Not a surprise just frightening. I hope the American people are ready to fight because we are the majority, all these politicians work for us. We need to keep it that way, but we have to destroy this fucked up regime.
Even worse - he’s attracted folks who see they can act with impunity and get away with breaking laws and norms, and they are doing that every fxcking day. So our problem is not just Trump - its the whole GOP, Musk and all the unelected minions
They always said liberals are the educated elite. So many liberals will never lower themselves to the fight. I worry liberals aren’t experienced enough to fight like a bully. Everything out of trump’s mouth he’s gaslighted his wives with for decades. Except the 3rd wife. Clearly biz transaction
The judges don’t have any power, whoever is controlling this, it’s not Don, he’s not smart enough to understand, actions and consequences, everything is to achieve martial law, who’s orchestrating this, it’s beyond tax cuts for 800 billionaires, project 25guy??
Of course not! He doesn’t give a shit about the law. And Americans have given him that privilege. Yet he demands others to follow his Executive Power… Bull 💩
Hello I just want to take this tim to share our famous actor who has the best and quality weed JimBelushi's i just ordere some lb just now click on his telegram channel and join were you can see his stuff
Then there is the helicopter with his casino execs that crashed, Jefferey Epstein’s “Suicide” and don’t forget how his first wife “fell down the stairs”
He's far too much of a coward to do his own dirty work, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's had, or tried to have, people killed. Stormy Daniels and her child were threatened by one of his goons. Given how many times he's been sued, he's bound to have threatened a lot of the plaintiffs.
Hello I just want to take this tim to share our famous actor who has the best and quality weed JimBelushi's i just ordere some lb just now click on his telegram channel and join were you can see his stuff
The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects citizens' rights, including voting, equal protection, and due process. It also granted citizenship to formerly enslaved people.
Let me be clear: Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in ANY rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof...shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office...
That is unless they get 2/3 majority in both houses to remove this disqualification. This is impossible and Trump is not a legal president. But no vote was held for some reason. Maybe because they are afraid.
I admire the intent and the effort but we know that if a 1.2 million people signed it would cause no action.
It seems like a change in power frm Trump to anyone else will require his death, incapacitation, freezing all federal tax payments, and seizing all assets owned/controlled by Trump - Musk.
No problem. It's always better safe than sorry. I always verify before posting, so feel free to ask any time you have a question. If I don't know it, I'll find it. Knowledge is power, and I love to learn.
I like to put my 4 year old son on the phone to scream the 'Zombie' by the Cranberries at them. His favorite at the moment, and a perfect reply. I just keep it on speaker. 😆 🤣 😂
I wish the Dems in power would talk about that daily and possibly make Republicans embarrassed about their elected commander-in-chief. I know that most of them have no sense of shame, but they would certainly dish it out if we had a democratic leader with Trump‘s rap sheet.
You've got to admire someone who has the courage of their convictions. All 37 of them.
Actually, you haven't got to at all. He's just a vile human being, who, for some reason, is being allowed to get away with it unchallenged. He's a moron. Why don't more people just come out and say it?...
Even more surprising that some found it surprising that a person convicted of 34 felony counts would dishonor the rule of law. With that, nothing could possibly go wrong.
Big difference between being correct and being God. What makes a judge presumed correct is the law. If they are thought to be wrong, challenge that legally. Don't just ignore them.
I think it more surprising on how many of the minority celebrities and athletes are deafeningly silent on the attacks he doing on their cultural significance of American history.. Lebron, Jordan, Kevin Hart, Will Smith, Drake…I guess no honor among millionaires huh?
B/c that's their INTENT
The fascist are trying to rile up the black community, get them to protest, which will then enact martial law. Notice they haven't done or said anything yet, b/c it's white people protesting. Once the color community starts, they'll bring out the military to prove a point.
Fuck protest just have a fucking opinion instead of just counting your money in the bank.. I love all of them as actors and athletes but until they at least have an opinion instead of saying na na na as eyes closed pretending nothing happening.. I won’t go to a game, watch a movie etc of theirs
Maybe they're being told to stay quiet...the Epstein list and the tunnels/ashley Carter sure has them ALLLL in a tizzy fit. They're freaking out, that I CAN feel.
Easy to see how Vile he is from the clip of the reporter who tapped his stupid face with a fuzzy microphone. That reporter is probably wearing cement boots by now.
If supposedly he’s the leader of the military then maybe local law enforcement within the states can turn on the federal government. I think our military has some secret coup strategy and when they are required to enforce a coup. How could the biggest military in the world not be prepared to coup
I’m sure they have many operations for all contingencies.
I’m just saddened that our judicial branch doesn’t have something similar. If a president goes rogue on the law, we should have an emergency measure to remove him and prevent the rot from spreading.
Presidents before would just listen to the courts. But if this president gets away with this there will be a backlash. (If there is another election and it’s not rigged like I’m sure they are arranging now. Like Russia) liberals will forgive all student loans
With the GOP having a majority in the House and Senate, Don-The-Con as president, and a 6-3 Republican majority in the Supreme Court, it truly is a free-for-all.
