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Specialist Teacher working with children aged 0-5 with SEND 👶 Passionate about getting it right for children and families 🤗 Former SENDCo and Senior Leader 🤓 Experience working in mainstream, special, AP and independent schools 🏫 School Governor 🗣
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All these constructions mean something to the children who created them. All these constructions involved collaboration, communication and shared thinking. Play is the way. #PlayIsTheWay #EduSkyPrimary

How are #EarlyYears and #EduSkyPrimary colleagues coping with the run up to Christmas? 🤣 I find myself missing working in a setting at this time of year - am I mad?!

What does research evidence say about promoting children's personal, social and emotional development (PSED) in #earlyyears? Check out this free download from - useful for prompting professional discussions or for a training session #edusky

Play whether it’s adult led or child initiated keeps children busy learning and supports their development, their hands and bodies are active and so are their minds. Fixed it. #PlayMatters

Great meeting with the SENCo today in my role as SEND governor. I am always inspired by the passion and relentless hard work that they put into the role each day. I have been in their shoes and know the challenges well, frank conversations and the recognition of a job well done are so important

Not everything about play needs an adult or content 😌. Sometimes children just need time to be. Babies need time for unoccupied play (adult is there), such as kicking their legs, trying tummy time, or putting their hands feet into their mouths, helps babies explore the world #PlayMatters #Earlyyears

Bribing children to read with rewards and keeping them in at break for not reading at home really won't help them understand the power and joy of reading. Sharing stories as a class, prioritising time to read, talking about books together, celebrating poetry and being a reading role model will.

Visited a setting today that is completely outdoors and completely child-led. The highly skilled adults are facilitators and do not interfere in play and learning. They focus on letting children 'be'. It was refreshing to see, but I realised I felt sad that this approach is quite rare #EarlyYearsSky

Playing in mud can be a beneficial activity for children. Brain development: The sensory stimulation and increased input from mud play helps form pathways in the brain. Motor skills: Children use their smaller muscles by squishing, squeezing, scooping, mixing, and pouring mud. #EarlyYearsSky

"If children are not ready for what we are offering, then maybe we need to offer them something different."

Love and Nurture in EYs. The book focuses on key child developmental factors including brain development, attachment awareness, love languages and nurturing touch, the science of nurture, the theory of love and nurture and building relational practice.

Very interesting! I'm doing some professional development work on access to music education for disadvantaged families and children with SEND. Any other info welcome! #EduSky

Come and join the EYR WhatsApp community People viewing a channel, even other followers, can't see who else is following a channel.

Nurseries in England say new rules have reduced care to ‘crowd control’

Great CPD! #EduSky

If I went on Mastermind, my specialist subject would have to be BBC Numbertime episodes 1-10.

Check me out with my QR code tech. I would like more respondents for this survey. It is aimed for ECT and those in initial teacher training in England It is to look at their confidence in training around behaviour. Please share! #EduSky #thisisAP