These are e most important #s for the Dems. They should be tracking all local media and influencers in these states and reposting it everywhere
The economic pain tariffs can indlict on red states need to be talked about more than anything else right now. It will flip voters.
The economic pain tariffs can indlict on red states need to be talked about more than anything else right now. It will flip voters.
And this is the type of stuff that should be posted on twitter , threads and all socials. The bigger the reach the bigger the impact @cnn
All Billionaires should give up 95% of their wealth willingly.
If not, WE take it, BAMN.'s%20CEO%20warns%20of%20the%20impacts%20of%20tariffs%20on%20commercial%20aviation.&text=%E2%80%9CTit%20for%20tat%E2%80%9D%20tariffs%20could,million%20more%20than%20current%20prices.
You lost the plot rich guy. Be quiet.
I’ve posted a few articles. I can try to tag you to them.
"McConnell, the former longtime Republican Senate leader, said millions of American jobs – including thousands tied to bourbon production and auto manufacturing in Kentucky – depend on policies that preserve free and fair trade"
It's a cult not a political party.
That happens here with NYT and others.. and it's very frustrating
K’Ma and Cuban. Trump Musk
is the mother of all dumpster fires.”
~The other billionaires
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But here’s the thing and I’m not sure you’re aware of this or not? Germany on its own is the third largest economy in the world. The EU is an economic powerhouse. And they’re smarter than the orange felon. They saw this coming.
You need to be president
We know you don't want to
But you need to
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The president of a US manufacturer recounts the impacts of tariffs on them here in this selection:
Paywall bypass:
THAT IS MEDICAID. Medicaid is 93% of HEC!
Use it as a mantra.
Hoping a billionaire is on the side of the working class is a little foolish. Don't you think?
Mark here cost the Democrats the election with his constant interference, waving his status as a donor around, and bad advice. He is a neo-con who bought the DNC from the people.
Take the help because we need all the support we can get. You can fight his crooked billionaire ass later.
I was referring to them.
Humor is needed, thanks for providing it!
Bourbon, jeans, soybeans... you can see a pattern here.
If only BMW and Mercedes would make cutbacks in their mfg plants in SC... It would raise eyebrows!
How many people has he housed today?
You're a Neo-con Mark. Go back to your own side.
Traitor scum.
Some thousandaire? No.
-- Mark Cuban on Donald Trump
You see that gross ai slop vid he posted? Disgusting
Next week he heads out west with AOC.
This is azz backwards.
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If the wealthy are afraid of authoritarians, is there hope for the rest of us
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Trump’s MAGA might not admit it, but new study says many could pay dearly for their vote
I'd post the upcoming schedules to get the word out.
It's puzzling that AOC, Bernie, and Tim Walz there is no information that I have seen of detailed upcoming events.
I would think it is important by the party to get the word out as much as they can ?
Sadly, I suspect voters will need to feel the pain for themselves before they’ll be willing to admit voting for DT was a mistake.
Part of me says Dems should let voters feel the pain, as the
I suspect Schumer et al voted for VR as even though knee-jerk reaction is to obstruct & save voters from GOP greed, Dems can’t save 77M voters from bad choice they made for themselves (Harris got 75M, & they’re going to pay as innocent bystanders)
The IDIOTS I see saying how they are refusing to take a salary, seem to think that's somehow being philanthropic 🤣 working for nothing.🙄
They are so dense 🤬
Motivating non voters / Trump passing away are the ways forward here.
We don’t have to try harder.
But their racism and hatred got them through the last Trump trade war.
Hoosiers are a special class of ignorant hateful Magat. They don't care as long as the libs are mad.
My friends at NOAA are getting fired.
My friends operating dams are preparing to get fired.
(Sharpies and water wings will be tax deductible however)
We need to get out and spread it, even if you are uncomfortable in the twitter hate. I re-opened an account on there just for that purpose.
Anybody have any other suggestions on where to post?
🔗 Link in bio
💡 Maybe the three kids can still be deported!
Democrats who know what they are doing.
You have no clue what the working class people of the left are. You're a billionaire. You bought out the leaders of the DNC, and because of your continued bad advice, they lost. Gloating about how badly the economy is going isn't the way to win votes. Go away.
It's up to people like us to step up.
Thanks do your thing!
He won't be facing anymore elections whether he chooses to extend his term as POTUS or not.
Don't worry though, they can feed themselves with their white privilege and owning the libs.
omg…did you know trump, JD, and elon got sued over this nonsense?
i hope they lose!
The accusations by trump that immigrants were stealing pets and eating them in Springfield, OH was well documented.
Now it appears less an accusation from him and more a recommendation to his followers who he is leading to the poor house!
Just maybe it's not voters fault Harris lost. Maybe the DNC is just terrible at campaigning or governing & the people sent them a message.
If you need a Car? OMG 7% like Student Loans and $10,000 to $25,000
More over 6 years?
Insurance more$$$
My they are screwing everyone! Trump is delusional!
MAGA no different than Scientologists
To get Scientology recognized as a religion by US Gov’t, L Ron Hubbard ordered his followers to threaten judges & politicians
Donald J Trump is no different than L Ron Hubbard
Red state voters, WAKE UP.
Red state kids, your parents are RUINING your future.
It's you and RUSSIA against the world?