Mid-terms will be a showdown. I just don’t have much hope that getting back the House will do anything at this point.
This is one of the reasons I've never agreed with a party system. By its very design it divides people. It should never be swayed one direction or the othe, especially those who are supposed to act on the people's behalf.
No one can enforce it. That's why it's a Constitutional crisis. I have heard that there's some provision allowing a judge to deputize a cop to allow him to arrest someone for civil contempt when the Marshalls refuse, but it sounds sketchy and what judge has the balls?
What concerns me is that during other times of unrest, which I've lived through some of, there was always a scaffold of stability. Nothing, even the civil rights and VN situations ever felt like they were existential. This, OTOH, feels very much that, more akin to a war on our land than civil unrest
I hear the AGs and that the federal and scotus can arrest him. So we wiki see. They just have to stop being afraid. I wish they would give me the task. I am not scaaayed.
Not to me. But evidently it is to a lot of red state voters like the vets who made the NBC national news yesterday in Wyoming that are now upset that their VA services are being cut. 🤷♀️ Hard to find the empathy I would usually have when I blame them for the mess we are all in now.😡
When the supreme 😂😂😂😂 court gave Trump immunity from any action he might take as president they gave him the power to ignore them and do whatever he likes.
The power of a king.
It is no surprise that Mad King Donald, who has little regard for the law, would then ignore the law entirely.
The King in the United Kingdom must follow the law. Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.
Not before the Supreme Court guaranteed immunity to the president. That was last year. Biden had immunity. He was the first president to have it. But then America elected a convicted felon. What could go wrong.
We are a football team (Blue) playing a football team (Red) and the refs keep blowing the whistle and calling a penalty against the Red team. The Red team ignores the rules, paid the scorekeeper to keep updating their scores and declaring a win.
The red team also keeps yelling the blue team is cheating and the refs are favoring the blue. That’s why blue needs to boycott. That’s how you stop playing. They are pro tip 1% well the only way you beat the 1% is stop giving them your money. And it has to be more than a day boycott 🙄
Yeah, but you forgot the part about the red team carrying a bomb they'll detonate as soon as the blue team leaves the field, killing half the spectators and sparing only the owners' boxes.
Boycott everything that they benefit from. Amazon, FB, Instagram, Walmart. Buy directly from the company you support. Buy things locally. And just make it a new habit. Even if only those who didn’t vote for him did this we would hurt them by taking 1/2 their income.
The rules of the game are not being observed and disregarded.The only thing now is to throw down the ball.Don't play.That applies to red and blue team fans watching the game in and outside the stadium.Not just the blue team itself. Everyone must stop playing and make,set play a new game and rules.
The effectiveness of, "eat shit loser" without the comma is devastatingly effective. I hope that is taking grammatical notes from his comments section. Publications and future generations will all benefit from your intelligence. Who needs the Department of Education?
The President of the United States takes an oath "to faithfully execute the rule of law". The Founders did not mean ELIMINATE the rule of law but to CARRY OUT the laws of the land, trump.
No, you dumb, motherfucker, SCOTUS Roberts rushed it because he had to have him take the oath by noon and they were behind schedule good grief the stupidity is strong with you!
WTF with that? I know more men voted for this POS, not all, but most of his votes came from white, black and hispanic men. Trump women certainly contributed, but look what happened to our country by these people voting Trump!
The best economy the US experienced in 50 years wasn’t good enough? 🤨
What's the plan once they double-down from migrants
to putting protesters into the concentration-camps
he's now having the military build at bases all over the
country so they can't be inspected/reported?
When courts finally say "no you can't do that"
they will just nod and keep disappearing people
Not at all. I think your next story should just be reporting what Trump has been doing verbatim for the last six months and start a series. Truth is stranger than fiction right now. But really tell the story of the people that keep believing him and their arguments to make it really scary.
This entire administration is above the law if Judge Boasberg doesn’t find them in contempt. As Karoline Leavitt says they are “fighting law and order”
Important caveat- a convicted felon like him. Too many poor and/or BIPOC are convicted felons b/c they’re targeted by our legal system. And some justly convicted felons take responsibility. But those like Trump rebuke the law. They show entitlement, not remorse. In that case NO it’s not surprising.
What I said ^ in reply to ‘s all too true post about Trump defying court orders. Trump is nothing more than a con man and a wannabe dictator. Unfortunately he’s one with immense privilege, power, supremacy and entitlement and… he is on the way to dropping the wannabe.
Like y'all did on Ja 6, 2020, and called it a peaceful protest, beat polices, bring hangmon to kill VP AND NANCY, bully at the capitol and crybabies in court, once the judge hit y'all with those prison sentences, only an idiot would believe trump lies, and not google it🖕🖕🖕back at ya😂😂😂😂
Vance do the right thing? May as well wish for Thor to come down and save us. Is Batman available? Vance doesn't have the balls. He's a pathetic little yesman.
