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Trump is opening his administration to fracking billionaires, oil lobbyists and far-right climate deniers. Our global team of investigative reporters is tracking the damage. Here's a starter pack of DeSmog investigators and some of the climate disinfo journalists we follow.

SpaceX’s Starship explodes in second failure for Musk’s Mars program

BREAKING: SpaceX's Starship EXPLODES, causing FAA to halt flights at 4 major airports The previous Starship also exploded, in January THIS is why FAA probed SpaceX for safety And THIS is why Musk has been trying to kill FAA - and why he should NOT get any more govt contracts

⚡ Russian attacks across Ukraine killed at least two people and injured 24 others over the past day, regional officials reported on March 7.

Fired federal workers share their worries about what could happen next.

Odesa region hit again: this is the sixth attack on its energy infrastructure in the past 2.5 weeks — DTEK reports. Engineers are working on restoration. While Russia continues its missile terror without any US recepercussions, Ukraine is forced to 'sit down' at the table.

Så har Donald Trump igen ændret holdning til sin egen handelspolitik. Ifølge en talsmand fra Det Hvide Hus til tilstedeværende medier har Trump nu sat en større del af sin tidligere told mod både Cana... Læs mere👇 #dkbiz

Today, the House GOP censured me for speaking out for the American people against @POTUS’s plan to cut Medicaid. I accept the consequences of my actions, but I refuse to stay silent in the face of injustice. #WeShallOvercome

A decision by the White House to suspend all military aid to Ukraine has stunned Kyiv and its European allies, throwing the very future of the established world order into doubt.

Selv de hårdeste transatlantister erkender USA's svigt

Ukraine has enough weapons to continue fighting until summer despite the current pause in US military assistance, according to President Trump’s special envoy

Udenrigsordfører: Amerikanske soldater på dansk jord er stadig en god idé #dk #nyheder #dkbot

🇳🇴 👏 Norway to increase aid to Ukraine to almost US$8bn this year

The Trump-Musk Regime is reportedly planning to cut as much as 50% of the IRS workforce. Make no mistake: this will starve the government of revenue by making it easier for the rich to evade taxes — which the top 1% already do to the tune of $163 billion a year. Hello?

#RussialsATerroristState #LetUkraineStrikeBack We need to stop the ruZZians, once and for all. #DKpol

Fire personer dømt for planer om kup og kidnapning af tysk minister

🇬🇧🇺🇦 British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles are now ineffective in Ukraine after Trump blocked US intelligence sharing with allies, dealing a blow to Ukraine's offensive capabilities. This follows the heated Oval Office clash between Trump and Zelensky.

🤡 Slovak PM Fico parrots MAGA & Kremlin propaganda, claiming that "half of the money sent to Ukraine is stolen." He alleges that EU funds are "vanishing in Ukraine" and vows to raise the issue of corruption at the European Council.

Mens vi skal høre de sædvanlige tomme ord såsom "fiskeriet skal udvikles, ikke afvikles," osv., lyder det lidt som om at fiskeriminister Jacob Jensen ikke mener at fiskeriet skal udvikle sig, hvis det altså vil koste de bundtrawlende erhvervsfiskere noget.

Grim news for the climate. Less reflective ice means more solar heat absorbed by the oceans—faster warming. It’s time for politicians to take their heads out the sand and brief the public on the seriousness of this crisis.

The real cost of cruises. ‘The entire coastline will be cemented over’: the tiny Italian town set to become a dock for giant cruise ships.

“Solar teamed with battery storage is the engine room of the energy transition. It is the anchor technology combination to deliver low cost power.” Quinbrook on the announcement of their massive battery plans for Australia.

Anthropogenic Global Warming & Storms🧵

Liberal Alliance gentager ønske om at stække DR #dkmedier #dkpol

- at fiskeriet selv skal betale for deres forurening eller omstille til mere natur- og klimavenlige redskaber? ❌ - at danskerne skal æde deres regning og 'forureneren betaler'-princippet svigtes? ✅ Det sgu godt nok kulsort af SVM-regeringen det her.

Der blev begået flere alvorlige fejl, lyder det fra Havarikommissionen.

Europa støtter Putins krigsmaskine på grund af sin afhængighed af billig gas, som EU's nyudnævnte energikommissær Dan Jørgensen (S) skal finde alternativer til.

