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She/her, 30+
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Nein, nicht nur Frauen können sich für Gleichberechtigung einsetzen. Gleichzeitig deutet diese Grafik schon sehr deutlich an, für welche Parteien Gleichberechtigung eine Rolle spielt. Und für wen nicht.

Fuck Musk and fuck AfD

Sometimes when I'm being lazy, I imagine #Hannibal looking at me like this, and I suddenly find the motivation to move <; #HannibalLecter #MadsMikkelsen #Portrait #Wisesnail

CDU und FDP wollen keine Entkriminalisierung von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen. Merkt Euch das. Mir müssen das Patriarchat abschaffen, hilft ja nix.

Habt ihr gewusst, dass es bei uns Binder bis Größe 9XL gibt? Gerade die Größen ab 3XL wurden wenig nachgefragt, was eigentlich nur daran liegen kann, dass es noch zu wenig Menschen wissen :) Die Binder sind aus Baumwolle und wir danken undrowear x sehr dafür.

Wouldn't it be nice to have default opt-out be the norm? Sharing this for others with an addition: Google Assistant data is also tied to a My Activity settings. Open Google in browser, tap profile pic at top right, "Manage your Google account," "Data & privacy," section "History settings."

Dem heutigen Gedichtedienstag fehlen die Worte. Euch auch? #derDienstagdichtet

Zum #Holocaust-Gedenktag fordert das zur Challenge: 27.000 Akten zu NS-Opfern sollen digitalisiert werden. Damit die nicht vergessen werden. Jeder und jede kann und sollte mitmachen. Wie das geht, steht in meinem Erklärtext #WeRemeber

A nazi talking to a nazi party. That's it.

Imagine what today would be like if there’d actually been—I dunno—real consequences for fascists and actual denazification.

Keine Zusammenarbeit mit der AfD, Herr Merz! Ich habe gerade diesen Aufruf unterzeichnet, bist Du auch dabei?


They will also lie and tell you it’s an official warrant, so stay vigilant.

Keine Zusammenarbeit mit der #FuckAfD !

This morning's quick reminder: generative AI is a natural resource-guzzling plagiarism machine that exploits creatives to enrich tech bros. Do not use it to create art or writing. Do not conduct "fun" experiments with it to show us how awful it is. There is no ethical use for AI. Let it die.

I've built a machine that can be Confidently Wrong. It can also make pictures that all look a bit the same, as well as make a video of you kissing any celebrity or person you know. In payment, I'd like to boil the world's oceans dry, & steal all literature. For some reason, my head is not on a spike

I think about this joke a lot these days.

Ethical dilemmas aside regarding stolen creative works…do we need this energy drain? And why is it in all my aps? I don’t want it.

I don’t want to make a fuckin account to use my toaster. I don’t want to fuckin subscribe to software. I don’t want to create a fuckin profile to watch TV. I don’t want to fuckin register my whatever to unlock whatever. I don’t want to download a fuckin app to access anything. Death to new logins

this so glorified copy-paste machines can be shoved down our throat

Meta literally created a LGBTQ exception for calling someone mentally ill as an insult. You can't do it for any other group except LGBTQ people.


You’ve been kidnapped. The characters from the last TV show you watched are coming to rescue me. Who is coming to save you?

Happy New Year! 🥳🥳

Next time anyone makes you feel bad for keeping the heating on or using more Christmas lights than strictly necessary, taking a flight or booking a cruise, remember, your energy waste is NOTHING in comparison to what Musk, Zuckerberg etc. do for purely selfish reasons.

Let's fucking stop letting Tech Bros run the world. They are destroying it for toys. Tax them. Tax them into the ground!

Out of all the beautiful fantastical things about Stardew Valley, I think the one thing I’d most love to have in real life is the ability to go to bed at 2AM and wake at 6AM with a full energy bar.

Without downloading any new pics what's your energy going into 2025?

Tesla breaks German labour laws, German unions fight back, Musk suggests only fascists can save Germany. Read: Only fascists can save his company being allowed to exploit labour here. It's pretty simple really. Fuck Elon Musk and the ugly cybertruck he rode in on.

Hallo dt. Wissenschaft: wer jetzt noch auf X postet — vor anstehender Bundestagswahl —, kann nicht mehr behaupten, von der politischen Tragweite fortgesetzter X-Nutzung nichts gewusst zu haben. Musk ist bekennender Demokratiefeind. Wenn Euch an unserer Demokratie noch irgendwas liegt: raus aus X!

South Carolina reintroduces legislation to make abortion punishable by the death penalty; classifying life starting at conception means using IUDs and Emergency Contraception could be punished with execution. Essential reporting from

I feel like students who use "AI" to summarise secondary sources need to understand that they are illegally feeding copyrighted texts to the machine. Authors did not give consent for their work to become part of it. They worked hard for it & paid money to get it published. READ THE FUCKING TEXTS!

Etwa 500.000 Deutsche flohen zwischen 1933 und 1945 vor der eigenen Regierung aus dem Land. Nur wenige Tausend kehrten nach dem Sturz der Regierungspartei zurück. Von Kampagnen der Aufnahmeländer für die Rückführung der Deutschen, direkt nach Suizid des deutschen Regierungschefs, ist nichts bekannt.

Well this is grim

Please tell your kids, every damn day if necessary, that chatGPT is not a goddamn search engine and you shouldn’t believe a word it says. Tell the adults too, but it’s especially imperative to inoculate kids against this

Paypal ist so eine Kotze... in Europa (auf Deutsch) heißt es "interessenbasierte Werbung" (unter Einstellungen -> Daten & Datenschutz". War bei mir schon abgedreht, aber prüft es lieber sicherheitshalber nochmal.

The happiest of birthdays to you 🥳

I created block list you can subscribe to, that blocks all accounts hosted on Subscribe here: The block list is automatically updated every 15 minutes, should the bot owner add more accounts. Only 9 out of 19 accounts have been suspended by Bluesky yet.