There are people in prison who have made one mistake, realise that, have paid for it and do respect the law.Trump has made many and is certainly not one of that group.
The Left loves to scream “unconstitutional!” like it’s a magic wand, but the Alien Enemies Act has stood unchallenged since 1798.
Because it’s ironclad.
The Supreme Court has never struck it down — not during the War of 1812, not in World War I, not even when FDR used it in World War II to detain and deport thousands.
In Ludecke v. Watkins (1948), the Court upheld its use, ruling that the President’s power under the Act is a political decision,
Translation: the Constitution gives Congress and the Executive the reins here, and the judiciary’s got no business meddling. If it was unconstitutional, two centuries of legal minds would’ve torched it by now. They haven’t.
I hope you find your way to the right side of history sir. The only people who are deranged are the ones who are ok with a president that is doing the illegal and immoral things he is doing.
What's surprising to me, Mr King, is that there is no one beating down the doors for an arrest/impeachment for the blatant flouting of our Constitution.
I'm laughing these days at the stupid, ignorant, & evil MAGATS who are shocked, SHOCKED that tRump lied in the campaign, and about all of his fascism (my word) that he's been doing since inauguration. DID THEY EXPECT BETTER? What a bunch of effing fools. So Amerikan. So, so Amerikan these days.
He's been lying constantly since 2015. It really doesn't surprise me that they're shocked because they've obviously paid no attention to anything he's ever said. They're like dogs. They listen and react, but they don't really understand anything. Which works out ok cuz nothing he says makes sense.
What's really weird is that Trump does the same thing. Watch him at a meeting where people are talking about anything serious. It really showed during Covid. He's like a dog himself, nodding along obliviously. But stupid ppl communicate great with other stupid ppl so it works out perfect for griftin
Protest? National strike? Speaking up? (These might be happening but we aren’t hearing about it in UK). Any other ideas? Completely understand the fear element, but it’s not going to improve on its own — it is only going to get more dangerous the longer they have.
Im with ya. I am seeing numerous protests daily; some being planned that I have heard of near me. Short of a J6 event; I don’t know beyond letting our system with what’s left play out as we have always had it do. It’s what I grew up knowing and I think a majority more also. We have to have law.
Good luck. I realise it can’t be easy. But it’s not normal. And if everyone thinks it can just be “waited out” , I fear that will lead to US as we know it disappearing forever. 😑
Absolutely with you. As Molly Jong would say; this is not how this works. I think we need daily concentrated protests. To see Sanders and AOC on the ground rallying Americans who are not with this regime is a start.
My theory is that nobody will do shit until he directly and recognizably destroys at least 40% of the people. As long as he can destroy 1% here, 5% there, and stretch it out til it's normalized, nobody will do shit. For most people who keep their heads down and their mouths shut, fascism will be ok.
Yup. And the 5% here ‘n there will be the truth-tellers first. Journalist. Academics. Opposition politicians. Before the year is out, expect closers, law suits, deportations, funding cut, & probably even arrests on trumped(!) up charges for these 3 groups. And when they are gone, so will the USA.
That's pretty much how it'll go. They'll keep messing with the disfavored minorities, gays, etc., just to keep the base happy and thinking they're doing something.
We'll all get fucked. Trick is to time it right when more magats than people are fucked and the max amt. of damage is still repairable
The middle class has a lot to lose and are heavily in debt. They put their head down and keep going. The working poor can’t afford to lose a single paycheck. They put their head down and keep going. Resistance often starts with young people and academics, who still have a sense of freedom.
What they're really doing is sparking a massive brain drain. A recent science conference and workshop saw headhunters from France and the UK making generous offers to our best research scientists. That's only the beginning. Any well credentialed academic would be a moron to stay here.
Agreed and it’s so hard to watch. I’m a well credentialed academic nearing retirement. I thought I would die at my microscope but it’s time for me to step aside. Luckily I’m able to.
This will also facilitate what they've alread been doing by making schools beg billionaires for funds that always come with veto power of the staff and curriculum. The Kochs did this in FL and destroyed the FSU economics dept. They want every school to be the Univ. of Chicago/George Mason/Bob Jones.
Canceling science grants is going to strap universities hard. They'll lose on patents and etc.. They want all colleges to be private, preferably christian and reserved for the scions of the wealthy, like the good old days. Your kids can pick veggies until the robots are finished.
Since Galileo proved that the earth revolves around the sun, fundamentalist christians have hated science. Business school grads hated being called out for their racist/sexist views in humanities courses and maga sneering at elitist experts, it’s an all out war on academia from the right.
I'm poor and with nothing to lose but my SS retirement check. If someone wants to give me a lift to DC on extraction day, I got nothing but time and camping gear.
Gotta protest, throw sand in the gears, slow 'em down, make the ppl who comply in advance take the brunt. Let 'em know we're there and push back on everything. We can't be doing the wrong shit prematurely though. We'll only get one crack at it. Can't give 'em an excuse for a bloodbath. Not needed
This happened because of magats and racist non-voters, who typically vote dem. Our democratic leaders HAMMERED us with what was gonna happen, they did their jobs. This is ALL on backs of the traitors of USA, magats and the non-voters
Mr king. I'm curious. As a lifetime reader of all your books. I was wondering if you've ever experienced anything as terrifying as our current situation.
