Christian, pastor, husband, father, son, ttrpg’er, long time GM, light on the hilltop, salter of earth, enjoy books, art, anime, music, be the light.
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there is no such thing as “free” healthcare. Any government will make the taxpayers pay for it in some way shape or form.
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Al who?
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get the generic equivalent.. 🤯
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go ask Canadiens what they think about universal health care? I guarantee you if you do the research and weigh the pros & cons you’ll see why the USA doesn’t have it.
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kinda like how all those dems in Congress care more about increasing their stock portfolio more than passing legislation to help the people who “voted” them in right? Like those people? 🤔
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apparently the democratic party can for supporting and pushing for kids to get gender reassignment surgery w/o their parents consent or even knowledge. 🫢🤫
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the more posts i see like this the sweeter my coffee is with the liberal tears 🤣
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which of these categories does the catholic church fall under?
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wow..you actually watched the second one?
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it wasn’t meant to reach a foreign policy goal. It was to send a message to the rest of the world via Zelensky that the U.S. ain’t nobodies handout anymore. Fend for yourselves for a change eastern hemisphere 😎
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you are literally describing what the Democratic party and most all members of Congress have been doing for the past 25 year BEFORE the current admin took over..hello? If this thing on McFly? Think McFly?
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well GOD being male then yes everything was created by a man so to speak. Even woman came from a man.
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and misandry is not caused by men..and your point?
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so you’re saying you’re a feminist?
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so you believe journalists are to be biased and not unbiased? That totally goes against the storied history and art of journalism.
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so you enjoy being a doormat to mockers of The Word? To each their own i reckon.
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just revealing the truth. If i tried to talk about a topic i had no knowledge about the ones who know about it would call me a fool. Iron sharpens iron.
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and the masses like you who like to pick through it to find something they can take out of context and put your ignorance on display for all to see. (standing ovation) 🤣
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The AAP, AUA, and John Hopkins Hospital all support and recommend the procedure for specific medical and health benefits. These are pretty much the medical trinity of the religion of science and medicine so no my medical education is pretty up to date. ✌️
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not a single one of you griping about babies getting their ears pierced against their will to make them “look pretty”.
What hypocrites 🤣
On here wanting to promote poor health choices and higher infection rates for newborns for the sake of giving you something to rage against. 🤣🙄
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you’re the biggest believer of all dude. Read the book.
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any “logic” you apply was gifted to you by a divine intelligence that you either don’t seem to have an explanation for. I’m digging for the bigger answers to bigger questions over these that are just going in circles
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your DoorDash is getting cold bruh’
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GOD created Lucifer, The Morning Star. Highest of the angles and he was good. Lucifer made himself into satan by choice. I don’t believe GOD created an ideal utopia/universe with intentions to send it spiraling into sin.
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who are we being the created to interpret and say what the creator means? Now you’re projecting putting the cart before the horse.
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GOD doesn’t send anyone to Sheol, we make that choice for ourselves by not accepting propitiation through Christ Jesus.
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that is one valid perspective to look at it. But i choose faith and believe what was taught by Jesus of Nazareth. Guess i’ll find out on my day of judgement if i wasted my time on earth or not?
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you obviously haven’t read the book either. 😂
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and again i will ask, Why is all this GOD’s fault or doing and not possibly satan’s?
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again you’re discarding the point of free will. Lucifer didn’t have to make a run at the throne. He chose to do so out of free will.
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if you are saying GOD should act on account of Him being omniscient then again i say you are making free will a pointless gift to have.
He doesn’t want robots for believers He wants people to freely choose to love Him and share that same love towards other people.
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He did create what BECAME the enemy, but didn’t start out as it. The angels have free will as well and Lucifer is the father of envy believing he could do GOD’s job better.
From the very beginning none are ever forced to love Him. It’s by choice..agape love.
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He did do these things in the beginning with the first man and woman, but that was post-fall of Lucifer who introduces mankind to knowledge not yet intended for them at that time. And the consequence is sin and death.
To reconcile it one must accept GOD’s sacrifice to be pardoned.
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you just destroyed the whole point then of faith and what it means to have it and applying it with a relationship with a creator. Faith is the key to His whole operation of life.
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religious psychosis would be a creation of the enemy and not the Father.
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Why does GOD always get the blame and never Satan? I always found that peculiar when conversing with non-believers? 🤔
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you are confusing GOD’s definition of love with man’s definition. If GOD intervened and prevented death then why doesn’t he force everyone to love Him? If He did then it’s no longer love its force of will and He gives us free will to choose to do good or evil.
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you obviously haven’t read the book i take it? 😅
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i didn’t think this was an “argument”? I thought this was just back and forth conversation. If you would apply as much time and effort looking for the truth and just not negative news articles to validate your perception of things then you may step out of the dark and into the light.
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i would say there has to be an intelligent designer to create all the things you just mentioned in the scenario for it to even take place. That an intelligent designer created the psychology someone taught you to apply to your interpretation of human consciousness and free will.
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not projecting, simply asking how did everything come to be? What or who started it? Science has proven that the Big Bang couldn’t have simply just “happened”? Something had to cause it.
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so you believe everything comes from nothing?
That’s having more faith in something than me sir. 😂
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i’ll wager it’s a game with a “3” in the title? 🤔
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the first question we should ask is “who sets and defines morals?” For every negative article you share painting “Christians” in a negative light i’m sure you can find one hundred more articles showing what good ones do. You just have to look for it.
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quite possibly. But even those are only temporary places of worship. The Word of GOD teaches that our bodies are the permanent temples and we either honor Him or disobey Him based on how we treat and use such temples.