Trump's already abandoned you. You guys are nuts 🤪
"McConnell, the former longtime Republican Senate leader, said millions of American jobs – including thousands tied to bourbon production and auto manufacturing in Kentucky – depend on policies that preserve free and fair trade"
Mark, but history shows, dumb people have a track record of voting against their own interests.
I am sharing to get citizens to RISE to save our Republic, and yes I am still SCREAMING about this, since 2015...
the fat orange ahole is ILLEGALLY IN OFFICE
Demand Justice.
Now it's even worse.
We better get on THAT
I'm thinking Mark Rober might get a call from Elon Musk👇
8,5 million views in 24h
Like training a dog.
Mark doesn't put his money where his mouth is.
Mark could BUY ads but instead gives lip service.
No such thing as an ethical billionaire
People are cutting back spending on goods, entertainment, clothes, repairs and upgrades, healthcare, car, dining out, so eventually that 9% becomes a contraction for entire economy.
All the software engineers? Gone.
AI initiative? Not if there's no software and hardware and personnel infrastructure.
Cutting 10% DoD? You want a navy but no shipyards; data on winds and current? -but no NOAA!
We need to keep showing up in huge numbers!
And I quote, "Remember when is the lowest form of conversation" is a quote attributed to Tony Soprano from the television show The Sopranos.
Let’s look forward the future and forget the past.
Take responsibility for your own thinking.
Take responsibility for your thinking.
There is no reaching them with any message
The asshats that voted him in need to take all their weapons and fix this shit. This means you Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys.
Just do it, you wienies.
They are deporting citizens and disobeying judges! Rule of law has no meaning to them!
Stop acting like this is normal!
Stop upholding broken system!
Please, everyon who sees my post, help me by supporting my campaign. My family and I are going through difficult times and need your help to get out of this situation. Any contribution, no
matter how small, makes a big difference. Thank you for your support!
Bruh, do you hear yourself? Do you see what the Nazis are literally getting away with as we speak?
Do you really think the literal NAZIS, who wrote Project 2025, who control the FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the top branches of govt, including all top companies and richest ppl on 🌎 vote?
We’re talking 10’s of thousands of voters in swing states being the difference - if we still have real elections, that is.
The apathy of americans is astonishing and considering the damage to how many millions their decisions are going to hurt worldwide, fustrating.
It doesn't necessarily have to be about converting those with entrenched beliefs. It's partly to nudge institutions that are on the fence to do the right thing. It's to indicate policy popularity to companies & your representatives.
These people exist in every state.
Maybe we could focus on the priority of the protests and not so much on their logistical difficulty.
They might not be gimme gimme, but they sure seem to be takey takey when it comes to federal taxes coming from blue states.
The legislative branch has been too weak for decades which led to a president that now violates court order and controls the purse strings
The federal government is an untrustworthy partner to states
Liberal states need to push for independence
Which means the prez will become stronger over time
First step is independence
Join the California Nationalist Party (CNP)
Let the Red States live out their rugged individualism without any Blue State subsidies. Let them live without any “socialism”.
Imagine this economic juggernaut👇. Add some northern states and bingo!
First step is independence
Join the California Nationalist Party (CNP)
I am sick and fucking tired of these backwards ass red states. The poorest, least educated states get to dictate who leads our country.
Let them have jesusland. I like science, education, and not living life filled with hatred for others.
Join the California Nationalist Party (CNP)
There are plenty more problems to address, but the EC perpetuates the minority rule.
It’s undemocratic.
Id rather just eliminate these brain drain states that contribute nothing to our country.
If not then I'd recommend getting to a blue state before the inevitable collapse of the union
Also, how do you resolve Social Security, VA benefits, etc.?
America is still worth fighting for.
If that ever stops being true, it's still our problem to deal with.
We would help those states with forming a new country but we don’t want those states
Btw.. this is not a real thing.. don’t bunch up your maple leaf ☺️
The proud boys founder, Gavin McInnes, actually came from Canada to the US in 2001. (So thank you for that)
It’s just tragic what has happened to Wisconsin. All of it.
I hope you're considering a run for political office. Your leadership, effectiveness, and dedication to the American people would make a real difference. We need fresh voices like yours—please consider it! Thank you.
Good on you.
It took Hitler 53 days.
This is a textbook authoritarian coup, and I don't think free or fair elections are on the cards.
He’s looking to broker another fucked up deal at everyone else’s expense!
What part of FRAUD didn’t voters see?
And it’s not just tariffs it is also stopping USDA funds coming into each state, pausing grant funding
Or canceling out right
I live in SD and who cares if Thune or Noem have high positions we are not off limits to being axed
As far as state media it’s highly filtered
They can’t be bothered. They’d rather stay 6 moves behind and talk about eggs.
The all around boycott of US products by everyone in Canada is not as well calibrated and will likely last far longer than the current nonsense. Oh well.
Must prioritize the construction of more homes and advocate for tax reductions similar to those in red states, it will stimulate economic growth
and they won't learn anway, in part because trump and maga are hiding behind religion, and it's all very cult like mindset, if you have ever tried to convince someone their belief is wrong then you know why
I think treatment of vets and old women might be the thing everyone gets.
I have heard a lot of FAFO ideas. Not wrong, but is being right the point?
And remember, MAGAs own literal arsenals, for many, each! With many arsenals actually blessed by priests🤯