Thank you for a lifetime of excitement.
I hate to say it, see it, but you are right. And you know why, the white maga still hasn’t suffered. I hate them. I see all these reports of FAFO yet, in a Blue state, I asked if we could set the intention for good in the USA at yoga & some maga women tore my head off. I had no idea💔
I didn’t even mention his name. The teacher asked us to set our intention for class & I only asked for us to send love & goodness to America. I didn’t think that was a political ask, just a human one.
Needless to say, yoga is no longer the stress reliever it was💔
America is disintegrating rapidly 💔
You know what? The "health/wellness" industry has been massively infiltrated by MAGA. I know it seems weird, but there it is. And it's very strong in the yoga/fitness community. Try to find a better class, but be wary!
This is so true.
I was in Florida for the past 20 years & thought I was moving home to my “blue” northern state, only to find my home Ultra maga & the majority of my “new age” friends brain damaged. It’s soul crushing. And really strange that I found more progressive ppl in Florida 💔
Nuts! i have an older friend who was an OG hippie: liberal, new age, yoga, and got very pulled into conspiracy nonsense around Covid vaccine. She had other health issues months later that she attributed to the vaccine. A chiropractor told her he could "pull the vaccine out of her body." Srlsy.
Agreed, because I wd have reamed them a new a$$hole. I am not as nice as you obviously. I will not tolerate MAGAs willfull ignorance, racism, and/or their blatant hypocrisy.
It is truly about the racism & hate & nothing else.
I was trying a kumbaya thing. Instead of yoga, I’m signing up for target practice. If Jan 6, 34 indictments, rape, the phone call asking for votes, etc et. didn’t get this man out, then I am left to assume many“leaders” are in on this 💔
I live and work in a forest and this is the community center, my apartment is upstairs.
Looks like I’m about to lose my home & job anyway, but I still go because of the majority of the class looked at me with such sad eyes, but also fear.
I can’t believe this is my Blue “home”💔
Make them fear you. What’s happening is completely unacceptable. This admin is attempting to scare us into submission, and I’m about to start some good trouble. 🤗👍🏽👍🏼💜💙✌🏽✌🏼
What I find more surprising is the total inaction and willful incompetence of the opposition party. The only member of that opposition that’s actively doing something is Bernie Sanders, who is EIGHTY-THREE YEARS OLD.
One hundred percent agree. However, the man is very old, and there’s not anyone nearly on his stature, which is very concerning. What happens when the democrats lose the only leader they have that’s worth a damn?
He doesn’t need anything. The people that fund the DNC, the billionaires and multinational corporations that “donate” to their campaigns to keep them in office, have given their employees marching orders. This is why taking money out of politics is so important, because money breeds corruption.
I believe it was Socrates who said when talking about not introducing money to Senators while they were trained; is the corrupting force at the root of all of their troubles...
He’s incredible, and the public fucking loves him. I saw Trump winning the election the instant that the DNC started to undermine him. His referring to MAGAts as “weird” was one of the most effective strategies against them, and the donors that control the DNC put a stop to it immediately.
Yep! And they don’t seem to think they need to change. They keep playing by an old playbook. They don’t realize that’s the playbook that got us into this mess. They don’t seem to know what they believe in.
It makes a lot more sense when you accept that Democrats are controlled opposition. Neither side actually stands for us. In order for the Democratic Party to actually represent us, it needs complete top to bottom reform. This means primarying all these fuckers and demanding resignations.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, etc will not willingly resign, they must have their seats removed from them and given to actual leaders who will actually fight for us and our interests, instead of talking a big game and never showing up.
The Dems are showing the minimum amount of resistance required to justify their seats, but not enough to fight. Why? There is complicity somewhere, there is dirt (Epstein), they are afraid of threats against them or family, they are bring paid off in backroom deals. This is gangster shit.
Hello I just want to take this tim to share our famous actor who has the best and quality weed JimBelushi's i just ordere some lb just now click on his telegram channel and join were you can see his stuff
That’s the scariest thing, is that the extreme right is gaining serious footholds EVERYWHERE. It’s bad enough when the most powerful nation to ever exist falls into fascism, but then comes the question of, what do we even do? Where can we even run?
Not at all. By maybe we could repay the favor. By sending him a cute puppy, a clown with balloons, his number 1 fan and then a dinner companion! A night he’s never going to forget!
Stephen, not even you sir could create a monster THIS horrible. you are a genuis and all but no one has come close to creating a monster that as fucked up as our current "president"
This forgotten report tells a torrid tale of high-crimes, international covert ops, perverted struggle for power, and social engineering on an unprecedented scale.
The chilling outcome? A sitting President cannot be indicted.