🚨🚨 #Russianassets: I cannot say I am shocked anymore but these incredibly evil, nasty and cowardly betrayals by #Trump administration is getting just worse by the day. 🧵

🐺 Despite the lack of scientific arguments, the Bern Convention’s decision to downlist wolves enters into force today. “Wolves keep our ecosystems in balance & downgrading their protection could quickly backfire," says Full reaction:

US Education Department is preparing for an imminent executive order to dismantle the agency and reassign its functions. Trump's madness continues 🤦‍♀️ #uddpol #dkpol

Hov! Det passede heller ikke, når fiskerilobbyen og regeringen påstod, at der ikke findes nogle klimateknologier for fiskeriet.

Norge har skovlet milliarder ind på krigen. Nu sker der endelig noget med landets støtte til Ukraine

Sådan voksede kritikken af Norges Ukraine-støtte sig for stor til at blive ignoreret

Vildt nok. Nu vil regeringen også give målrettet statsstøtte til bomtrawlerne. Altså den form for fiskeri selvsamme regering vil forbyde, fordi den er så ekstrem skadelig for havbunden. Det er jo så dumt🙈

Sig farvel til din whistleblower: Trump truer med at sagsøge medier, der bruger anonyme kilder og med at lave en ny (uspecificeret) lov. Han mener, de anonyme kilder slet ikke eksisterer og bliver brugt til at sprede falske historier. #dkmedier #dkpol

Elon Musk, der nu vil skære på medicinalhjælp til de fattigste, har samtidig selv har fået milliarder i statsstøtte. Højrefløjens effektivisering handler reelt aldrig om at spare penge for staten, det handler om at kanalisere pengene i retning af dem selv.

Hov. Hvem mon udleder mest spildevand til vandmiljøet? Det gør branchen landbrug, skovbrug og fiskeri'. Her fra Danmarks Statistik. Og imens vi andre betaler spildevandsafgift er landbrug og fiskeriet fritaget. Utroligt, at vi accepterer det.

⚡️Update: US halts intelligence sharing with Ukraine, CIA director confirms. The U.S. has halted intelligence sharing with Kyiv, threatening Ukraine's ability to strike Russian targets amid the full-scale war, CIA Director John Ratcliffe confirmed to Fox Business on March 5.

BP has cancelled plans for HyGreen, which it had previously envisaged as “one of the biggest green hydrogen production facilities in the UK” with 500MW of electrolyser capacity by 2030. First 80MW phase was originally scheduled to start up in northern England this year.

US no longer sharing intel to assist Ukraine's deep strikes on Russia, Sky News reports

EU ambassador to China urges Beijing to stop building coal-fired power plants

As Russia’s war in Ukraine enters its fourth year, and Trump suspends military aid entirely, here are some ways to help Ukraine and stand with Ukrainians.

DOGE firings have upended the lives of thousands of hardworking civil servants — including park rangers, disease researchers, and veterans. Meanwhile, DOGE's own staffers are drawing hefty six-figure government salaries from the very agencies they are sabotaging. "Efficiency."

Trump og Musk skaber økonomisk kaos og frygt for nedtur i USA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture must temporarily reinstate more than 5,000 probationary employees fired since Feb. 13, according to a ruling by the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Greenland politicians condemn ‘disrespectful’ Trump takeover claim

🚨 More than 80 independent nutrition scientists have signed an open letter raising concerns over an industry-backed effort to redefine the Nova food classification system—the very framework that has helped expose the harms of ultra-processed foods (UPFs). 🧵1/7

Half of world’s CO2 emissions come from just 36 fossil fuel firms, study shows - Researchers say data strengthens case for holding firms to account for their contribution to climate crisis #climatecrisis #carbonmajors

Rystende at Trump-administrationen nu lukker ned for militære efterretninger til den ukrainske frihedskamp. Kan blive alvorligt vendepunkt. Helt uforståeligt at den danske regering fortsat tillader USA fri og uhindret adgang til samtlige danske efterretninger! Stop kabelsamarbejdet! #dkpol

Så er jagten på los gået ind i Sverige, der har truffet den absolut elendige beslutning at pløkke 87 af deres ~1.275 losser frem mod 15. april, på trods af at arten er sårbar. Man gør det for at tilgodese interesserne hos nogle af landmændene.