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Postdoc at UMass Amherst (Fritz-Laylin lab). Cell biologist and biophysicist studying evolutionary cell biology of the microtubule cytoskeleton. PhD Stanford (Biophysics, Julie Theriot lab).
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Prolific Poster

Another NIH grant rescinded - The Epidemiology of Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias in Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults: Identifying Risk and Protective Factors - 1K01AG056669

These grants survived intense scientific competition and scrutiny by expert peer scientists. It’s a sham to suggest they are unworthy. Pure bigotry to revoke them.

Calling research on gender identity “unscientific” and stating “no corrective action is possible here”…this letter should alarm all scientists. The scientific process refers to how you approach answering anything unknown about the natural world around us, not OPINION about the questions asked.

Just received notice that our grant was terminated. 5R24AG066599-03

Amidst all of the chaos in our world, I am happy to share our latest pre-print focused on understanding how microtubule cross-linking motors help organize spindles.

When cells break off from an invading cancer, is it a single cell or a big clump? This changes how dangerous the cancer is. In Wei's paper, in collaboration w/Kostas Konstantopoulos, we model how groups of cells break off from an invading cancerous front, and see when you get single cells vs groups

Brighter Biochemistry was a labor of love–think MAD Magazine for biochemists--published 100 years ago. We need a labor of love to bring it back into public view. Can anyone help recruit Londoners to photograph its pages at Wellcome? #chemsky, #biosky, I beg!

Are there any: 1) legal funds / organizations giving aid/advice to scientists impacted by federal actions lately? 2) charities giving $ aid to recently laid off federal employees? (Curious, not that I currently require either myself)

"Genes are... the easy part" argues biologists need to embrace complexity from the start, rather than beginning with oversimplified "one gene, one trait" models +1

I am thrilled to share our new review on holocentric chromosomes. It was a lot of fun to write it together with Ines Drinnenberg! Same but different: Centromere regulations in holocentric insects and plants

When a convoy of right-wing-nuts occupied my city in 2022 and all levels of government & police took a nap, a few hundred neighbours & I took to the street to help shut it down. We won that battle. Surely Americans facing the collapse of their very democracy can get off the couch and do the same?

Solving 25 years of frustration, Daniel Abbühl managed to tag trypanosome tubulin and to express it in an inducible manner, hence revealing flagellum assembly! A tour-de-force! Preprint here:

Revised version: Triangle scientists: Wednesday I'm going to go to Senator Tillis' Raleigh office in person. Anyone who wants to join me email me [email protected] (my 1st plan was derailed upon realizing that while I have to work Monday, Federal employees who were not yet fired have Presidents Day off

Anyone have any good long pork slow cooker recipes? Looking to satisfy a craving for billionaire. #eattherich #muskrat

Great talk by about movement in amoeba, with a focus on the brain eating amoeba Naegleria. Fun seeing what UConn MCB alumni are up to! 🧪 #protistsonsky

HEADS UP: If anyone is submitting an app this week or soon, check with your grants office to make sure they have language that allows them to correct indir cost recovery if the 15% level is modified. It is likely that they will be on top of this, but it's possible to lock in the low rate by mistake

Thoughts for the US scientific community

More #SciArt watercolor doodles of #amoeba with filopodia and reticulopodia

One possible reason is complying in advance is a threat to their tax exempt status. One might still wonder why they are rolling over instead of using their resources to fight….

A shelled amoeba we recently described, Arcella prismatica. These ones were collected from Mer Bleue Bog, in Ottawa. So far, it's only been found there and in a subarctic mire in Chisasibi, James Bay. #ProtistsOnSky #TestateAmoebae #peatland #MerBleueBog #Ottawa

Dear US scientists, We've been hearing a lot of questions of the form "Why aren't universities doing anything!? They need to speak out!" We can explain. It's bad news. We're on our own. But understanding why can help us all figure out our plan. Read along in thread 1/x 🧪

One of the many reasons I love this society. Please call if you can and use the script from ASCB if it helps!

Just got word that our Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Inclusive Excellence 3 (IE3) Grant was being canceled. All 100+ institutions. So even private funding is susceptible to this administration’s unraveling of DEI initiatives

Alright, I'm over here from the other place! Happy to be here. I'm trying to get some semblance of my network back.

🚨BREAKING. From a program officer at the National Science Foundation, a list of keywords that can cause a grant to be pulled. I will be sharing screenshots of these keywords along with a decision tree. Please share widely. This is a crisis for academic freedom & science.

Happy #MicroscopyMonday! The last rainbow amoeba poster I made seemed a little too subtle, so here’s a new version! Download any of my posters at:


NSF director named as defendant in this order from RI federal judge. Seems like the agency can’t keep freezing funds (legally.)

ASCB is advocating for stable federal research funding amid policy changes that threaten scientific progress. We stand with researchers to ensure continued support for vital discoveries. #ScienceFunding Read more:

So for the people who are posting that postdoc and grad students on certain fellowships are not getting paid this week, do you know if this is just people on new awards? Figuring out if dept needs plans to pay stipends and health insurance for awardees who have been getting paid previously.

Kinesin-8/Kip3 requires β-tubulin tail for depolymerase activity

gotta catch up on my doomscrolling, is right before going to bed a good time

...have I mentioned that I learned how to make stencils on a 3D printer or laser cutter, and that I know someone who would let me use one at a discount if it's for making "research is important!?!" signs... DMs are as open as my social calendar

lysosome experts! if you are trying to show that a stimulus increases lysosome mass/activity, how would you demonstrate that? (pls reskee)

The NIH diversity supplement pages have all been pulled down. What is a diversity supplement and why should the public care? A diversity supplement is funding to help diversify the research workforce. You may be wondering, “so what?”. Let me explain.

Yes! The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) has long been a leader in public policy advocacy. I hope they will continue to lead on behalf of their members against these disastrous attacks on the NIH!🧪

If you are ready to advocate to your representatives (or friends and families) about the economic value of NIH funded research, you can check your state at

The antidote for despair is action ❤️ * Dial (202) 224-3121 * Enter zip code * Leave voicemail * Say “My name is ___, I’m a constituent in [town]. (If clinician/scientist, say so) “The NIH freeze harms research and patients and must be lifted immediately.” Be brief. Staffers tally all calls. Go! ✅

Please tell your representative: 1) I'm not just a teacher in your district, I'm essentially an entrepreneur running a small business. 2) I employ XX people at good wages, ranging from $Y-Z. 3) Blocking the operation of the NIH prevents this and damages our local economy

Years ago I had several philosophy of science questions that are clearly addressed in this book great to read!