I love you Stephen but c'mon we have known this twat for a long time "when people tell you what they are pay attention." is it really surprising or maybe we just knew in the back of our minds and are incredulous? ;)
It just makes it so much harder to save our country when people have handed it over to a narcissistic, selfish, greedy, crazed, etc..., who is incapable of any sort of compassion, empathy, sympathy or any sort of caring for anyone else. He is what he is and sees no need to change...
“Can’t you Dems see he’s mentally deficient?! What kind of person would paint himself that color? It’s even in his hair! The chemicals have affected his brain, no wonder he can’t string two words together without sounding like a Fisher Price ‘Farmer Says See-n-Say’ pull toy!”
They have their magic slogan about an unelected judge in a single district blah, blah, blah... That's the narrative they're pumping out into the magatsphere 24/7. Nobody ever stops to see what the Constitution has to say about it. It just sounds so unfair that a single judge can hobble a monarch.
US is just another banana republic now. Only way to stop it is through revolution. Else it will just get worse every single day and will take longer to change.
Not at all...sadly we all were warned, but the cult never reads more than the headlines. If they read 1984 they might see the pattern. Did you see a Frenchman was deported because there was criticism on their phone about the walking Prolapse? Add Thought crime to the list...
I think the message is that very rich people can commit any crime they wish without facing consequences, while poor people who have committed no crimes get deported.
when there are no consequences for the convicted felon/rapist, he basically can do whatever he wants and america has allowed this...Way to go America....Your true colours are flying high.....
In Spain, we have Vox, an ultra-Catholic populist who shares many ideas with Trump, but can only implement them in one autonomous region and not at the national level. Not to mention the corruption we have in this country, of course.
That’s terrible. It’s almost as if all the far religious groups are realizing they are losing control over the population of the world and are in panic mode. They don’t have the power they are so used to for so many centuries.
All religions are manipulable people who don't question anything and divide society so it doesn't think and rebel. It's now fashionable to say that if you don't think like them, then you're not a patriot.
It’s gone absolutely crazy. I don’t understand it. We are supposed to evolve as time goes on, not regress. All my life I have heard people say, as well as seen that history repeats itself. I don’t even know where to go to be safe.
History repeats itself because it isn't taught in schools and because a specific event happened. So ignorance, along with the loss of quality of life and the errors of democratic parties, result in absurdities.
Look at facts. A person acting identical to Trump that was a female?
Someone who is poor committing the same crimes? Someone from any minority group acting exactly the same? Not celebrity?
Any combination of those and the full weight of the law would have rained down on them with the first crime.
Look up dark triad. (Psycho, socio and narc) And the theory of stupidity. Then sprinkle and some Machiavellianism and you’ve got the maga trumptards. And the fat-rolls one on top.
In situations like this, tyrants don't get removed by government. They get removed by the populace. Our populace is majority white who are conditioned to never make a fuss and always politely look away when someone else is in trouble.
If you want this to stop, talk to your white neighbors.
Im unsure when my fellow Americans are going to realize that any consequences are going to need to come from us. That fact doesn't seem to stick in the average American brain.
Legal Commentators are saying it as if everything depends on it, while also adding, “if the Admin continues to ignore legal orders”. But they never say how long we wait. I see a lot of protesting a LOT, but still not a word from the Admin.
He may be immune from prosecution, but is not immune from Congress stepping in and taking action against him and his crew; they're simply not doing their duty to the American people.
I was sharing this thought on the topic with a friend on Discord this morning. It's not just that he's legally immune; it's that the mythology which surrounds him renders him immune.
It was the same with Boris Johnson over here. "He acts as though his actions have no consequences!" Of course he does, because they don't. He's seen again and again that they don't, I can't even really blame him for it.
And we are passively allowing it to happen. At this point, anything that happens is on us. This is no longer Trumps fault. It's our fault for allowing it to continue.
I love your sentiment as I hate what Trump is doing with a passion, but how can he be stopped?.
I’m telling you now, he will try to change the constitution at some point to allow him to stay on as president in 2028 without an election. He is Putin mark II
Well, think back to history lessons in school. What did we do each time our constitution was threatened since our founding? I think people know what needs doing. I think once enough folks have nothing left to lose, we will do it.
The longer you tolerate the status quo and remain submissive, the worse and more outa-kilter it will get.
If you don't nip in the bud an indiscipline toddler's behavior, the toddler will grow up believing the behavior is alright!
laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government,
Our elected officials are being passive about it but that doesn’t mean we have be. There are many many demonstrations taking place that are not being covered by the Trump owned MSM. We can’t wait until midterms, that will be too late. The resistance needs to be fierce. It’s up to We The People.
That needs to happen before he can stack the military with his loyalist like he’s doing with the government. I’ve never wished to be young again until now.
An unreasonable option? Look how scared Musk is after what happened to his stock and Tesla dealerships. We make them fear us. “When the people fear their government there is tyranny:When the government fears the people there is liberty”. - Thomas Jefferson.
I do that stuff every single day. Nothing is happening because of GOP. THEY. Our reps NEED to do their fucking jobs and stop allowing judges to be threatened. We are almost done as the founded democratic republic that lasted 250 years. If those that have the power refuse to use it they R irrelevant!
