their defence, helped by EU.
Danish vikings settled on Greenland 900 years ago.
No eggs!
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When a lot of Ukrainians came as refugees to my hometown there were also Russians among them. They, as well, have left because of Vladimir Putin and express that the invasion is an enormous aggression.
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How is it possible that the republican party just doesn’t put him aside and replace him?
He is a tragedy. But the passive reps are as well.
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Speaking picture. I really want to express my sympathy with all nice and intelligent Americans.
Vance said "threat comes from within". Yes, and one is Russian infiltration in European elections. The Rome-process, stopping immigration, initiated by Italy, already involves most EU and Canada.
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Good! I long for action against the Russian oil trade through the Baltic sea. It should be stopped yesterday.
China doesn't have to ask Russia for anything. Think that Beijing starts to see Kreml as a loser.
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I have relatives in the US, christians, who think Trump is terrible. In many aspects. I can, as christian, in NO WAY understand how this lying, rude, vulgar and arrogant rapist in the WH can be seen as God's choise.
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That's true. Ukrainian purpose is mainly to force US to choose. What Kreml wants is never a surprise for Ukraina.
Kreml plays the pants of the US delegation any time.
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Another way to reject ceasefire. In Northeast of Europe we are used to the Russian threats and lies. Long ago, I was offered a job in St Petersburg as a teacher. The headmaster (an intelligent woman) said about people in the baltics:
The old people are afraid of us, the young hate us.
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EU emerged from the steel- and coal union and EFTA. Cooperation and trade would prevent wars. EU has a new agreement with Latin-America, Ceta (Canada) developing, and trade negotiations with Mexico. Ukraina will be a strong EU-member, Russia implodes.
EU manages despite Trump's hatred and lies.
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Expected. Russia has clearly stated that they have not yet reached their goals in Ukraina. So why rest?!
The Russian Terrorfederation has other things to achieve... in the Baltic countries, in the Baltic sea, In Poland, in Moldova and so on.