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The great thing is it took almost as long for me to remember as the time she was in office. Mind you, compared to the trusk, she’s starting to look sane.
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And one certainty, for me as a manager, is that wfh is dreadful for new starters. Really hard to form the relationships that make the grind at least bearable and sometimes fun, not to mention learning from people.
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I loved WFH for the final 4 yrs of my career. I worked harder and for longer each day, and saved a shedload of avoided travel costs. But did I produce more? Doubtful. I think a large part of the time is spent compensating for the lack of face to face.
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Oh how that has cheered me up. But I suppose losing the odd billion is, for musk, just a bit of a bad day in the office and he’ll make it up elsewhere by getting the puppet to make that possible.