Since day 1, it's clear how it'll have to end. It'll take a massive demonstration of our ability to blockade the WH until he leaves should we decide to. Many magats must first be so hurt that they stay home or flip. Polls @ <36-40%. That takes time. Think Obama inaug X4. They won't fire on 2+M ppl.
In our current situation I'm not sure what is reasonable and what isn't to be honest. I do know that reasonable people can be pushed to do unreasonable things. I think we all know deep down what we need to do. It's just gonna take a lot of bad stuff to make that seem reasonable.
The scary thing is realizing theres a very high likelihood that by the time enough people feel the need to act, it’ll be too late. People tend to be complacent and worry only about their immediate circle of existence. I worry about the people who will hold back and resent when there is any uprising.
It’s not that we don’t have opinions and know what needs to be done. It’s we are trying to let them fix their own stupidity before we have to do what needs to be done.They don’t want us involved because we are going to make it a lot messier but we will make it better again.This has gone on too long
It’s honestly the same as with families with difficult decisions and uncomfortable conversations. You don’t want the people who are trying to be left alone involved in the conflict.
We are effectively crippling the economy. In fact, I've crippled myself out of work, and im weeks away from eviction and my car getting repossessed. These business will lay us all of before they take the fall. Who are we hurting? Us or them. I'm not flaming you just asking.
Oh, I see the marches. I also see them having zero meaningful impact. They dont work anymore than court orders work. A dictatorship has never been moved to change their course by peaceful protest. None that I am aware of. You're not in America anymore.
Ghandi pushed the Brits out through prolonged peaceful protests, but it took a long time and a lot of heads getting cracked. According to Ruth Ben-Ghiat, we need about 3.5% of the population protesting in order to make an impact. That's double the turnout of the Women's March of 2021.
I think vigilante Justice would only result in galvanizing support around his rhetoric and lead to increased government control, unfortunately. Best case scenario Trump dies of natural causes and Musk kill himself or goes bankrupt.
How hard can it b for some big organisations or even some grass roots movement to get organized and have some nationwide strikes or a million people against a billion$ Oligarch's. People at Twitter/X, Facebook/Meta and Amazon should be among the first but public transport, US postal and so many more
However, #boycotts are hurting his owners.
Don’t cave on the boycotts!
I hear people whine that they need to use Amazon for blablabla- I live deep in a forest with a crap car that barely runs and I’m making it work FFS! Besides, it’s nice to support independent shops
He's counting on us getting violent. He's itching to call martial law. I agree it's frustrating that he's still getting away with everything but they(it's bigger than just trump) care about money above everything else. Spend wisely and speak up every chance you get
You’re wrong! Peaceful protest is crucial, along with other tactics. We must become ungovernable in many different ways. Peaceful protest is one of those ways.
Exactly. They gave immunity to the one person in the world most likely to abuse it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. My only hope is he’ll destroy the GOP and MAGA with his overreach.
Now if only the people in power would actually do something about it instead of wringing their hands and going “oh he can’t do that it’s against the constitution.”
He's lawless, a renegade, never adhered to the rules in is his life, a career criminal.
FYI: Did you know besides the six bankruptcies, he's been sued 3,500 X'S in his life by the following:
1. By Business Partners
2. By his own Clients
3. By his employees
4. By University Students
5. By his Banks
Not a bit surpised. But certainly frightening! We must expect our leaders to abide by law and order, not just their own laws and order. We will overcome!
Hello I just want to take this tim to share our famous actor who has the best and quality weed JimBelushi's i just ordere some lb just now click on his telegram channel and join were you can see his stuff
Yea, what happens when he does? Does the judge jail Trump? Heads of agencies? If there are no consequences to his blatant disobedience we as a country are done. He’s turning us into a…. Don’t even know what the fuck he’s doing.
I bookmarked this form Rep. Raskin provided, demanding information on how they are using our information. If we flooded them with this, they would probably just ignore it, but this seems to be a valid way to (at least TRY to) make them toe the line: #RESIST
Seeing as how the Muskateens have already copied it, it's too late to block
Every single American should be provided two years of identity theft protection paid for by Musk and the cronies, plus new SS#'s issued by the U.S. Govt. before it's sold to Vlad and company--assuming it hasn't been yet.
And let all the J6 insurrection criminals out of prison. About 1600 of them. Can someone explain why all of this is okay in America?
And all of it is OK with the Republicans controlling Congress?
Just wait until Marshall law and conscripted military service becomes law, big marches down the streets, then we will all remember "if it quacks like a duck it's a duck", if it acts like a Nazi it's a Nazi.
I honestly have never or can’t visit either or know how bad the real bad really is in either country first hand. From what I can see. North Korea controls everything. And Russians may have more personal freedoms we can see, but from what I can tell that’s only if they hide from those in power.
russians don't necessarily have to hide from those in power. i'm friends with people who live in russia and they talk shit all the time, no repercussions. the russian government is not nearly as ruthless towards their citizens and they have much better lives than north korea
By those statements, I fear with the people in control the US is moving more towards a Russian state. But if those that care about their freedom and disagree with what’s going on, stay silent, we could easily be put into a large scale North Korea situation. I could be wrong.
