The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest... the persona Carighan has appeared!
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Hasn't needed have did!
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Celsius > Fahrenheit
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Personally I can't see myself play it - just totally not my cup of coffee - but eh, I bet there's a sizable audience so sure, have at it. Pretty cool to see them experiment with new approaches in general, Elden Ring felt like the first big step forward for the otherwise stale franchse.
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Go home, dad! 😅
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The Hindenboeing!
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Not just the funniest, they are in a unique position to fix a fascist government in one fell sweep!
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Bold of you to assume the state won't be prepped to allow non-fascist control in ~4 years, independent of the outcome.
They've already caused massively crippling changes, the idea being that any successor government spends all their time fighting fires all the time.
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Sorry if I made you think I was disagreeing with the point, I was merely confused why the point had to made in the first place.
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And that was never said. You made up that someone said that. That was my core point, people instinctively understand that every mention of a group *has* to imply some exceptions.
Of course they're not responsible. Nobody said that. 🤷
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Uh, ja? Normal. Ist nichtmal wirklich Gewöhnungssache, mehr so dass es einfach nicht das Problem ist was Leute immer draus machen. Zugegeben bei Schnee hängt es vom Ort ab, wo nicht geräumt wird wäre ich auch vorsichtig, ist hier aber zum Glück kein Ding.
Und eBike hilft gerade bei Wind extrem!
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Bei mir etwas anders weil Auto keine Option wäre (kann man nicht parken), aber ich brauch auch ewig ins Büro. Deswegen home office, die 3 Meter nach links akzeptier ich noch als Arbeitsstrecke! 🤩
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Was mir die Frage aufwirft ob "nicht wählen" nicht automatisch als "Status Quo erhalten" zählen sollte irgendwo. Sprich das also wählen gehen immer einen Änderungswunsch bedeutet und idealerweise niemand wählen gehen würde weil "passt für uns alle so". 🤔
Gab es so was schon mal? O.o
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As an example! 😑 Is this a language barrier we're talking about? 😵💫
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Because you're right (sorry if I sounded like I wasn't agreeing, btw 😔), but the point also didn't need to be made. Yeah of course exceptions exist. They always do.
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You *do* realize that the vast majority of people don't assume that groups are fully inclusive, yes? Like if you say "All living people breathe", you are to a degree aware that this is not strictly true in all cases yet you can still say it like that, yes?
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This isn't a group session of sharing whataboutism examples. 💡
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With a fascist and convicted rapist actively taking office, I don't think I'll differentiate much between voting *for* him and quietly abiding and withholding a vote *against*.
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I mean, the country was founded by religious extremists raping, plundering and murdering natives to steal their land. 🤷
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Still annoyed how much they screwed up season 2 (and by extension 3) of Whittaker's turn at being the doc after that phenomenal first season. But ah well. At least they seem to have taken the right notes from that fiasco.
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Let the sky fall... 🎶
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War aber der Grund warum das so angeordnet wurde, würde ich vermuten.
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I read a similar summary for Germany recently where the 4 billion spent on supporting/training/educating/housing immigrants pales in comparison to the 11.5 billion those very immigrants pay in direct+indirect taxation.
You'd never hear the BILD yell loudly about all the money immigrants bring, ofc.
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Or that it isn't strictly superior to them. 🥞
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In your government-allowed Tesla Cybertruck, err sorry, armoured transport!
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Wow, will we get self flying planes? /s
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Yeah why don't the poor just stop being poor?!
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Very excited to try this. Also read review and it was extremely glowing. Then saw this one which is more some-good-some-bad, and one that was super impressed but heavily criticized a slew of technical issues like excessive texture pop-in.
Still, excited!
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Shouldn't that ratfucker be jailed for tax evasion, anyways?
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"Person from a country that still has a king unable to comprehend how governments are supposed to work." and other equally-astounding breaking news, coming up at 11! 😅
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Brauchen ja gar keine konkreten Zahlen. Einfach "Nein" sagen. Es ist doch eh alles erlogen, einfach solange blocken bis Frau Wiesel das *selber* mal versucht zu belegen. Was sie, wie man schon gesehen hat, nicht kann - die kennt nichtmal das AfD Wahlprogramm. 😂
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Anstatt dann einfach zu sagen "Doch".
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I mean, the vast majority of story-based indie games fall into that category. don't they?
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Or well, separate is maybe the wrong word. "Overarching" is better?
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Yeah but that's sadly a separate issue we need to solve at some level, as in, as a species. The old who never have to live with the consequences of their actions get to call all the shots, leaving their children with the fallout from them.
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Yeah that's what I'm thinking, too. Everyone made it abundantly clear this would happen. It was still voted for. It's happening. What more do you want?!
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You're Boeing to die!
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Also look at that flag. Inclusion-centric "Oh we're 51 states all together"-flag. If that flag ain't DEI, I don't know what would be...
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Alternative Idee: Man macht das live, aber neben jedem Kandidaten steht eine Person vom Sender, die bei jeder Aussage (egal um was es geht) ne Ohrfeige gibt.
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Vor allem weil niemand sich traut, obwohl es so einfach ist, einfach komplett *alles* von der AfD als "Bullshit!" zu melden.
Man könnte so leicht immer so bissige Texteinblendungen haben etc. Clicks ohne Ende. Aber man merkt eben welche reichen Rechten die Presse kontrollieren...
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Maybe he accidentally bought it too big and due to tariffs can't afford to order a new one?
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It's a nice frost -7° here in northern Germany, loving it. Expecting -11° tomorrow! At least the Monday is balanced by a nice sunrise!
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How is it hiding to be on the big microblogging platform? I'm a bit weirded out by the old geezers still sticking around on Twitter. I mean that happened before with Facebook and MySpace and stuff c'mon gramps, move over, the web doesn't wait for old timers on these dead old sites.
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It occurs to me that we already had a fairly successful dialogue with Nazis in the past, specifically at Nuremberg... 🪢
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New executive order: It is forbidden to be sick!
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Weidel kennt ja nicht einmal das eigene Wahlprogramm. Das ist schon hart albern dass Leute meinen so etwas ("Person" kriegt sie ja lt. AfD nicht weil Ausländerin) sei wählbar.