And alluding to exposure to chemicals, without making the connection that fossil fuels are making us all sicker. But he’s announcing the Department of Drill, Baby, Drill and relaxing rules on how much sewage can be dumped in our drinking water. Stable genius.
People in the GOP falling hook line and sinker for the display makes it even worse cause sure this kid had his special day but it's going to be even harder for him and kids like him to get proper care
I can't imagine being that child's parents, I can't imagine anything worse 💔. I do wonder how they can support a man whose policies are going to kill or mame the children of parents that don't support the orange turd. You can't be happy for your child while supporting the death of another child.
I think what kind of parents does that child have. To let Trump use him as a prop knowing other kids will probably die do to Trumps cutting funding. Sick.
We need cancer research. Little girls like Savi who lost her life to Neuroblastoma lived two years beyond expectations BECAUSE of cancer research…maybe one day no little one will die from this deadly disease IF research is funded.
This is just heartbreaking. My late nephew died at age 4. He initially got Langerhans Cell Syndrome(Histiozytosis X). During the treatment with chemo he developed leukemia. It is a life crushing event loosing a child like that, fighting a long hard battle many sadly loose. That someone is so petty
that they take away the funds to try to help all the people fighting cancer is unbelievable. I understand he has a heart of ice. One thing is sure. He must be a terrible businessman. Imagine all the tax money a child that dies will pay during their life. Does that not make up for the cost of
researching an cure to the disease that would kill them as a child? It would. Because it’s not just one child that dies. It’s many many children each year. Their deaths is just not listed in the news like a murder is. But their lives matter. The families left behind and the children deserve better.
I am so sorry for the grief that you & all your family have had to suffer with from the untimely death of your nephew.
Yes, it is beyond despicable the actions of this orange faced creaturemasquerading as a human.
Nothing he proposes makes sense.
no benefit to anyone ,the pain is the point ..cruel
How does that even freaking work? He has to be the cruelest, vilest, most disgusting person in the universe. He makes Jabba the Hutt look kind and considerate.
ME AT WORK: you watch the Trump Show last night
him at work : Yeah, fucking dumbass Dems are so clueless
with their small signs, and Green getting tossed out was par for course, no respect.
thoughts and prayers is all MAGAts ever have for others, and even that is nothing but a sick platitude with zero actual fucking thoughts and prayers on there part!
Hard to imagine there was ever a filthier, sicker group of failed humans than today's MAGAts.
Op.: It's not even a good con job. All this is happening in broad daylight, and #FeloniousTrump #ElonMusk #magaRepublicans act as if we do not see... meanwhile magaMedia still maintains a captivated #maga audience. It is surreal at times.
Nothing is sacred to the MAGA doge mob. They are coming for the children, elderly, immuno-compromised, chronically ill Americans. Any American who may need some assistance to survive. The cost of medication is skyrocketing.
Why do medical research - MAGA thinks its cheaper to let Americans die.
Unfortunately he uses people.I’m happy that this you g boy got his wish about law enforcement.I’m appalled at the fact,Trump always uses people &did this to make himself look good. He cuts money for research into childhood cancer so I really have a hard time 1/2
I wonder if all the runes realize that all these “cost cutting” ventures are not gonna put any more money into their pockets, only into billionaires’ pockets. Indeed, taxes are going to go UP for working/middle class Americans.
Add to the fact that Trump, and his family, stole millions of dollars intended for a childhood cancer charity they ran. A judge barred them from any creating any future charities as punishment.
MAGA morality is, like everything else about them, performative. It's about the big show and the feelings right now. No lasting investment. No real depth to those believes. Their morality is like a leaf on the wind, blown away when the push against it grows strong. These are shallow people.
Sadly, the child with brain cancer was disgustingly used as a prop. it's similar to the table of cereal boxes he stood next to during his campaign, but lower.
Trump paraded grieving and unfortunate victims in front of a national TV audience to try and make himself look good. He is a nothing but a Nazi Felon 🤡 carnival leader. He is a POS!