I know it was always this scary. I just didn’t have the front row seat I have now. Or I was able to hide from it. I fully woke up when the Wolf showed up on the US door with 09/11. That’s the point Zelensky was trying to make. You have an ocean and that ocean may have helped. But it is coming.
It's already here. the question is, are we going to lay down and let them do it, or are we going to kick them so hard in the nootz that they unalive on impact? Or at least regret their life's choices.....
I believe that's what Trump. wants. He wants us all so poor and sickly that we beg in the streets and he feels powerful and avenged. Hes a madman and needs to be stopped
Add that to the fact if Trump didn't get back in office he'd go to prison, along with the fact he wanted the Epstein files to get lost, paints a damning picture of a man desperate to stay out of prison, and willing to destroy our nation for his own whims.
And Putin is in on it, wanting revenge.
So embarrassing to see this administration negotiating with Russians. They look intimidating and we look like frat boys who think the football team will help them get laid.
And how deep does it go. Is Trump a Russian asset by his actions already I was say yes. Is he an agent or in some backdoor deal with them? I would have called that crazy in the past, but misinformation is the only information I know I can get these days.
The fact that it is a possibility and he got elected president twice what is wrong with us ?
Also, I love Blue Sky that we can have this conversation even if we are on the same side without someone else saying. Y’all are dumbasses. X toxic masculinity at its best.
I would like to ask seriously is America
Anti woman
Anti laws
Pro dictatorship. I’m in Canada and I’m seeing a country I no longer comprehend. I am not being malicious I would sincerely like to know if that’s the USA now. I am hearing it’s very unsafe for any travel there.
Not really, but the fascist crapheads stole the 2024 election and are now making sure the decent people of America can't function so we fall and Putin wins.
Saying that, you got a spare room? Some of us won't survive otherwise.
I seem to recall an anti-gun control argument (Ironically repeated by Trump) that went something like: Laws won’t stop criminals from breaking the law so we shouldn’t bother making more laws… I feel that logic is being put into practice in the WH now.
We don't know he hasn't
Disappeared people can't be accounted for
You don't say.🤔
We need your help. Will you step forward and sign?
It seems like a change in power frm Trump to anyone else will require his death, incapacitation, freezing all federal tax payments, and seizing all assets owned/controlled by Trump - Musk.
I like to put my 4 year old son on the phone to scream the 'Zombie' by the Cranberries at them. His favorite at the moment, and a perfect reply. I just keep it on speaker. 😆 🤣 😂
Actually, you haven't got to at all. He's just a vile human being, who, for some reason, is being allowed to get away with it unchallenged. He's a moron. Why don't more people just come out and say it?...
The fascist are trying to rile up the black community, get them to protest, which will then enact martial law. Notice they haven't done or said anything yet, b/c it's white people protesting. Once the color community starts, they'll bring out the military to prove a point.
Maybe they're being told to stay quiet...the Epstein list and the tunnels/ashley Carter sure has them ALLLL in a tizzy fit. They're freaking out, that I CAN feel.
I have had a terrible feeling about our universes version of the Crimson King since long before he ran for office.
“If the highest position in office refuses to comply with the law, how will we enforce it?”
Trump has now threatened to sue law firms who investigated him in any capacity.
Who interprets the law if the Judicial branch can be silenced by the Executive branch?
I’m just saddened that our judicial branch doesn’t have something similar. If a president goes rogue on the law, we should have an emergency measure to remove him and prevent the rot from spreading.
Can’t even blame this one on Democrats. That’s pure lackluster car manufacturing.
The workers need only toil for their masters lest we be labeled a terrorist
Mid-terms will be a showdown. I just don’t have much hope that getting back the House will do anything at this point.
I thought that was pretty much abolished after Nov. 5.
Ultimately, WE will have to.
I just hope we follow the same historical trends: we may stray but we ultimately correct the course.
The only person with immunity is Trump.
He THINKS he is.
Drumpf didn't win the election.
It was rigged by muskrats minions the same way Russian "elections" are rigged. ⤵️
The power of a king.
It is no surprise that Mad King Donald, who has little regard for the law, would then ignore the law entirely.
The BLUE TEAM KEEPS PLAYING is the problem
What is surprising is that there appear to be no consequences for either his past crimes, or current.
Who will???
The best economy the US experienced in 50 years wasn’t good enough? 🤨
to putting protesters into the concentration-camps
he's now having the military build at bases all over the
country so they can't be inspected/reported?
When courts finally say "no you can't do that"
they will just nod and keep disappearing people
“..we should add something about …if you’re a felon, you can’t be president “
They both laugh..
“Dude, no way that will happen…we’ve revised this puppy so many times now..let’s put it to bed”
Everything else is a consequence.
