black flags, black bikes, black coffee, black metal
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Wystrzelić go z armaty
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chryste, "zdislav"?
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brzmi strasznie, współczuję :/ może lektyka, dwóch konsensualnych służących i tajemniczy woal?
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lenin differentiated between DotP, socialism (in marxist terms: lower-phase communism) and communism (higher phase comm.). difference between the two is use of some kind of labor valuation, ie. labor vouchers in socialism and lack of it in communism. great material:
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this is opposed to both what Lenin stated and to basic logic: DotP contains proletariat, class that is created only by its relation to capitalist class. therefore, DotP is still capitalism, but with proletariat in political power. DotP cannot be socialism. don't be eclectic in analysis, do better.
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grim portent
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shimano cycling clip-in sandals
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Sewer socialism and later New deal in USA and welfare state in Western Europe were tremendous successes in integrating socialist critique as stabilization of capitalist system. This suffocated and disarmed any socialist organizing which exchanged expropriation for better living conditions.
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Welfare state, which is the most effective weapon in capitalist arsenal against socialism, is responsible for such a tremendous change in living quality, esp. in global north, its unparalleled.
Reducing socialism to public healthcare and unions plays into its hand, too.
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Karol z miodowych lat rzucił bycie motorniczym i poszedł do finansów? Norek teraz co, projektuje broń dla wojska?
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so did the social democracy. this means nothing without socialism. betterment of living conditions is a bonus of overthrowing capitalism, not the aim; the aim is free associaton of producers, end of alienation, of generalized commodity production.
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skill issue, tyle zieleni, super infrastruktury dla pieszych i rowerzystów, dojebanego zbiorkomu i ilości rzeczy do robienia i ludzi z zajawką nie ma nigdzie indziej - i mówię to jako człowiek trzymający duży dystans do Warszawy póki się nie wprowadziłem
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nah, 8h slavery is not accepted even if the driver is on the edge of bankrupcy the whole time. fair deal is self-directed activity, then the risk and reward is balanced and controlled.
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and sometimes bigger scale is actually better, cause worker can hide behind processes, hierarchies and bloat. you get exploited the same, but CEO fucks off to play golf and doesn't breathe down your neck
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różowy tshirt, przywitam się po filmie xd
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lol jesteśmy na tym samym seansie
czułbym się jak creep zawracając ci gitarę “ELO BLUSKAJ” ale miłego ciepłego życzę
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+1, that’s terribly important both to proper analysis and to avoid the conspiratory thinking
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mowisz ze pada jak na ciebie plują, nie?
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Sorry, tu wierzymy w demokrację, nie w poddanie bezwarunkowe jednej partii. Jak nie umiesz krytykować “bo inni są gorsi” to nie dorosłaś do wyborów
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Rolnictwo i budowlanka dwa przemysły z największą ilością handlu ludźmi. nasty stuff, ale to też wynik ekonomii i reżimu granic, więc do tego kurwa poplątany
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ugh the arrogance
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yeah, you're gonna get killed man
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Trzy razy oglądałem, trzy razy zasnąłem, trzy razy się świetnie bawiłem. Nie mogę doczekać się czwartego
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Fajna koszulka wygląda jak fiut eheheh
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totally agree
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oh no, their failure was deeply interconnected effect of web of class incentives, inter-class movement and structural effects. but they, in general, we foreseen by critics of fighting class divide with class divide.
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self-direct as in "on your own initiative", I'm not talking about being done on one's own, of course. sorry if that wasnt clear. of course, many tasks require extensive cooperation and organization.
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sure, if people that do this for you are alright with that, no problemo. maybe youre just chill to be around and everyone's ok with the fact that you're last to important, physical tasks. not everyone has to pull their weight - that's the miracle of cooperation, it's more than a sum of the parts.
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but these aren't abstract, it's responsibility for yourself and those close to you. noone takes care of this, your water gets fucked, moss tickles you asshole and you step into shit when going number two. It's motivated by real problems that we\re all aware of and need to solve. production-for-use!
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& all this discussion should be not taken too seriously, cause we’re not prophets and the free people of future autonomous societies will surprise us with the myriad different ways of solving the problems we can’t even begin to fathom. It’s communist science fiction discussion. Labor midichlorians.
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If, on the other hand, you think activity should be thrust upon people, incentivized materially or its products taken from the producer for the good of whatever collective, realize you’re a filthy social democrat, speedrun failing local elections and become a cop you already are.
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we’re talking communism, not DotP, which is capitalist. you can confirm that by referring to “proletariat”, a class that can exist only in relation to capitalist class and is defined by having only its labor power to sell. there is no proletariat in communism.
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love it, like four different threads and the notifications are shot, it’s like 2018 lefty fb groups once again
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Nah, this is an analysis older than and proven correct by, above all, USSR, but also every other state project. When worker gains power over other workers, their interest changes and will try to keep and use that decisive power. Don’t muddle the waters and cover alienation with worker identity.