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Unfortunately, everyone in this administration knows the game. When it comes to an end F47 tenure he will issue a blanket pardon for everyone who worked and remained loyal to F47 and they get to skate down the road with their lives and $ and no prison time.
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It is official, the Webster dictionary has indicated republican is now a synonym for hypocrisy
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F47 has played the media once again. Instead of concentrating on the facts of this breach of security they are now chasing old F47 new edict on proving you are a US citizen to vote. Every time a threat to his kingdom comes he diverts the medias attention. Best 3 card monte shark in the world.
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Yep, story of a lifetime so the democrats will go purchase some round fans and write a slogan on the fans, ware matching pink ensemble, then hold hands in the air and chant in unison We Will Win! The F47 administration will then shake from fear.
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Chief Justice Roberts is the one who allows F 47 to get away with this type of behavior. Go read Trump v USA! Now, as for the Democrats I point you to Will Rogers quote” I am not a member of any organized political party I am a Democrat.” Schumer can only lead anyone to sleep.
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While you are absolutely correct about this administration the democrats are not giving the voting public any reason to vote for them other than we are not Trump. That did not work! What they have to do is come up with three issues that show the voters the party has a solution to their anger.
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Everything that Trump is doing sits directly in the lap of Chief Justice John Roberts and his decision in Trump vs USA. His crocodile tears about Trumps demand to impeach judges that disagree with him is a comical act nothing more! You watch as the cases arrive and he gives more power to Trump.
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I believe Trump has only read one book, George Orwells 1984, and saw it as a road map to taking over and governing a country. Now others are starting to read it and use the methodology set forth in the book.
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Since the United States Supreme Court ruled that money is speech in Citizen United it follows the withholding of money is speech. The great defender of speech, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, surely don’t want to accept people speak by not purchasing something.
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Oh, I looked it up in Webster dictionary. Republican is now a synonym for hypocrite.
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Oh, I looked it up in Webster dictionary. Republican is now a synonym for hypocrite.
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This situation sits clearly in Chief Justice John Roberts lap and the other judges who issued the opinion in Trump v USA. When he whines about Trump demanding impeachment of a federal judge it is this decision that allows Trump to believe he has the power to do this.
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George Santayana said it best” Those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. I guess people don’t remember Chairman Mao sending educators and scholars to work camps in China. Pol Pot in Cambodia executing the educated.
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Because the United States Supreme Court said money is speech it follows that the withholding of money is speech. Do what I did a week ago and write the DNC and DSCC and tell them to stop sending request for money and stop giving the party money. They will have to grow a spine eventually.
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I guess the Trump administration did not believe the law of physics applies to the Trump tariff edicts. For ever action there is a equal and opposite reaction.
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To Chuck Schumer and the Democratic establishment I would direct them the to think about what one of the aphorism of Will Rogers means and why it is still relevant today “ I am not a member of any organized political party, I am a democrat”.
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To Chuck Schumer and the Democratic establishment I would direct them the to learn from of the aphorism of Will Rogers “ I am not a member of any organized political party, I am a democrat”.
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I have written this previously. The United States said money is speech in Citizen United so therefore the withholding of money is speech. I have been a democrat since 1968 Thursday I told the party I will no longer send them any money until they stoped being jellyfish.
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Do what I did today. I wrote the jellyfish Democratic Party and informed it to stop sending request for more money to me. It pained me to do so since I have been a democrat since 1968 but that was when they had a back bone. Now they are nothing but jellyfish.
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Do what I did today. I wrote the jellyfish Democratic Party and informed it to stop sending request for more money to me. It pained me to do so since I have been a democrat since 1968 but that was when they had a back bone. Now they are nothing but jellyfish.
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Because of Chuck Schumer and the other jellyfish senators I have decided I am no longer a democrat. The argument they are putting forward is a difference without a distinction. What difference is there in the government being destroyed in 6 weeks and it being destroyed in 20 weeks.?
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Since the United States Supreme Court ruled that money is speech in Citizen United it follows the withholding of money is speech. The great defender of speech, Elon Musk and Donald Trump, surely don’t want to accept people speak by not purchasing something.
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When any one responds to a posting the social medias. algorithm pushes the same or similar post to the responding account. The way to stop receiving those kind of post ,stop responding and those types of post will stop being pushed and they will wither away and eventually no one has to see them.
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They were given a Hobson choice. They were willing to do the only thing they could do in their situation. They could go along to get along and allow an alleged bribery scheme to continue or they could do the honorable thing and resign.
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Happy Birthday Mr. Secretary!