1. It’s been around for 226 years and the courts have not touched it.
Because it’s ironclad.
In Ludecke v. Watkins (1948), the Court upheld its use, ruling that the President’s power under the Act is a political decision,
Translation: the Constitution gives Congress and the Executive the reins here, and the judiciary’s got no business meddling. If it was unconstitutional, two centuries of legal minds would’ve torched it by now. They haven’t.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is rearing its ugly head!
Is it at all surprising that that same convicted felon would cheat in an election ?
convicted felon would ignore a judges orders.
Many felons learn their lesson once they accept responsibility.
I’m surprised he’s acknowledged parentage of his children.
We'll all get fucked. Trick is to time it right when more magats than people are fucked and the max amt. of damage is still repairable
Thank you for a lifetime of excitement.
Needless to say, yoga is no longer the stress reliever it was💔
America is disintegrating rapidly 💔
I was in Florida for the past 20 years & thought I was moving home to my “blue” northern state, only to find my home Ultra maga & the majority of my “new age” friends brain damaged. It’s soul crushing. And really strange that I found more progressive ppl in Florida 💔
I was trying a kumbaya thing. Instead of yoga, I’m signing up for target practice. If Jan 6, 34 indictments, rape, the phone call asking for votes, etc et. didn’t get this man out, then I am left to assume many“leaders” are in on this 💔
Looks like I’m about to lose my home & job anyway, but I still go because of the majority of the class looked at me with such sad eyes, but also fear.
I can’t believe this is my Blue “home”💔 is the corrupting force at the root of all of their troubles...
He’s just the best.
This forgotten report tells a torrid tale of high-crimes, international covert ops, perverted struggle for power, and social engineering on an unprecedented scale.
The chilling outcome? A sitting President cannot be indicted.
#Power to the people!
Stop him now or it will be too late!
I went through a #dictator regime and it’s bad I tell you!
sad but true.
the party 🎈 of hate & hypocrisy needs to go into the dustbin of history. ❤️🔥
& keep calling out these rapist con grifter fraudster “supporters” 🤣🎭🥳
show US your irrefutable evidence @birder25
Cult. Hive mind. 😑
See you there!
The message is anyone can commit any crime they wish without facing consequences.
Someone who is poor committing the same crimes? Someone from any minority group acting exactly the same? Not celebrity?
Any combination of those and the full weight of the law would have rained down on them with the first crime.
If you want this to stop, talk to your white neighbors.
I’m telling you now, he will try to change the constitution at some point to allow him to stay on as president in 2028 without an election. He is Putin mark II
If you don't nip in the bud an indiscipline toddler's behavior, the toddler will grow up believing the behavior is alright!
The Satanic dirtbag RepubliKKKans hold ALL the cards.
All 3 branches of government AND the biggest cable "news" network blasting lies across the airwaves to legitimize the domestic terrorism.
Don't shop at anybody that supports Trump, buy from small + ethnic stores & if you need big box go with Costco who's strong DEI annoys Trump.
Give to your local food pantry, people are going to be starving with the aide cuts.
If you can invest in competitors he hates that have more liberal founders like Lucid or Rivian, do that.
Call & write any government officials in your area who support Trump.
This 🇨🇦 is glad to see it.
Don’t cave on the boycotts!
I hear people whine that they need to use Amazon for blablabla- I live deep in a forest with a crap car that barely runs and I’m making it work FFS! Besides, it’s nice to support independent shops
“I Barely Knew The Guy”
___ Trump
Now if only the people in power would actually do something about it instead of wringing their hands and going “oh he can’t do that it’s against the constitution.”
I just wish we could gather him up & ship him off to some damned Military Academy.
{Trump thinks laws are made for him to break; he’s been a criminal most of his miserable life}
FYI: Did you know besides the six bankruptcies, he's been sued 3,500 X'S in his life by the following:
1. By Business Partners
2. By his own Clients
3. By his employees
4. By University Students
5. By his Banks
He is one of the most flawed person that lives on this mud ball planet Federal judge blocks DOGE from accessing Social Security personal information for now
Guess that’s no longer an option.m since 45 has the judges & the FBI in his pocket.
The people can though.
Every single American should be provided two years of identity theft protection paid for by Musk and the cronies, plus new SS#'s issued by the U.S. Govt. before it's sold to Vlad and company--assuming it hasn't been yet.
And all of it is OK with the Republicans controlling Congress?
And Putin is in on it, wanting revenge.
Also, I love Blue Sky that we can have this conversation even if we are on the same side without someone else saying. Y’all are dumbasses. X toxic masculinity at its best.
Anti woman
Anti laws
Pro dictatorship. I’m in Canada and I’m seeing a country I no longer comprehend. I am not being malicious I would sincerely like to know if that’s the USA now. I am hearing it’s very unsafe for any travel there.
Saying that, you got a spare room? Some of us won't survive otherwise.
Unless we all show up and show him we're not going to let him and his gestapo destroy the US. There's really no other choice.
Has he ever? 🤷🏽♀️