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Public health statistician (PhD, MPH) currently working for Chicago DPH. All opinions are my own. Dog photos will be posted. Chicago. He/him.
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Get you a spouse who will make king cake for when your birthday falls on Mardi Gras.

Last night delivered the goss live and in person in Chicago. The audience-submitted secrets ranged from bad slam poetry to crimes

We’re about to print up “Bike Chicago” so this is your last chance to preorder this shirt. Need this sexy retro design on your walls? It will also be offered as a 11x17 print. Know of someone or a group who’d like this design?- help us out by sharing it with a friend, bike gang or subreddit. is always great, but this figure on the increasing probability of risk of an H5N1 bird flu pandemic is particularly helpful.

An ex of mine was fired from her federal wildlife management job in Alaska. You want pristine salmon fishing streams? Someone up there has to go out into the woods & help maintain them.

Me, biking to work: I am amazing b/c biking is good for me & the city & the environment. Me, seeing myself reflected in storefronts as I bike by: no one would touch that dork with a 10-foot pole. What a weirdo.

Next year, the EU will require cars to have buttons & dials -- not just touchscreens -- to get a top safety rating. This is a great move. Drivers can fiddle with knobs & buttons without taking their eyes off the road, but they can't do that with touchscreens. (Even better: Tesla will hate this)

In the Behavioral Health Bureau at CDPH is the Office of Substance Use. So our team chat is labeled “OSU.” Which is completely unacceptable to me

Percent of births financed by medicaid, by state, 2023

I think the last time that I biked from home to an office was senior year of college biking to the lab at the Vet School at U of I. Only 17 minutes from my condo to da Loop.

Sleepy sleeps

Surely these new glasses will make me attractive & popular & settle all my emotional turmoil.

High as shit on endorphins after a great run on the treadmill. Wheeeeeee

This is an appreciation post for the 19th Police District Council. The three of them do the reading & spend time researching how can change can be implemented. Much appreciation to their intense attention to detail.

🚨 Action Alert! 🚨 City Council will be voting on whether to lower the speed limit TOMORROW, and your alderperson needs to hear that you want them to vote YES. Take a moment, review some of the facts we’ve included, and use our tool to call your alder TODAY!

This is a good point. “Toxins” could come from anywhere. You could be responsible for putting toxins in your body, hadn’t you thought about some personal responsibility? But PFAs, bisphenol A, benzene? They came from somewhere that we can name

Dress pants, fleece-lined pants, t-shirt, dress shirt, hoodie, gaiter, coat, hat, gloves, & 5-days of beard growth. It cold

Lake Shore Drive is less than 0.5% of the length of all streets in Chicago, but it accounts for *7% of traffic fatalities* 2019 - 2024:

It was good to see Chicagoans come out in the snow to show up for trans healthcare

Our two papers on abortion bans and fertility/infant mortality are now out. In 14 states w/ abortion bans, fertility increased 1.7% and infant mortality increased 6%. Key takeaway is that these impacts were disproportionately felt among those w/ greatest structural disadvantages. Links below.

Sitting in the office listening to a white woman explain to a Black woman who Dilla is. Nothing could be more Chicago than this.

Regardless of the design quality/lack thereof in the various mansions & McMansions on the block behind my condo, heated sidewalks are a real flex. In this weather, I can’t even be mad & am quite possibly jealous

Awful: Bus drivers have struck and injured 2 Loyola students in a week, within 400 feet of each other, near the intersection of campus, the Kenmore pedestrian mall, and Sheridan, a traffic sewer for DLSD.

Thanks to the clogged inner loop, I can’t take the Pink Line to our offsite office for my morning meetings. So, thanks for gumming up the business of the city, CTA.

Important after a good night’s sleep to get a solid morning nap

Sitting on the L, passing over the river looking east, thinking “I get to do this every day.” Greatest city in the world

The Division of #Epidemiology at The Ohio State University is hiring a Biostat Analyst. More info in the link

#EpiSky - did anyone manage to grab recent #CDC PRAMS data (2018-2022)? One of my PhD students needs it for her dissertation. Please DM me if you know where we can find it. #epidemiology #childhealth #maternalhealth #SPER #SER

It’s me & the Picasso! Across the street from my office! I am obviously getting a hotdog for lunch on my first day. Chicago-ness intensifies

First day as a senior epidemiologist for the Chicago Department of Public Health. The city where I was born & was married. Realtime video of me ok the L to the CDPH office in da Loop on my first day (RIP Lin B)

For anyone needing a CDC dataset: it may be in one of the nearly 3000 csv files archived here:

Any time any public health/medicine person writes something for public media, take a second to think about their recent scholarship and/or public health practice. Writing without doing other work for the good of the public is merely self-promotion. /subtweet


Officially done with my work for MassHealth. I think we got something good done. Bye bye, Boston. Be back someday.

Cambridge, MA plowing the bike lanes after a slippery snow

I have won the Great RCT War of 2025. I can leave MassHealth with my head held high.

When they say “We’re on it” they mean that they’re on the sidewalk to block pedestrians.

You know what’s no longer funny? Joking during the pre-flight safety talk. Just the facts, please, I don’t need a standup routine. Yes, I am posting this from a plane

Just 8 days left as an employee of Cammanwealth of Massachusetts. Real senioritis setting in.