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He should be fined bigly and lose his drivers license for a year But it’s not as if he obstructed an official proceeding like Al did Weak presidents will lock you in solitary 3 years for doing that
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No Republicans don’t let ads on Facebook change who they’re voting for. Newsom will have to convince dems he’s going to do something different from the previous failures if he wants to win.
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The dems behaved like good little boys and girls after that one guy got tossed out early Very demur…. Very mindful….. The guy who got booted was lucky that’s all he got Weak presidents lock people in solitary for 3 years for obstructing an official proceeding
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If he convinces enough dems to give up their illegals and stop forcing women to let men in their locker rooms then this guy just might be president in a few years.
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Article 2 is clear Congress has several ✅/⚖️ over the executive branch: Reject overall budget Reject appointments Reject treaties Override vetoes Impeachment But they cant dictate how the Chief Executive controls agencies under the Executive Branch That includes hiring & firing within agencies
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Congress establishes the post office and the army and the navy and a multitude of other organizations. But the control of all these agencies under the executive branch rests with the chief executive. I wonder when SCOTUS will make it official?
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Fined him bigly and take away his drivers license for a year. But it’s not like he obstructed an official proceeding and had to be booted out. That’s the sort of thing weak presidents put you in 3 years of solitary for, lol.
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Where in the constitution is the post office declared to be “independent” of the executive Branch?
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Executive Branch agencies like the post office are under the control of the Chief Executive not the legislature.
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Nope The only legitimate reasons for asylum are Persecution due to: Race Religion Nationality Political opinion Social Group Poverty and Crime are not reasons for asylum So unless they’re all gay, they’re frauds, lol
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ICE is rounding up illegals… Remind me again Is ICE the same as the NRCC?
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It’ll make a nice picture, right?
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Presidents aren’t prisoners. They come and go as they please, lol
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SCOTUS has not “ruled” on anything. They declined to intervene in a case that isn’t they’re yet See the difference, lol?
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Zelenskyy sent Trump a letter that he was ready to come crawling back to beg for another handout from a strong leader. But he hasn’t apologized yet…… I think we’ll stop the handouts until he does. He’ll need to beg much better than he has so far, lol .
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It’s every Americans right to file a frivolous lawsuit, lol
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Sure…. Critical thinking comes in in handy in the heart attack business, lol
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Most of the frivolous lawsuits center around this one issue. When one falls They all fall. Weird, huh? It’s almost if it was planned that way
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Nothing in Article2 suggests that POTUS needs permission of Congress to use the powers granted to him by the constitution That’s how Carter was able to create the ED DEPT If only there was some way to get SCOTUS to interpret it and settle the issue once and for all Maybe a lower court/EO lawsuit
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Congress has several ✅/⚖️ over the executive branch: Reject overall budget Reject appointments Reject treaties Override vetoes Impeachment But they cant dictate how the Chief Executive controls the executive branch That includes hiring & firing within agencies and creating & closing agencies
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The demmies behaved like good little boys and girls after that one guy got kicked out early Very demur…. Very mindful….. The guy who got tossed was lucky that’s all he got Some presidents lock people in solitary for 3 years for obstructing an official proceeding.
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The Dems behaved like good little boys and girls after that one guy got kicked out Very demur Very mindful The guy who got tossed was lucky that’s all he got Some presidents lock people in solitary for 3 years for obstructing an official proceeding.
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Too bad #StutteringJoe killed all the chickens before he got fired.
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Obstructing an official proceeding…… That’s 3 years in solitary under some presidents
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Article 2 gives the chief executive control of the executive branch. Judges can’t change that Senators can’t change that Only an amendment can change that. Every American who took civics in the 8th grade knows that
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Russia, lol
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Article 2 gives the chief executive control of the executive branch. Judges can’t change that Senators can’t change that Only an amendment can change that.
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I am Self employed And I work way to hard to have bureaucrats waste my tax dollars on non essentials
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Russia, lol
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Lower courts losses lead the way to SCOTUS reversals. This is how Trump allows them establish once and for all that POTUS controls all aspects of the executive branch I wonder why no other president ever thought of it before
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“Close enough for government work” -2024 civil servant “How may I help you quickly, you are my highest priority” -2025 civil servant See the difference that firing a few non essentials can make? People work harder when they know performance matters and they don’t have a ‘job fur life’ after all
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Most people aren’t even prosecuted for minor paperwork misdemeanors, lol People who matter didn’t care at all did they?
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Helping the enemy in any way during a national emergency is treason, lol
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Isn’t that the official language of the USA, lol?
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Refusing to stand for a little boy with brain cancer Hard to come back from that
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I Don’t recall
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Nah. They’re selling it out of the closet, lol It’s a little cowardly but it makes for a good photo op, huh?
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Crossing the border illegally is the only crime need for deportation.
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SCOTUS declined to intervene in a case that’s almost over. You know the appeal is coming, right, lol?
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It looks like they’re just selling booze out of a closet now, lol
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It appears that the only thing that was done is moving the booze off the shelf and into a closet. What stops them from selling out of the closet?
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The question was whether or not the booze is destroyed If not, then it seems like nothing more than a petulant temper tantrum with no real consequences for their photo op
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Are they destroying the already purchased booze they’ve confiscated from the store owners? Or just putting it in storage as part of an elaborate deception?
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Sorry….. wasn’t clear What happens if the store owner doesn’t comply with the directors order? Does he go to jail for smuggling?
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The official language of the USA Is English
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What happens if someone refuses to comply with the order to stop buying bourbon? Jail?
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If not jail, is there a small fine, lol?
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That’s nothing new. Nazis always thought Americans were Deplorable So do Iranians, lol
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Odd how one guy can dictate to others which booze to buy. We don’t have anything like that here What happens if people refuse to comply? Jail?
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That’s not what the video shows. There’s no ban on buying American booze, lol