They can now be bribed directly with their cryptocurrency, or their social media site, or hell just suing whoever they want money from, to take the payment that way.
Oh no, people are just paying him $5M for dinner with him at MAL or to buy a visa into the us. Or they can pay a paltry $1M and dine with him at MAL in a group setting. He just openly accepts bribes now.
How much does he *need* to be able to pay Putin back for *winning* him the election? I’m not sure, many billions is a guess. Like enough billions to be able to re-fund his military so he can get what he wants short-term, Ukrainian breadbasket, and long-term, U.S. land, as much as he can buy up.
I often wonder if communication to him is often filtered and sometimes sheltered away from these items. Maybe he's unaware of the cancer research? His staff is far more frightening than him.
It puts a pit in my stomach, every new low DT drops down to. Everything he says and does is appalling. He hasn't done a single virtuous thing in his life.
He makes me physically ill.
I don't understand people wanting to align with that.
Sorry, I meant unelected official when I wrote that. A president is definitely elected and should be able to represent his/her people. I guess we are saying the same thing here.
That man also has not been legally allowed to run a children’s cancer fundraiser in NY because he was found guilty of stealing from one he previously ran…
MAGA mentality is limited at best. All that matters is that it appears to be good. No actual good act needs to be accomplished. In fact, actual good deeds are just too damn woke for MAGA mentality.
Guess your hate is so high you can't even celebrate the kid fighting cancer. We can have that conversation about the funding later. Celebrate life Pathetic human.
I'm fully aware he was used as a political prop. I'm also fully aware the administration is getting backlash from it which will probably result in the reversal of the cancer policy. Which was a foolish move in IMHO.
I hate that every thing in this country has become so political and divided where decent actions can have a backlash. I'm a bi male that believes both party's have lost their way.
So those are two truly meaningful issues you can talk about, here and anywhere. Why post assumptions about people that are so off the mark and uncalled for?
That's why we all applaud that fab cop who did away with that Jan 6th fool during a traffic stop! He saved us , himself & that poor dog in the back seat! 🥰
Since most top-notch cancer research centers are in Democratic states, the cuts do have a broader purpose. In fact many of the centers are associated with universities, meaning the cuts can also hurt higher education! Two for one!
I can’t tell you how much I loath him. And using that child in such a way, while basically condemning other children with cancer to death. We need research…on childhood cancers, treatments/meds. He’s never seen a child die. I was a hospice nurse. I have.
When someone tripped and hit his head on the floor in front of him, causing the guy a head bleed, Trump's reaction was to order the guards to "get this out of my sight". His primary concern was the blood on his club floor.
Grand standing BS artist
Rambling about as a full blown contrarian
During the whisk broom attendees programming program to show and receive back outrage how dare they do this to us
We could go on and on about this
Take inventory as lets be cruel and then some
That poor, Darling child is a wonderful survivor of our Great Medical system. Our wonderful Docs cannot do so without money for RESEARCH! That was taken away with a stroke of a crayon by Dump & the trash GOP! That child was used as a political prop! Shame on his parents & shame on the Magats. 😔🤬
There's no one Trump won't exploit. Look at him cheesing it up with Laken Riley's parents shortly after she was murdered by an undocumented immigrant. Good times, I guess.
‘Now that we’re killin’ them with cancer, let’s kill Sesame Street!’ - say the magats, while their children sing the theme song 🎶 On my way sweeping the clouds away 🎶 & drawing colorful pictures of Big Bird.
Don’t know why the chinless, big-nosed demon seed slicked his hair back like a greasy used-car salesman. There’s already too many sleaze-bags in that family.
Just like @fordnation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada - handing out $20 bills to Toronto Community Housing Residents and then voting at City Hall against measures to help all low income residents
November 7th 2028-"Election Day". The votes are cast, though they need not be counted. The choice was made long before the show began. America—now a patchwork of fiefdoms—awaits its next ruler, a shadowy heir with eyes like steel. Democracy? A rerun. The future? Preordained. Catch 2028,coming soon!
