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Final year Undergraduate Speech and Language Therapy Student.
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Just discovered this resource from RCSLT for NQPs. It’s really useful as are the hints and tips on their NQP pages. Will be looking into them more tomorrow.

8-weeks to go till PPA awareness day: 4th April 2025! Speech & language therapy can help join up ppl with PPA. Rare Dementia Support also connects people with PPA like Helen: Sign up for PPA awareness day webinar: #PPAawareness

Yesterday’s placement team meeting had focus on children mental health week. impressed that conversation wasn’t just about clients but also encouraged the team to think about their mental health & prioritise it. Hoping that my future employers are so empowering and focused on wellbeing of all.l

Come and join our amazingly talented and welcoming #SLT programme team!

Early to placement so doing some work in my car. Have my coffee and a personal hotspot for my internet access so I’m good to go. ☺️ #sltplacement #finalyear

Its #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek! Myself and Sarah Griffiths have worked together with clinicians, young people with #devlangdis and families to help mental health practitioners to make sessions more accessible for children with Developmental Language Disorder. Here are signs of DLD in MH settings:

Hello all, is there a dysphagia clinical excellence network on here for UK (England) All help appreciated. Thanks

I have many regrets about Earth, but making humans in a wide range of colors, shapes, and temperaments is not one of them. Celebrate thy diversity. Love each other.

A write up in Parliament News about the speech and language debate last Monday. #InvestInSLT “Speech therapy is a bridge between isolation and inclusion - It must be properly supported as we repair our NHS.” Click the link to read more…

Be really great to hear from any mature students who have qualified as speech and language therapist in their late 30s & 40s because right now I am having a real crisis of confidence in my ability to find employment when I graduate in summer compared to those who are graduating in their early 20s

Just submitted my 4500 assignment for complex developmental and neurological conditions module. Two assignments down, a viva and dissertation to go… 😬

Delivered Narrative Therapy with a peer SLT student today. A few hiccups but we improvised and it went great. Feeling proud 😊 #sltstudent #slt2be #myslt2beday

Had a great day! This morning I reviewed referrals & observed a CELF assessment. Was reassuring to see that my observations were the same as my Practice Educator. Really feel like it’s all coming together. Could not have asked for a better final placement & team. #slt2be #finalplacement #finalyear

First day of placement went well. Excited to be asked to put together a narrative intervention programme which another student SLT and I will deliver in a few weeks.

📌🆕 10 min online anonymous worldwide survey. Hi allied health people (SLP/SLT, OT, clinical psych, etc); allied health assistant (any discipline); or teacher (SENCo, classroom 🧑‍🏫, etc); teaching assistant. Need YOUR 🤔VIEWS🤔 on #GestaltLanguageProcessing #NaturalLanguageAcquisition

Trying to make this a habit this year. Donna Ashworth is just wonderful

Routledge have a 20% sale on until Jan 23rd. Includes Word Aware, Language for Thinking and Language for Behaviour and Emotions (among others). Buy as a treat for yourself, or get it in front of your manager 😀

Current bedtime audiobook. I’m such a fan of Oliver Sacks books. They make me consider things that I hadn’t before like how deaf people with Aphasia lose the ability to sign. It makes perfect sense but still surprised me. As did him saying that those with aphasia can lose internal dialogue I may be wrong but I think you came into my uni careers day last month.

While you've all been slaving over Turkey, I've been preparing this Chicken for later.

Oh and on Tuesday I get the results of one of hardest assignments I’ve ever tackled on TBI. It’s worth 100% of overall grade and the nerves are setting in. I try hard on all my work, but this one had real personal challenges so I’m feeling hopeful but not massively confident

So, here we are. Almost a week into 2025. - Back to uni on Tuesday. - Start an 11 week (2 day a week) placement on Wednesday - It’s only 5 months until my dissertation is due. Cant believe I’m so near the end of my degree. Fingers crossed I graduate 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻👩🏻‍🎓🧑🏻‍🎓

Downloaded my timetable for the new year. When reviewing it I noticed ‘goodbye celebrations’ on it in April/May. I’m absolutely not ready to think about the end of uni & getting a job.

Today has been spent on the sofa reading research papers. Trying to get a head start on my next assignment before my daughter breaks up on Friday. 4500 words to write by end Jan. Then we think about dissertation #slt2be #studentSLT

Didn’t get to take many pictures But was so impressed with uni today and the effort put into this community of health professionals event. Games, treats, mindfulness and interactive activities. Really feel grateful for staff at my university @mmuhealthandeducation

Final ever placement details received & I’m happy. Not done a paediatric placement in such a long time & need to brush up on my theory but I think it’s going to be a good one. #slt2be