Autistic trans lesbian (she/her), ~30, fan of RPGs and SF/fantasy.
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They had them in Jade Empire (2005), and sort of had one in KotOR before that (though part of Juhani's content was cut), but the original BG2 didn't have any I know of without mods. The Beamdog EE added some, but the queer romance only happening with Evil characters makes it questionable at best.
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Really, these things should stick out more when they make bigoted complaints about the fourth Dragon Age game, considering... well, all of the first three Dragon Age games.
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My read from an earlier article about was that it was "what if we pretended our AI technology could make a Star Trek TNG-style combadge?"
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I can at least hope this part will come around soon.
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I remember (playing a female protagonist before I knew I was a girl) that this happened to me with Kaidan in ME1, but Zevran? Zevran seems so... obvious, I don't get it.
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Now there's someone who 100% deserved to have his skin removed.
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You have to have it on to use CarPlay, which is why I have it on. And it is a helpful option for that scenario sometimes.
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I have via a friend at least discovered what Alexa et al. seem to be good for: assistance for people with dyslexia or other disabilities that make the seemingly simpler 'just type it in' solution not so simple after all. No idea what doing that same thing worse for more money is good for though.
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Lois McMaster Bujold has some fantastic novels that touch on this (Brothers in Arms, first, though it's part of a larger series). "Miles, what have you done with your baby brother?"
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I even remember encountering a nice (if idealized) quote in a Bioware game about this from Carth: "I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent – mostly from warriors."
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Sounds like a great button to use Microsoft PowerToys to remap to something worthwhile!
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Feels like a shame to me for multiple reasons that so many other people use Steam that it's where small developers have to go to get visibility. Like, I'd very much prefer to get indie games from somewhere that gave devs more of a cut, and had no DRM... and is right there.
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Syncing your iTunes library and playlists to their devices from the computer might not be so promoted at this point, but it does still work, it's what I do.
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The home button thing is why when I got a new one, it was the SE 3. It's not *quite* a real button, more of the weird thing they had starting with the 7, but it's close.
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The best guides for video games are .txt files on GameFAQs with some ASCII art at the top.
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I was watching some of Buffy with my sister the other day, and it really stuck out how they kept doing scenes in the middle of the night in a graveyard, and yet I could still see what was going on! Lost technology, apparently.
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I honestly never even noticed that one! Though never actually having set foot in a high school but having watched all of Buffy may throw off my age calibration.
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I specifically looked for a car that had mostly buttons, and I'm glad I managed to find one. (It's kind of tricky for plug-in hybrids and EVs, and needed one a couple of years old, but you can!)
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I'd probably do it anyway, I remember doing something along those lines in an indie VN once (Seduce Me). But I wouldn't exactly be getting the Tokimemo experience that way...
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I don't know how many of us there are, but I'd definitely play that! My sticking point with Tokimemo as a whole is that I just want to be a girl and date girls.
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If you hadn't sworn off your powers this would have been much faster...
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I'm even more discouraged from it, being a woman who always plays women. Not only are they clearly the evil option, but even for a very evil woman siding with the Legion is just obviously a bad idea for your own self-interest.
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Well, that's definitely terrible and not what I expected. Though even if there's a lot of problems... I guess romanticizing the Confederacy isn't one of them, at least?
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Was the ghost at least on the right side?
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Is that a game? It sounds like a back-end software package.
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The more they'd actually listen to what you tell them, the more of a motivation it is to have early access and give feedback. I remember an indie game a decade ago where the one F/F love interest died at the end, but people pointed out that was a terrible idea and changed it.
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Plus, people are most motivated to avoid spoilers for a game that's almost entirely story. And it does present the one thing that'll make half the fans of the first game hate it right off, making it look like the negative reviews are just because of that.
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So like people should have reacted to Trump, then?
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I haven't! The idea makes sense to me though.
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I have to say, I'm curious as to what that last post entailed.
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I used to think that I didn't have much ability to assess art, but when I see junk like this being used I feel like maybe I'm better than I thought after all.
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I feel like there could at least be a good fic with the premise that the *real* reason she wants to stay that she won't tell Marche's group is that she's really, really gay and doesn't want to leave Shara.
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And now, somehow, I'm thinking of FFTA's Ritz.
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This is a 100% accurate account of the story of Shadows of Valentia, right?
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Not only did they add it to the English version thanks to Xseed, the developers were sold enough to back-port it to the Japanese original.
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If someone was going to build one, that seems like a good basis! But it's certainly not going to be us doing it.
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I don't even know how I would talk to such men even if they'd listen, you know? Like, all of my internal opposition to all of those terrible ideas present in US concepts of masculinity has just not wanting to be a man at all weaved throughout it, so I know for actual cis men it can't work.
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Yeah... sadly true. It still just hits a little harder, you know?
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Not at all, I meant the use of default-gendered language as the "it" there; it feels like a betrayal when I hear phrases like "guys" in queer circles.
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It's like... isn't this something about male-as-default language when feminists in the 80s discussed it, and why we have terms like "firefighters" now? When I see it coming back in many communities it's unpleasant, but from other queer people it feels like a kind of small betrayal.
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I know at least a couple people who asserted to me that they made their motorcycles louder because drivers of cars often didn't see or notice motorcycles and they wanted to be more obvious to not get hit. Not sure if it's true, but it's the only idea that makes any sense at all to me.
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I got all excited there for a second! I hope you end up doing that.
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I think part of this might be that it's most straightforward to do with a single romance, and when you do that, and then it doesn't work for some people. Like, I would be very interested in this if it was a lesbian romance, but have negative interest if it was straight.
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I'm a trans woman because I'm a lesbian, and a lesbian because I'm a trans woman. It's all a paradoxical time loop, you see.
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Neither would I! Though thinking about it after the fact, I wonder if maybe they're more permissive because it's mostly text?
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I never thought about that before! But you know, you've definitely got a point there.
(I'm still kind of surprised that the sequel is on Steam, I have to say.)
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Is that one that casts magic? Because that would be cool for her to have, especially given her interesting learn list.
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It is a fun and appropriate contrast, I think, especially for that character archetype (I think we can really just stop having JRPG womanizers though). Especially that one of them is the only same-house straight pairing that stops at B (Sylvain/Annette).
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I want to see them do it just like with the fourth and fifth season, where it's been many years and they just... keep going right where they left off.
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I agree! I could *sort* of forgive it a little with Hillary Clinton since we already had a Clinton in recent politics for disambiguation (though it still made me suspicious), but there's no other politically significant Harris, certainly not on that level.