It’s an even better encapsulation of democratic morality. The fact that every single Democrat didn’t walk out of the chamber at that point is stunning.
It's what should've happened, not pink suits and signs. Trump thrives on attention. Robbing him of it triggers him, mocking it makes him even more irrational. Kamala gave it away in one of the debates.
Parents with special needs really trying to understand how their own kids are losing access and funding in their schools right now BUT AT LEAST THEIR GENDER IS NOT BEING REASSIGNED IN THE BATHROOM DURING LUNCH!
they have no conviction (besides the criminal kind)
His people are worse than deplorable. They are pure evil!
"Trumps prop kid dies of cancer because
- medicaid was cut and
- cancer research was halted to save a few pennies"
Morality and tRump are mutually exclusive.
No parent should have to bury a child.
Yes, it is beyond despicable the actions of this orange faced creaturemasquerading as a human.
Nothing he proposes makes sense.
no benefit to anyone ,the pain is the point ..cruel
From the King of Morons.
him at work : Yeah, fucking dumbass Dems are so clueless
with their small signs, and Green getting tossed out was par for course, no respect.
See Republican’s believe someone/thing will pay for the research.
Not Trumps money, but someone elses.
Hard to imagine there was ever a filthier, sicker group of failed humans than today's MAGAts.
Why do medical research - MAGA thinks its cheaper to let Americans die.
Cutting taxes for billionaires and granting them access on the backs of children, the disabled and the elderly is a priority
How you treat the less fortunate says a hell of a lot about just exactly who you truly are
FK dtrumpf and muskivite disgusting
MAGA and morality can not exist in one sentence.
There is no morality with the cult of the felon/rapist.
Seems he's crapping on them & then rubbing it in.
"I can't remember robbing a kids cancer charity any more than I can remember calling Zelensky a dictator"!
Oh my god.
I can hardly believe it.
Not him. Not the great orange one.
It cannot be.
I think that it is way past time to stop listening to anything he says and just start making quiet calm steps for resolutions
It was stunts like that that had Nancy Pelosi tearing up his speech. Trump can't help being a game show host.
Rush Limbaugh! Come on down! What as Rush won?!
Come join us in Florida!!
Help us get Josh Weil elected
Your voice and attention could only help us!!
Er, I mean, how much money does the dicktraitor owe vlad?
The modern Democratic party is dead!
Hope lives rent free inside your heads and has broken your brains!
You are sick and need help. I truly feel bad for you.
Hopefully the party resurfaces and becomes what is good about the left
He makes me physically ill.
I don't understand people wanting to align with that.
We’re on the topic of a child’s life being used as cover for despicable actions taken by this administration, and the cutting hypocrisy of them.
Just sayin.
To stab Joe Biden in the heart.
None of this is normal from sane human beings, there is no soul or one ounce of Christianity in this display. Pure unbridled evil and self enrichment.
VOTE #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP - *OUT* - Once And For All!
"Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People, Shall Not Perish From The Earth"!
"Off Our Butts-And Back Into The Voting Booths!"
Decent America Is Still In Charge!
🇺🇸 🗽
Rambling about as a full blown contrarian
During the whisk broom attendees programming program to show and receive back outrage how dare they do this to us
We could go on and on about this
Take inventory as lets be cruel and then some
Or a Trump Supporter...
Ya just might be...
This message was sponsored by TeamVermin...
But to think that deporting undocumented immigrants will stop or even reduce murders in the US is ludicrous.
Basically it was fotus using a minority child as a prop to make himself appear to be more of an empath, instead of the monster that he truly is.
For me, it was the most grotesque part of the evening, and I had to shut it off.
The most outrageous load of people that belong in a large commercial blender.
I kinda wish someone had stood up when he was made Secret Service … and yelled “Trump made a DEI hire.”
Unfortunately, this would have so many negative impacts, they chose correctly to stay quiet.
And yes, this would just further used the poor kid.