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Definitely 1, but I’d probably want you to stop for a blether! I like to know all the gossip!
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Not to worry! We’re downgraded to amber now, so fingers crossed it will blow itself out by the morning.
Spring will come here too - one day! 😂
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And now it’s snowing.
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Lucky you!
I’m in the red zone and it’s been wild all day. Really wild!
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Oh it definitely worked!
I’m glad I read that it was going to happen before it actually went off.
Time to prepare now!
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Murray Mints!
You can’t hurry a Murray!
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What a great idea!
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Aesop’s fable of The Crow and the Pitcher would fit right in here.
And talking of ‘hive’ makes me think of bees and the waggle dance!
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Love them!
I have very fond memories of using these when I was in P1 back in the early sixties.
So happy that they feature once again in our classrooms.
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And Scots Hoose!
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3 craws sat upon a wa’
1st craw fell and broke his jaw
2nd craw wis greetin’ for his maw
3rd craw couldnae flie at a’
4th craw wisnae there at a’
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Well I’m not dead yet certainly, but we’re not the ones making the decisions these days. Don’t blame the boomers! Look to the younger generations- the millennials maybe!
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I didn’t live through WW2, but I grew up without ever knowing my 2 grandfathers who did.
Isn’t it interesting that each generation think they have the answers, and can do so much better than those who went before them?
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When we started listening to the ‘experts’ and became ‘research led’ was the point in my opinion where it all went pear shaped.
I prefer to stick with what I learnt at teacher training college.
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I absolutely agree. This was a splendid read.
And I’ve discovered Murano glass beads too!
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No sausages in the pie, but I do like a sausage in a stew.
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Yellow jotters are perfect for Maths. Purple for literacy.
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Forty four years in the classroom finished today! No going back now……
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I count that as a win though!
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Rote learning. Not everything we did in the old days was pointless.
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And I’ve discovered that the advice I was once given works too. You have to let them go to keep them close.
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But is it just down to schools to provide it?
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In 44 years it has never interested me. I’m full time in the classroom and that’s where I’ll stay until the day I finish.
I have never been interested in leadership or all the extra workload that goes with it. It should never be assumed that someone wants to move towards leadership either.
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Well I’ve definitely seen a lot of initiatives come and go if that counts!
This will be my final year though. It’s harder now than it ever was, but I’m grateful to have had so many brilliant years when I first started out.
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This is my 44th year full time in the classroom.
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Play is supervised by adults who quickly step in to resolve issues. But why?
On one hand we seem to want children to play more and learn important skills, but on the other hand we want adults to step in and solve all the playground problems.
Unsupervised play seems to be a thing of the past.
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Play has always happened in school, but why is it being pushed so hard now?
What’s being done to promote play at home and in the wider community?
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I love this idea! I can see these being enjoyed by lots of children.
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Cuisenaire rods! Loved using them in the sixties.
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Definitely not too soon if you expect the children to know the songs, the words and the moves they need.
Like everything else, they need lots of time to practise.
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I’ve never been offered it, and I wouldn’t dream of asking!
I have seen others with a coffee, but I have no idea how they got it.
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Oh that’s clever! I like it.
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I stopped all that show pony stuff years ago! It’s just a waste of time and makes no difference to my day to day teaching.
If anyone wants to know what happens in our classroom they can ask. We’ll happily tell them or show them, but I’m not jumping through hoops just to tick boxes.
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Oh yes, I like that idea.
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It’s an excellent book and one that we should all still be able to use.
Sadly, many of them were thrown out and lost forever when new, modern ideas took over.
Nothing has ever matched the joy of seeing the progress made when using this.
If you have a copy, treasure it!
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And the positive is that you’ve done your job as a parent!
You’ve provided opportunities and offered endless support to help him reach this stage.
Be proud of yourself and him, and relish this next stage of the journey.
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What a wonderful aspiration to have!
I think it’s an excellent idea.
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Or return to the ITA? 😂
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With or without the music, I definitely recommend this!
The ideas were a great help to me at the start of our new term. We have completed a reading survey and are now talking about our reader identities. It has been an absolute eye opener for me, and the book chat at this stage has been fantastic.
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Any current classroom teachers?
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Yes we are! And we have been for many years now.
Our classrooms need to be less pressured places, where children and staff have the time to explore the things that interest and engage them. Slowly, slowly!
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I think Kerry might have to be the next area to explore!
Thank you for the recommendation.
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Well I hope you enjoy this visit, and haste ye back!
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Lucky you! It looks tasty.
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We went recently to Donegal, and it was absolutely beautiful. From the coastline and the cliffs, to the mountains and the waterfalls - everywhere we looked in fact!
The warmth of the hospitality was also wonderful.
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Well, that’s just the encouragement I need today! A slice of Victoria sponge will be just perfect.
Thank you for alerting us all to this very important day - I hope you enjoy whatever cake you choose.
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A lovely area to be travelling to. It’s definitely one of my favourites.
Safe journey and have a great visit!